
3. Become a big rich man.

Little fox pavilion.

It is a slightly elevated tavern in the Wang capital Aude.

The restaurant, which also has a reputation for coming to famous regional aristocrats for its patience and gourmet cuisine, was busy tonight.

Tanya looks at the menu and cries out at her throat.

It's usually the pages that are open that butt the order, with a slightly higher priced dish in line.



The great old witch calls out Tanya's name.

"Mr. LaPlath. Um, I really………………………."

"Look, Tanya. We must be female adventurers. Then there's one thing I have to do once. Wouldn't you?

Powerful, LaPlath stares into Tanya's eyes.

Speaking of that look - a brand new napkin around my neck, a knife on my right hand. Fork on left hand.

"Oh, Mr. LaPlath! I'll do it!


Excuse me!

And Tanya calls the store owner.

And breathe in softly.

"In order from the top of the menu! Bring all the parts. Oh, and the most expensive wine, the bottle!!

"Huh!? Are you all right, sisters!?

"Oh, let this belly LaPlath be. Besides, there's enough money to rot -"

"Yep. I have money! Rotten!

That's right.

So much so that it makes me feel bigger.

Tanya and Laplace had a lot of money in their hands.

The story goes back a few hours.

Adventurer Guild.

The counter at the armor store handling the equipment was tight.

"You've remodeled people's store gear that far, and you'll pay for it properly, won't you?

The flexing skinhead said as he stood a pimple and blue muscle on his forehead.

That's right.

It is entirely Tanya and Laplace's bluff.

Modified the sale on its own after arguing that the whole gear for the female adventurer was useless.

Because at the end of the day, there is no money to pay.

"So when you pay with this gold coin..."

"I've never seen such a gold coin. Don't bullshit me!

LaPlath bites her lips in the hand with a leather bag tightly packed with 300 years old gold coins.

"I have no choice. Mr. Laplace, I will pay for this place………………………………………."

"Ugh. Sorry, Tanya."


Although Tanya was to pay for the equipment and the repair of the perforated walls for almost all of her property.

"…………… Big Witch, Shizuku"

"Um. Don't be so depressed, Mr. LaPlath."

"I don't know if this will keep me depressed. You're so cool."

"Well, but the gear is cool!


Hanging around the city, Tanya lets her gaze swim.

It's too dented, so I'm saying something to cheer up LaPlath.

There is currently zero holdings……….

As it is, I suspect we can secure a place to stay tonight.

"But Tanya?

"What is it?"

"I was wondering if a magician with arms like you would have more savings, but surprisingly, he doesn't have much of a hand."

"Huh!? Let people pay for it, and you're being rude about it. Are you insane, you witch!?

"No, no, I'm sorry. Though not enough words! Could it be the golden rough type?

"No way!

I would have saved quite a bit.

In fact, Tanya's income as an adventurer could not be said to be good for the time being.

Both the base salary and the success reward paid by the Adventurer Alliance were high dividend rates for the men, led by Ryan, the party leader.

Of the successful rewards paid to the party, 20% will be taken by the party leader.

The remaining 75% shall be distributed by job title.

The lowest dividend percentage is for healers, who are mostly female adventurers. Around 7% is the market.

Only slightly higher dividend archers (archers) and bandits (sheafs) per 10%.

And the senior positions of Swordsman (Sabre) and Sorcerer (Sorcerer) are set at 15% to 20% higher dividends.

"My dividend was about 12%, right? More or less."

"To? Why is that?

LaPlath puts his neck up.

"... because she's a woman."

"Huh? That's shit."

"Yes. I think it's shit. But I never seriously thought about how shitty that sounded until I fired myself in that way... I was desperate not to be ridiculed because I was a woman, and I said it wasn't the other way around"

Ha, and Tanya sighed.

If I were a man, I would probably have saved up a little more for the same magician (soothsayer).

The feeling of telling Ryan never to forgive me rises again.

and at the same time.



The sound of the belly bug echoed the tea of the trumpet.

The menstrual phenomenon has no choice.

Under no circumstances is my stomach hungry.

"I'm so hungry."

"…… yeah. I'm hungry."

"I'm sorry, Tanya. If only I could spend my money, I'd be playing luxury."

"Oh, my God! Don't apologize. It's not Mr. LaPlath's fault!

"Speaking of which, it was worth about five million. That Orihalcon Gold Coin"

"Orihalcon gold coins?

Hmm? And Tanya stops at that word.

"……… Mr. LaPlath, did you just say Orihalcon Gold Coin?

"Hmm? Yeah, I told you,"

300 years ago.

Orihalcon gold coins.

Big Witch LaPlath.

In my head, everything is connected.

I saw the light!

"Heh!!! You can't do this!!!!!!!!!?"

"Ooh? What's wrong, Tanya?"

"Earlier gold coins, lend me some! Come on, Mr. LaPlath. I ran. I ran."

"Ugh, wow. Fast, fast."

I pull LaPlath's hand and rush out at full speed.

