
3. I've cornered you.

There is a scream in the basement workshop.

"What the hell? Aah!!?

Countless girls.

Besides, there's hostility.

Maxwell's disappeared workshop.

The tank suddenly cracked.

Living in the emotionless eyes of the crawling girls was an unmistakable intention to kill.

"Awesome number! Hey, this is……………………"

It's not for mass warfare. Nadine can be seen and wolfed.

The girls that were drifting in the tank that Maxwell called [the bride].

Artificial body.

Poor experimental body.

That moves like a puppet.

"Undead!? Zombies!? What, what, what. This!?"

Catherine screams as she screams.

Slow movements that do remind me of undead and zombies.

But contrary to that.


"Heh!? Thunderbolt!?"

A thunderbolt that rocks Katherine's blonde hair.

It was the [brides] who let it go.

"... ha, eh, and it's unchanging and no!?

Elementary magic… albeit highly sophisticated, is released one after the other by the girls.

A ragged hand. Ring my finger.

The puppet girls unleash magic.

... as if, La Plus (...).

"I mean."

Catherine looks around.


They are girls, no matter where they come from.

Now, - now.

"Then... I don't know if I can attack you, Ked!?

As a token of [Lilium], he avoided murdering and hurting anything innocent on any quest.

Though no one took an oath out of their mouth.

That's "justice" that can't be questioned for Tanya and the others.

Now, the girls created by Maxwell were no exception.

"Oops... Dear Arienola, Arienola, well"

"Ah, Mr. Vis. Notice............?

In Tanya's arms, a samurai dressed in white wakes up.

Regardless of how she thinks about it, Tanya glances at Vis, who shouldn't have been included in the work, such as fighting.

Tingling and the [brides] snuggle around. I don't have time for this anymore. We have to make a decision.

Nadine rushes over.

"Or I'll recover!

Nadine heels Vis.

... It didn't work amazingly well.


"Ugh," Nadine cried in tears at Vis' bitter appearance.

"hey nadine, dont move!!!!!

"Shh, excuse me, excuse me…… at level 3…………"

Next time, act as a healer.

Nadine swears so.

"Oh... it's the clock tower."

"Eh? Mr. Vis, I can't believe it right now"

In a painful breath.

Vis desperately tells Tanya.

"To the clock tower……, Master Arienola should have been taken to the clock tower"

…… well.

If my parents are in a tavern here.

Even if he was good at cooking.

- If you were good at a certain skill, which is necessary for cooking.

Would you find that useful in this phase?

"Oh, okay? The culinary life..."

Catherine waves a long wand. Fireball/fox (fireball) flies as it responds to it.

"- Huh."

A bursting blue and white fireball captures the current impending [bride].

Burning out, I was wondering.


"The culinary life is fire and no!!!

Catherine's fireball fox precisely stops the movement of the [bride], who moves cursorily and unleashes elementary magic without chanting.


The body is not even burnt.

That limb is not even shattered.

Just the right amount of energy to stop the movement.

Exquisite fire!

That's the granddaughter of the famous store!

"Awesome, Katherine is a good cook!!!!

"Nadine, don't be ridiculous!? The white one there, protect him!

White, the samurai Vis wants to get up.

But it looked like my body wouldn't follow me at all. They seem to be sucking quite a bit of magic.

"I'll take care of this. If it's about time for a retreat, you can make money with Yo-Yo! Hurry up with that clock tower!!

Catherine screams.

"…… Let's go, Mr. LaPlath."

Tanya tells her quietly.

The Great Witch nodded to respond to it...... and rose.

"? Uh, Mr. LaPlath. Hey, feet……………………"

"Yes. Awesome. That bastard took the magic from me."

Phew Phew.

Always drifting through the air like a goldfish, LaPlath's two legs stomped on the ground.

Hour after hour.

Clock tower, top.

Maxwell laughs horribly at the streets overlooking her.

"Oh. Destiny is a sudden visit."


