26. Indescribable Anger

When the {Corpse Emperor} removed his hand from his chest, the hole in his chest was gone.

So, this is a rumored reborn――

“Are person who could reborn huh…”

I see, so he’s really immortal.

This guy… What should I do if I can’t seal him”

“No way――No way No way No way!!!! You are aaaaaaahhh!!!!!!”

The angry sound echoes on my eardrum.

Don’t be scared, Seal! You can’t pull back here!

Don’t take a step, don’t move your eyebrows, and keep endure his anger…

Don’t break your leeway! You need to keep your impression as the ‘unfathomable guy’.

“Ah, I was late in introducing myself. I’m Seal, a Sealer. “


From 100 to 0 at once.

The {Corpse Emperor} sank the blood that had risen to his head all at once to his feet.

On the throne, he put his chins in his hand again.

His eyes are quietly staring at me.

“I see, a Sealer huh… fufu, fuahahahahahahah!!!!”

He sounds happy.

This guy… I can’t read his emotions.

“I wonder why…Hah! Even if I feel fear and anger, I also feel intense joy that shakes my fingers. Aaah, so nostalgic… Sealers, I hated them, but the fight with them was really fun.  Even if this I, hate them, at the same tame I want to meet them. The one who bring anxiety and suspense to me… Those people…!”

The {Corpse Emperor} raises his hand to heaven and clenches his fist.

At the same time, crawling skeletons come to me from every direction.

The skeletons trying to surround me with its limbs. 

I sway the lion spear, which has returned to its original size, in a circular motion. The skeletons are not that strong and so using the spears I crushes and sink them to the ground.

“This feeling… it may be similar to love …”

“Well, sorry to interrupt your confession, but I’ve already done with the bones!”

While swinging the spear, I charge the {Corpse Emperor}.

The {Corpse Emperor} laughs a little while saying “What a fool.”

“I, the {Corpse Emperor}, the king who controls the corpse! Even if you defeat it once, those under my control will not disappear! “

The skeletons that should have been defeated start to revive again 

“As long as my Mana is not exhausted, it will be resurrected infinitely! That means the corpse under my control has no life span!!!”

” ―― aren’t you lying?”

I pinch the talisman with the word “祓” between the index and middle fingers of my right hand. [TN: the word mean purification]

” Lion Spear, ‘CLOSE’. ―― ‘OPEN’, <Lutta>!”

I equip <Lutta> in my right hand.

I light Lutta with Blue Mana. Then, the blue alchemy stone embedded in <Lutta> glows, creating a cool light blue aura

“That sword is ――!”

I use <Lutta> to crush the skeleton’s face. Concentrate the Red Mana on my soles of the feet, jump to cut the short distance and cut through the skeletons one by one.

The skeleton collapses from the hip joint, turning the bone into black dust which flying to the sky.

“What’s wrong, they don’t seem to be resurrected… are they already in bad condition?”

“Is it a sword that sent the soul straight to the realm of dead…?! Don’t get carried away! Sealer!!!”

I step on with enough force to crack the ground.

But the distance is still 20 steps and 30 steps, we’re still far from each other.

My aim for now it to leave a mark on him. I need to land a direct attack with my fist.

“I won’t let you get closer!”

” ―― Woah?!”

Suddenly, the ground under my feet rose.

Countless bones that overlap each other like a tower from the bottom of the ground. A skeleton tower tries to wrap me from below.

” ―― ‘OPEN’!”

The lion spear come out once again and I equip it on my left hand. Turn the stone tip diagonally downward.

I extend the lion spear, push the spear to the ground, and use the expansion and contraction of the spear to jump back.

I could see a tower of bones at where I was.

As for The Corpse Emperor, he makes bones connected like a ring as if to enclose himself.

“I will not let A Sealer come near me! You stay beyond this cirlce!”

After that, finally, the {Corpse Emperor} stands up.

“Sealer, Listen this carefully. The corpse you fought up until now was ‘level 0’. I just manipulated the bones. But the next one will be different!”

The {Corpse Emperor} raises both hands.

Bones that stretch from the ground, flesh and skin are covered those bones.

10… 20… 23 bodies?

Well, I don’t think Lion Spear will be useful here.

” ‘CLOSE’ “

The corpse that appeared in front of me is different from earlier. It has cracks all over its body. Definitely it’s a naked human being.

“This is ‘level 1’. The power to reproduce the body the same as when it still alive.”

Is there such a thing?

This is called self-renewal ability, and this repair ability is clearly beyond the range that can be achieved by the Mana of control.

“―――― !!!!!”

I open my eyes wide. 

Not because I’m being surprised at the {Corpse Emperor}’s ability.

I’m looking at the 23 humans who appeared in front of me, to be exact, the smallest of them.

―― It’s a girl.

A young girl.

Her face… I had seen it before.

――『” Excuse me… If you find this child, please contact me.”』

Suddenly, I remember the old woman who was looking for her daughter at the port of Crow.

I remember the flyer she gave me.

I remember the girl face on the flyer …

Amongst 23 corpses created by the {Corpse Emperor}, one of them is… the missing girl.

“[…… Moo-om]”

The corpse makes a voice.

“[Help me, help me please…..]”

“[No.. I don’t want to die …]”

“[My child, my child is waiting for me…]”

I can hear a monotone voice. It sounds emotionless.

“I’m sorry. There are times when it says some nonsense because the brain is also reproduced. It’s unpleasant right? Human who begs for their own life is really ugly…. don’t you think so?”

The corpse puts his index finger of his right hand forward. The living corpses start moving at the same time.

I’m silent while wielding <Lutta>.


Every time I swing my sword, my chest hurt.

A distorted voice in pain, a voice asking for help, a voice thanking for killing them――various voices echoes from my ears to my heart.

――『”It must be difficult…. Your daughter, if I find her, I’ll definitely bring her here.”』

I remember what I said the other day.

As I remember, I cut the girl’s head.

“Mom… Where are yo–“

Finally, the girl grabs the hem of my pants as if she holds her mother’s hand, and collapses.

“Sealer, what’s wrong? Your face becomes dark, you know? Ah! Perhaps, your friend is amongst them?! Well, well! I’m really sorry, I don’t have any bad intention. It’s just an entertainment. I thought, you would enjoy it… “

It’s a hope.

For them who lost their loved one, and couldn’t get any work done properly,

They devote themselves to the probability.

They serve God in honesty.

It’s the purpose of those people.

The survival of these corpses ―― is their hope.

It’s their only hope that they keep clinging into, to keep living and seeing tomorrow, after losing their loved ones.

“――{Corpse Emperor}, ‘Reyes Rou Ampleur’…”

He is trampling their hopes with his feet, spit on the sanctity of the dead.

…This feeling that springs up from the bottom of my heart, how should I express this feeling?

I move my dagger to the other hand. Then, put my current feelings into words.

“Finally. I finally really want to kill You… Bastard!!”

“Good. Keep your spirit like that, Sealer!!!! Let’s kill each other. Like how humans and monsters supposed to be…..!”

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