LaPlath's body, hidden in a long coat of law but still only a little floating, is as light as a feather has grown.


"Heh, come on."

Tanya rushed in as an ancient magician.

It is a store where adventurers with magician (soothsaurus) and spellman (shaman) positions (jobs) buy and sell equipment and magic equipment.

"Oh. Guest, from what I've seen, aren't you a swordsman?

Looking at the sword on Tanya's back, the old man sitting on the counter of the store is a long way off.

"Ah, uh. I am a sorcerer…………………………."

"Tanya is a magic swordsman. You're a magician and a swordsman, so you can shop here, right?

"Magic Swordsman No? Don't joke about it."

Yeah, and the old man laughs with his nose.

Hand controlled LaPlath to say something, Tanya took a grasp of gold out of the leather bag.

"I'm here today to sell an item."

"Ho. Something unusual... Hmm?

"This. LaPlath's Orihalcon Gold Coin,"


An old man rides himself out of the counter and glances at the gold coin.

"La, La Place's Orihalcon gold coin… Are you talking about a currency that circulated slightly before or after the 'event' 300 years ago?

"Yes, sir."

"That big witch, the big whore of the evil dragon LaPlath, has diverted precious metal Orihalcon to currency!?


"What!? No, no, no. I didn't do that!

"Am I?"


"It's empty ears, shopkeeper!

"…… Ugh. Opposition to violence."

"Are you okay, customer?"

The shopkeeper compares Tanya to La Plus in a long way.

And the gaze is on a few Orihalcon gold coins on Tanya's hands.

"Its state of preservation. If it's real, the buyout price is comparable to the annual earnings of the adventurers' party around that corner, right?

"You can give me a good appraisal."

"Damn, well, we're a big store around here, too. If it's real, I'll buy it out. How about five million?"

"20 million"

"Huh! You're too plump."

"If you don't like it, I'll sell it in the margins."


Orihalcon gold coins.

Collector popularity comes from the perfection of the magical elements embedded in the design of the gold coin, as well as the rarity of the metal called Orihalcon.

A rare item, so to speak, that combines them all.

To the old man stuck in words, Tanya folds with a smile of goodness.

"Look at that. Here, I have six. Six. Two million for six. Wouldn't it be expensive? I've seen them sell for $5 million a piece in the margin. Okay?

"... how about eight million?"

Nineteen million.

"Ninety-five million!

"18 million."

"Gu……, 12 million!

"Sixteen million. I can't take it any further."


And it was the old man who broke it.

"Shh. I got in!"

"Whoa, Maido!

You did it.

That's all I can do, not worry about money, but focus on revenge!

"I don't know, it would be this line. Well, the appraisal first. Patimon, if they grabbed me, I wouldn't have stopped."

"Yes, sir. Take your time with the appraisal. Ma, it's probably real."

Oh, my God, because it's what LaPlath himself had.

"Yes, sir. But customers, you're not very good at business."

"Hehe, not so much?

That's how.

The appraisal took plenty of two hours.

The result, of course, is that everything is real.

In front of me, more and more gold and silver coins are piled up.

"Ooh, this is modern currency. There are so many. That's amazing, Tanya!

"Thanks to you Yikes! Yikes!"

Embrace back LaPlath as she hugs me.


At the expense of the bright blue-faced shopkeeper's sum of 16 million sakuru, they rolled out to the liquor store.

And they are at the fox pavilion at the beginning.

That's right.

Tanya is now a rich man.

"Ugh! Money! Money! Money!

"Tanya, you look so evil."

"I am a vengeful woman! It's evil, evil! Damn it!

"Loud voice. Now you're drunk, you."

I ate well and drank well.

Laplace's appetite is bottomless, flattening the dishes carried from the edge of the menu with a pepper.

Tanya also pinches her favorite dish as she opens her good wine with kapakapa.

"Speaking of which," LaPlath says as he remembers, while wearing a dessert sorbet.

"But why didn't you sell all the Orihalcon gold coins?

"Huh? Oh. Demand and supply. If they found out it was full of leather bags like that, they'd want to buy it. Rare things can be done because they are rare."

"Hehe, you're a doer. Tanya."

"When I was little, my house was poor and I had a lot of difficulty."

"Is that so? My parents are fat."

"I already heard. And I'll say that at this time now!?

Drink up the same gummy wine while being stuck with the same free speech of Laplace.

Yeah, when I was at the party, I was like, "Woman, don't drink too much!" and Ryan was gracious enough to give him the wine.

Drink as much as you like with your own money, yeah. Yeah.

And, Tanya bites off happiness.

It was then.


It sounded familiar, it was a voice.


Tanya looks back at her voice.

Entrance to the small fox pavilion.

Two men and two women.

The man looked familiar to me.

"……… you are…"


I felt the drunkenness waking up in an instant.


"……… Tanya"

A face like a scuffed bitter bug.

... A man who fired Tanya was standing there.

"Hey, Ryan"

Tanya grips her fist.

At the end of that gaze is the person beside Ryan.

"... the woman, who!!???

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