Soon this city will be - No, this kingdom will be in my hands.

300 years. 300 years.

At first, it was a common sense of merit.

Next was self-pity for our unrewarded self.

The next step was to avenge the woman who abandoned herself.

Next, next, next, next -.

I don't even know what I hate anymore.

I don't know what you want to claim.

Still, I thought that my wife (White Dragon Witch) and daughter (Laplace) who abandoned me... hated women.

If you take the power away from them.

Let them serve, just themselves.

That way I can be happy one day.

Believe me, think about it.

Maxwell has lived.

Throw away your body and your heart.

I couldn't even remember my original face anymore.

"Come on, shall we be queens? Arienola."

Maxwell speaks sweetly to an artificial girl who is losing her mind in her arms.

Like the undead in the workshop now, the [brides] who would just be trying to debate Maxwell's enemies imitate LaPlath.

To complete them, there is a queen.

Hand pawns that you will think of with Maxwell's hands.

And a being that gets the support of the people.

Instead of the princess who once lost her life, [the bride] was put in place just like the late princess... that is Arienola.


Being an individual is not bad.

Emotions, thoughts, everything.

Maxwell doesn't even have any work to do right now, like overwriting it.

Originally, the [brides] are individuals created for this purpose.


No doubt.

And it's as useful as LaPlath.

"Operation Queen Creation (Queen Maker) activated. Begin Magic Filling"

To respond to Maxwell's voice.

The whole city - the whole king's capital, Aude, is surrounded by light!

"Oh, it took forever... but I did a good job."

For example, the church.

For example, a fountain.

For example, flower beds.

Every event has a magical significance. Makes sense.

A massive surgical ceremony that uses them as a magical foundation and unfolds the entire city (...) as a magical formation.

The magic city that Maxwell built after spending 300 years. That is the king's capital Aude.


Soon, everything will be in this hand.

At that time, a voice echoes from behind Maxwell.

That voice.

Um, my daughter's voice.


"…… That's a terrible voice, Laplace."

Looking back.

Spiral staircase leading to the clock tower.

What's standing there?

"…… take that hand away from me. Maxwell."

"Go, Mr. LaPlath! Hit him!!!

LaPlath bleeding out of her feet unfamiliar with walking.

A magic swordsman with grey cherry blossom hair.

With unfamiliar feet.

They ran up to the top of the clock tower.

"……… Yes."

Maxwell can't forbid you from laughing.

You're a fake. You're a fake. You're a fake!

"With that fake talent, you beat me up?

"…… fake?

"Yes...... it's all fake, Laplace!

Maxwell barks.

"Your talent is fake, because I'm the one who engraved that magical talent in your blood"

"Your abilities are fake. Because I'm the one who planted it on you."

"Your will is fake. You... you can't have disobedient eyes on me!

crease, and Maxwell shudders his shoulders.

You're being selfish! and.

Tanya shivers her shoulders.

"... and. The anger you're having against me now! 'Cause it's fake...... it's set on borrowing!!!

"……… What?

"You must have been planted by that swordsman woman, right? It must have been tricked, right? There's no way LaPlath, who I grew up with, could have turned a defiant eye on me. With the rage of what you owe me, you despise me!

to Maxwell's words.

A grunt, something gushes up from the bottom of his belly.

"……… Mr. LaPlath"


LaPlath laughs at Maxwell's words.

Oh. This guy.



The roar of Laplace.

There's always a floating LaPlath growl.

Sounds like a clock tower.

"Listen carefully...... okay. My anger."

That's right.

This anger.

That wilderness. Even if it was the beginning of Tanya's anger that day.



"So!!!... my anger, absolutely. Definitely mine!!!!

How does this feel?


It doesn't belong to anyone.

And this body.

And this ability.

Everything, it's all mine.

"I won't let you say it's fake. I hate you like that!! So..."

LaPlath grips his fist.

"So. Here I am today and I will bust you!!!!

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