Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 22: Forget it, no title!

   Chapter 22, forget it, untitled

   In the Purple Cloud Palace, after hearing the words of Hongjun Daozu, the gods and demons all looked different.

   These three methods of proving the Dao seem to be difficult to follow.

   Choose to prove the Dao with strength, let you have the strongest mana, can you be stronger than Pangu?

  Proof of merit? God knows how much merit is needed? In the current situation of the great famine, how much merit can be done and can be done? How much merit does it take to reach the point of preaching?

   These three methods seem to have only the way of three corpses, which is a bit easier. If this method succeeds in proving the Dao, the mana is only under the power to prove the Dao, which is in line with their minds.

   At this time, the leader at the end glanced at the crowd, and then bowed to Hongjun Daozu, "Dare to ask the teacher, what is the difference between the way of a saint and the way of Hunyuan?"

   Just now, he said that all three thousand avenues can prove Dao, so what is the difference between this Hunyuan and the saint?

   Hearing this, Hongjun Daozu pondered for a few breaths, and then he said, "The saint entrusts the heavenly path with the soul, immortality and immortality, and he must conform to the heavenly path.

   While the saint is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not a saint. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian cannot achieve immortality, but he can transcend the predicament..."

   Upon hearing this, the faces of the gods and demons changed slightly.

   There are pros and cons between the two. The saint is immortal, but he is bound by heaven. Although Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian could not be immortal, but he could escape the predicament and not be restricted by the way of heaven.

   Of course, being unconstrained doesn't mean being able to act recklessly. After all, the position of heaven is still the strongest in the predicament.

All the gods and demons are silent. If you think about it this way, it seems that the way of a saint is easier. If it was placed in the past, it would be as difficult as before, but now, there is a way of practicing the "Road of the Three Corpses" handed down by the ancestors. This greatly improves the opportunity.

  In contrast, the way of saints is indeed easier to follow.


   Taishang still closed his eyes and rested his mind, and Zhihai continued to comprehend the [Non-based Source Sutra]. As for the plans of the gods and demons, he didn't care at all.

   Three Thousand Avenues, all of them can prove to be mixed elements. It is indeed true. Although it is extremely difficult, it is not impossible.

   As for the three ways of proving that Hongjun Daozu said, they are also suitable for saints.

   As for proving the Dao with strength, it is actually included in the proving of the Dao by the law. It is consummated by the laws of the Dao, and the great mana makes the way of proving the Dao. This is why the mana is the strongest.

   But these can belong to the mixed element of the Dao, after all, the proof of the Dao with strength is also included in the law of the Dao.

   In addition, there is one more point, that is, what Pangu proved in the past is not a saint, but a great road. As one of the three Qings of Pangu, Taishang still knows a little bit in his heart.

As for these things, other gods and demons know or not, Taishang doesn’t care. After all, which path you choose to take is your own choice. Others cannot interfere. If they are forcibly blocked, it will be a way of obstructing people’s testimony. Up.

   Therefore, after Hongjun Daozu finished saying that there are three proving Taoism, Taishang closed his eyes and got up, and continued to practice himself.

   Yuanshi looked at his elder brother, and then at Dao Ancestor. He always felt that the road of saints followed by the ‘Road of the Three Corpses’ was not that easy.

   Actually, Yuan Shi didn't say it wrong, the most important thing in Hongjun Daozu's three-corpse way is to cut off oneself, and then become one.

   This unity requires the same origin to be able to unite the three corpses. If the origin is different, this cannot be achieved. This is why in the prehistoric times, only Hongjun Daozu can succeed.

  Because of the existence of good fortune jade in his hands, he can carry three corpses and cut them out at the same time.

  Furthermore, the way of a saint requires the grandeur and purple energy of the foundation of the avenue.

   But at this time, Hongmeng Purple Qi is only in the hands of Hongjun Daozu. If there is no such thing, how can the three corpses become one?

Moreover, whether the self corpse can be decapitated is still unknown. It is Hongjun Daozu who spent countless years trapped on the self corpse in the past. If it were not for the words and oaths of Luo Yu before he blew himself up in the past, perhaps Hongjun would be enlightened. Dao Ancestor will continue to be immersed in countless years before he can cut it out.

   As for the achievement of Hunyuan, it is impossible, because the origin is damaged, otherwise, he will not change to the way of saints and become the first saint in the primordial world.

   After thinking about it in his heart, Yuan Shi did not speak.

   At this time, Hong Yun looked at Dao Ancestor Hongjun and said respectfully, "Dare to ask Dao Ancestor? How can I cut off these three corpses?"

"If you want to cut away these good thoughts, evil thoughts, and obsessions with the Three Corpses, you need to use the innate spirit treasure to cut out the three thoughts. The higher the level of the sustenance, the higher the level of cultivation. Therefore, you need to be careful. The choice of this sustenance of the innate..."

   Hongjun Daozu glanced at Hongyun lightly, and said indifferently.

   Hearing the words, all the listeners present showed awkward expressions.

   Innate spirit treasure, this is not something that everyone can own. At this time, the prehistoric has evolved for countless years. The spirit treasure that should be born has already been born, and basically has a master. Those who have not yet been born at this time, don't know when they will be born.

As for the higher the level of the spirit treasure, the higher the repair of the three corpses. It is good to be able to get the spirit treasure to cut the corpse. How can you still take this into account? After all, the spirit treasure is not a mortal thing, and it is a blessing to have one. Where can I dare to extravagantly demand high grades.

   So I thought about it~www.ltnovel.com~Many of them think that they only need to cut out the three corpses, and the strength will be discussed later.

   Of course, these do not include the emperor Taiyi, Fuxi Styx, the Eastern Prince and the Western Queen, as well as these existences on the first row of futons.

   They have this rare and rare innate spirit treasure in their hands, and the grade is not low. If the corpse is cut, the strength is also stronger, then the strength will be even more terrifying.

Tai Shang slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Hongjun Daozu. This time he only talked about the corpse corpse, but he did not say that he would carry the three corpses and be cut out at the same time, such as the treasures of good fortune jade, and that can help. The monks and gods sanctified the grand purple energy, but it was not known whether it was used as a watershed or other plans.

   But thinking about it in his heart, he ignored it anyway, and he didn't take the road of the "Three Corpses" anyway. It is Yuanshi and Tongtian who follow the way of saints in the future, and they are not sanctified on this way. On the contrary, it does not matter whether they are there or not.

   At this time, Zhun Ti and Di Jun and others seemed to have something to say, but they were interrupted by Hongjun Daozu on the high platform before they could ask.

   He waved his hand and said, "This sermon is over, you can wait to go back to enlighten you! Come and listen to the sermon after 30,000 years..."

After    said, he flashed his figure and disappeared.

   Dao ancestors have disappeared, it is impossible for them to stay here, after a glance at each other, they got up and left.

   Now that they can hear the way of the three corpses, those innate gods and demons with spirit treasures in their hands are naturally eager to try them, and they are ready to behead the corpses when they go back.

   "Let's go!"

   After making some calculations in his heart, Tai Shang stood up to face Yuan Shi and Tong Tian Dao.

   Hearing the words, the two nodded, followed Tai Shang, and left the Zixiao Palace.




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