
5. Destroyed a bad court demon mentor.

"It's a living, dirty one - really"

Infinite proliferation.

LaPlath punches his tongue at Maxwell's body, who plays it back whether he attacks it or not.

Even though I was given back my magic from Tanya, it's far from being in the book.

What's more.

"La Place. I will continue to regenerate until I have exhausted the vitality of this king's capital!?

"Oh no! I can't take that. It's not my magic either."

All the magic that Maxwell uses to regenerate is the magic that he exploited from the inhabitants of this king's capital, Aude.

If you hurt Maxwell mischievously, that probably irresistible people will lose their magic power. Demonic power is life force. What if there's a sick man? If only I had a young child. If you lose a lot of magic, that is.

"Ouch. You can't attack me!

"I see. But, Maxwell, isn't there one thing wrong with you?

Oh, what a congrat he is.

I think LaPlath.

Laughing thinly throughout this period.

Beyond this period, I have yet to doubt my victory.

It's all for what you took from humans.

"You call me a fake, but you don't know anything about it."


"What are you taking away? How much you are. I don't understand anything. All of it, all of it. It's a big mistake."

I know as much as I am a fake.

Still, my anger is my thing.

Tanya taught me that.

"That's why. I know how to kill you. Immortality."


"I don't die because I have magic near infinity. You've been foolishly trying to imitate it for 300 years. I envied the curse that had descended upon me to draw the Dragon God's blood."

Multiple countless folded sorcery ceremonies engraved in the blood of Laplace. It incorporates a technique that automatically repairs if you have time to break it. It doesn't allow magic to run out if it's meant to.

Without such irregularities as being wiped out of magic at once by the traps of the magic formation, it is unlikely that the magic would have been lost to Laplace.

"That's why if you're killed with out of magic... even the immortal will die"

"So what! I am now one with Wang Du. It's not me that keeps me alive. It's this city that keeps me alive!

"Huh. Said something I'd heard before."

Over this period, to Maxwell, who doesn't break his spare attitude.

LaPlath even feels sympathy.

At first, though I might have had an earlier ideal of nails.

No, nothing.

To the Wizard, who has lost both his ideals and his possessions.

- Come on, I'll give you the guidance.

"My foolish father."


"Your daughter, who is brilliant, beautiful, tender, cute, competent and beautiful, will teach you ~"


I don't even have room for sympathy.

"You lose. Die here."



"Yes Yikes!

"Arienola left it to me! And did you keep the example?

"Oops, he's an example. It's all done. Leave it to the magic swordsman ~"

"Oh, that's my line."

He's an example.

Maxwell flickers at the words and moves his eyebrows.

Laplace's gaze.


My own, nostalgia.

"I got hit, I just thought?

Tanya grins invincibly holding Arienola.

That's right.

The shock of being beaten revives.


I didn't even care.


Maxwell gets his hands on the nostalgia.

There was a strong feeling that it hit me.

Thin, round.

Gold coins.

"…… this is!?

"How does it feel to be destroyed by the wickedness of a long time ago?

Knock it off, LaPlath says.


"Come on, my magic. Why don't you give it back!


The art of fulfilling 'immortality', which Maxwell was planning to seal with stigma on LaPlath.

The art of distributing magical processed Orihalcon gold coins and exploiting magic from the humans of Wang Du.

Currency and cities are inseparable when cut off. Money is used, covered up and into the depths of life.

Laplace is.

When it is sealed.

I took the gold coin.

Pan, and.

Laplace's fingers, they ring.

"Mm, hey, shit...... Huh!

What about Laplace's activated magic?

Once, Maxwell made a motion that was no different in dimension from what he had explored - performing an exploit of magic power.

However, the accuracy is out-of-digit for as long as it is activated by the Great Witch.

Pass on the gold.

from Maxwell's body.

Magic power is sucked out.

We have to throw it away.

Though Maxwell hastily tries to grip the gold coin.

Even if you think so. I can't move my borrowed body anymore.

"Also, you look like you can suck up magic from the city..."

At that time.

The ground is shaking.

Is the tower shaking?

"But I do."


"Your magic power is now equal to zero"

Ground ringing, not.

"Magic is life force. I can't die because I can't run out of magic. Conversely, if the magic runs out, 'immortality' will collapse away"

The cause of the shake was Laplace.

The magic is swirling all the way around her.

The exploitation of magic through gold coins is tremendous.

The magic supply from the city won't make it.

What is it?

What is this?

"... Heck. How does it feel to lose the power you were taking from people and making them your own?"

Maxwell's spine freezes.

300 years.

The years you have lived increase your fear of death, which you have so far turned away.

"There's no way I'm gonna kill you right now."

I am.

