
3. The recovery technician was angry with the recovery technician.

"My name is Kay."

And the man who was helped out of the group of cocatris said.

When I was in my mid-30s. Dark wheat-colored hair, smooth and slightly tall. There is a seepage of fatigue in my eyes, and I honestly have the impression that I don't seem to rely on it.

"Thank you for your help."

"No...... I'm Nadine. This is Mr. Tanya, this is Mr. Riel. Kay is an adventurer from that outfit, isn't he?


"That, your party companion……………………"

"My people...... to Cocatrice. I said I was impotent, but I can't believe I'm crusading to give you a name... because my leader says..."


Well, I see you're sad. If you look where you are grieving but not mourning, was it a shallow day or a mercenary party from formation?

Anyway, should I be lucky that he was the only one who helped by naming me Kay? Or.

Tanya observes Kay as she returns the great sword to her sheath.

"Are you hurt?

"A little. It's good to have the antidote with you. Because if a viper bites you, there won't be one."

"Is that so, if any of the members involved in the rockfall..."

"There is no such thing. I was attacked in the middle of the wilderness, and I came this far after losing."

"Um, is Master Kay a magician?

Riel's question. It would be a reasonable place.

Weight and equipment don't look like a combat position at best.

On the waist is a dagger to the extent of protection, and on the hand is a scepter.

Both have been blurred out by the Cocatrice onslaught, but they look good quality there.

Apparently, the equipment prevented Cocatrice from poisoning his teeth to some extent.

Unlike women adventurers, they are fortunate that there is no custom of exposing themselves to unintelligible meanings. Not if Kay was a woman by now.

"No, I'm not a magician. I'm often mistaken………………"

Kay said with his neck swept aside.

"I'm … I'm a healer."

Are you a healer?

Liel tilts his neck.

Nadine, in the same position, said, "Heh!" He raised his voice. I can't help it. A male healer is very rare.

"With all due respect… I learned that male healers (healers) are about 3% of the total. Is there any reason why Kay chose that profession?"

"……… ha."

Kay sighs.

The question now was a little, and Tanya slammed her neck.

Was it a bad statement?

"Why am I a healer? I'm honestly sick of that question. Just because a man gets into a woman's profession, he makes a fuss on his own and says something about why he's profound... 'Well, there's a lot going on'. Is that satisfying?"

"That is……"

"I like the profession of healer."

"Do you like..."

Riel shudders her shoulders perfectly at the words.

Also, I like it.

Riel doesn't know what 'I like' is. I wonder what that emotion is all about. Only that it must be something completely different from pain or suffering - somehow, though I can think of it.

"...... I am sorry. It seems to have offended you."

"Fine, I'm used to it." A man is a healing magician (healer). "It's just not as good as it sounds.... So, can I ask you a question from this side?

Kay looks over at the three of them and puts his neck around them.

Go ahead, Nadine replies.

"Who the hell are you people? What are you doing here? It's incredible strength, just now."

"The first question is, we are from an adventurer party called [Lilium]"

"What, [Lilium]!? SS Rank Party's!?

Kay can't hide his surprise, he shouts.

The birth of the SS Rank Party for a long time was also a topic of discussion in Wangdu.

Nadine continues.

"And here's another question…… we're currently sourcing ingredients"

"Ah, ingredients?

"I'll make fried chicken."


Pokan, Kay snapped after the look on his face.

"That massive stone drop for the collection of fried ingredients?

"That's right."

"Your maid isn't a party member, is she? It's okay, bring me here."

"Mr. Riel is my cooking teacher. Mr. Riel, if you're alone, I can escort you. Besides, she can do some magic herself."

"An escort means that you, uh..."

"It's Nadine."

"Is Mr. Nadine in a combat position? What if that rockfall was your fault, Trapper? Or..."

Hiraki, and Kay look at Nadine's feet.

Dark utensils (knives) peek through the tight pants.

"Bandit (sheaf) or something?




And Tanya laughs.

"Nadine is our healer!


Kay stares at Nadine with an incredible look.

"A healer? Are you………?

"Yeah. Something wrong?

Nadine hits me in the neck.

The three knitted vines shake my hair. In the sun, the round glasses glowed.

"…… Excuse me, but what's the level?

"Uh, level three………"

"Level three, huh? Not surprising, unfortunately."


"You're no better than a healer."

Kay says chilly.

His eyes looked to Nadine.

"Huh!? What do you mean!?

"You have a double job, right?

"…… yes, right."

Has an associate position (double job).

A generic name for someone who possesses multiple titles of different occupations, like Nadine's Assassins and Healers.

"Aren't other positions (jobs) more level than being a recovery magician (healer)?

"That is…… yes, but"

Something wrong?

to those words.

Kay pukes and throws up with a serious face.

"……… what, a man on the strong side?"


"Hey, why are you stuck with Nadine?

Tanya says with a pungent face.

Behind him, Riel quietly watched what happened.

"I'm sorry you had to help me."

Kay says.

"Mr. Nadine. You..."

The words that followed were intense.

"You're a healer."

"Huh!?" Tanya raised her voice.

I felt like I was being insulted by the man I just had.

"Don't be ridiculous, eh!?

"Wait. Wait, Mr. Tanya!

Nadine has control over Tanya, who tries to eat her.

It is Nadine herself who cares more than anyone about three levels of her own.

Ugh, take a deep breath, Nadine says.

"Mr. Kay. Can you tell me more about that story?

Liel falls close to dismantling Cocatrice.

Because if the blood drain is not done soon, the smell will turn on the meat.

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