- Am I gonna die?

"Ya, stop...... Huh!

Under the moonlight.

The La Plus that puffs long dark hair and skirts in the magic runoff.

Great Witch, worthy of two names.

"If this happens, one fingertip will suffice. But... If only it were anyway. I'll kill you with the magic I once invented."


I was full of confidence.

"- Come from dusk, king of ruin."

"Eh, what is it? This."

"…… is it the work of Tanya and the others?"

Suddenly, Catherine and Nadine raised their voices to the [brides] who fell like a threaded doll.

Artificial girls falling like falling on the floor.

"What, this?

Vis, a white-coated samurai hiding in the shadows, speaks up.

"Magic is coming back..."

From the [brides].

To be precise, magic is released from the Orihalcon gold coins that Nadine affixes to them.

The magic returns to its original owners.

Somehow the lazy body recovers and the limbs become full of magic.

"Ah, Mr. Catherine. You look better."

"Huh? Oh, yeah..."

Katherine smiles back at Nadine as she smiles.

"In the rankings, it was my borough loss... did you review it for a second?

"Nothing to review. Isn't Catherine always an honorary student?"

The interaction was full of trust between those who fought with their backs open.

Catherine felt her breasts flutter and warm.

Somehow, I did what I had to do.

All we have to do is leave it to the two unscrupulous people (Tanya and Laplace).

He said there was no man.

You can fight for justice on your own.

Catherine takes a breath while watching [the bride], who doesn't even move.

... Well, it was critical.

After being sucked by magic, he used a series of fireballs and foxes.

Almost there, I almost fell.

"Still, an amazing amount of magic...... what are you doing!?

"Huh? What, this is an allowance for these girls"

"When you let go!? I don't know when they're gonna attack me again. Shh!?

There is also a lot for people.

Until earlier, I can't imagine being the same person as the woman who stood around with such temper as' death 'itself.


It was Vis who called out to Katherine and Nadine, who were arguing.

He stands up and stretches his spine resolutely.

"This magic…… is headed for the clock tower"

She quietly tells the First Princess that she cares about her safety.

"Both of you, take me to the clock tower."

The magic released from the [brides] returns to Laplace.

Hundreds of concurrent magicians, no, a thousand bundles of magic still not enough, concentrate on one beautiful woman.

Staring at its beautiful back, Tanya thinks.

... Seriously, I'm glad we're not enemies.

"Uh, but. That spell."


"Ah. Dear Arienola. Are you okay, sir?

The colour is off my cheeks.

Is it because the magic that was being drained went away?

"Ah… La Place, Sa, Ma"

Those tinted eyes.

Flip the magic power to capture the spell spinning LaPlath.

Like looking at my mother.

Like looking at my sister.

Such was the gaze that included longing.

"Wow. Cool, it is"

LaPlath spins the spell like he sings.

"Dust to dust, ash to ash"

Sorcery I developed myself 300 years ago.

That day, in the wilderness, a gray cherry blossom colored sorceress was hanging around, that sorcery.

"- Shake that hammer in response to my words. Eh?"

"Ya, stop it! That spell. Ha! It's not meant for people, is it? Ugh!?

"Shut up."

"I... I just wanted you to admit it!! Do you know how I feel when my daughter-in-law and my daughter make me feel!?


"I just wanted you to admit, it's just..."

"…… so I went away. That's no reason to trample on us."

I'm here.

An unscrupulous woman slamming such massive advanced witchcraft at people.

He said he could be angry.

A woman told me I could squeeze the power I could have and bust irrational.

She is.

She looks great.


A man who was sucked out of magic and was just a human being.

A blow from the Great Witch bursts.

"Eat it, - [Ashes Rift Sin (Explosion)]!!"



Even the sound burns out, the dazzling magic light.

For 300 years, I've been manipulating a man behind Wang Du.

Just the inferiority to the women, the man who's been doing it.

… the flame of Laplace burned down.

How long would it have taken for the flash to clear up the sky?

When Tanya opens her eyes, it is in a starry sky with no clouds.

"Wow. The clouds that were there just now... they almost blew me away"

Poop, and Arienola whispers.

On the tower.

The clock tower, is just a name.

The clock part has completely disappeared, into a place of duel.

"Eh. Big victory. Did you see that, Tanya?

Standing there was the Great Witch of Reiki.

"I was watching so much, Mr. LaPlath."

A magical swordsman who sees revenge for his' partner 'walks over to the witch holding a little princess in his arms.


A dry high-touch sound could be played into the starry sky.

The princess thinks.

I've been myself.

Royal family.

The kingdom.

The shadow that tied him up was erased.

I said I could stand on these two legs.

- One day, you can dream of a day like them.

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