Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 24: Suppress Emperor Jun Wannian

   Chapter 24 Suppression of Emperor Jun Wannian

   Not all around the mountainside, in the cave.

   Di Jun heard this, his expression sank, and he was right, he really did not feel the chance in these two mature innate gourds.

   Taiyi and Hongyun behind him originally had a hint of induction, but after being too prosperous, the induction disappeared. They are also very helpless. In such a situation, they can only take the road of contention.

  Dijun doesn't care about the chances at this time. What if there is no chance, can't he take a shot?

   Although it was him in this situation, he also wanted to take it, but no matter what, this opportunity fell into the hands of Taishang. Therefore, he really took the two and a half innate gourds, and they could only watch.

   "I'm waiting for six people. Brother Taoist is so tyrannical, I'm afraid it's not very good. The treasure is alive. You should choose the master yourself. Brother Taoist doing this is really wrong..."

   Dijun's eyes fell on the gourd fairy vine, on the light layer covered by the faint power of the avenue, and then fell on Taishang's body, and said in a deep voice.

   "If you don't agree, you can fight for yourself. If the innate gourd gets your hands, I will never grab it again..."

   Taishang said calmly, without a trace of emotional temperature in his tone, it was so cold that the void was frozen.

  Since Taijun saw his plan, Emperor Jun didn't hide his clumsiness. He glanced at the people behind him and said, "There are two more mature gourds, you fellow daoists will fight for it first, let's talk about it..."

   Hearing the words, Fuxi smiled and said, "Those who are destined for the treasure live there. Since it is not destined for me, I will not force..."

Fuxi could also see that the gourd in the hands of her sister was predestined with her, but if it was too high to stop it, Nuwa would not get it. Since too much did not stop it and Nuwa could get it, he would naturally not shoot again at this time. Up.

  Furthermore, this gourd has nothing to do with me, I can't sense it, and I can't calculate it. Too strong and terrifying, why do you have to take this trip to the muddy water.

   This time the fight, Fuxi knew it without looking at it. If he couldn't fight, he would be hit hard. Why did you do such a thing?

With Fuxi's withdrawal, Di Jun's expression sank again. His eyes swept away. Apart from Taiyi, Kunpeng, Hongyun and Styx didn't seem to have any thoughts of withdrawing. That's enough. Although Sanqing is terrifying, there are five quasi-sage masters. There should be a chance.


   In vain, Di Jun had already taken action, and Hetu Luoshu blasted towards Taishang, a terrifying aura enveloped the place, the void continued to twist, and the area under his feet showed signs of collapse.

  Buzhou Mountain is special here. Before Emperor Jun was able to attack, there were signs of collapse, which was already pretty good.

   Yuanshi and Tongtian wanted to make a move, but they gave them a gesture, and they both gave up.


   The chaotic bell rang, condensing time and space, and everything slowed down, including thoughts.


   Styx shot out with a sword, and the sword aura sprang out, and the void shattered.

   With a wave of Hong Yun's hand, a huge red cloud shrouded in the sky, and the thunder light flickered and the red sand filled it, which was extremely terrifying.

   Five attacks fell, and his expression was too calm, without the slightest change.


   A mysterious yellow light appeared above the Supreme Heavenly Spirit, and then blocked everyone's attacks. Under the mysterious yellow pagoda, these attacks were nothing.

   In the next moment, Tai Shang moved his feet and suddenly appeared in front of Di Jun.


   With a wave of his hand, he immediately patted Hetu Luoshu.

   "Tai Qing Yin!"

   He has crossed the endless time and space, Di Jun has nowhere to hide his figure, all time and space have been locked too much, and there is no way to avoid it.

   A huge handprint fell down, and Buzhou Mountain collapsed, and a crack stretched for thousands of miles.

  At this time, the universe was reversed, the five elements were crushed, the void shattered and returned to chaos, and the earth, wind and fire were repeated. The terrifying attack drowned and drowned towards Emperor Jun, and directly slapped him to the ground.


   Taiqing seal fell and directly suppressed him.

   Seeing this situation, Taiyi, Hongyun and others were all stunned on the spot, just planning to see Fuxi and Nuwa who were at war. At this time, they all looked at the void with shocked expressions, and looked indifferent.

   What is his strength?

   An idea emerged in the hearts of everyone, one blow to suppress Dijun, who is about to enter the Quasi-Sage mid-stage, what kind of level has this cultivation level reached?

   Styx and Hongyun looked at each other, their eyes filled with shock.

   is too strong, and too fast, that is, they are the early existence of the quasi-sage, and they can't react quickly under the attack of too high.

   In a short breath, Di Jun has been suppressed there.

   "Brother Dao has already received it, so I won't participate in it, let's go!"

   It is impossible for Hongyun and Styx to know this. In such a situation, it is basically whoever goes up and who is suppressed.

  Kunpeng looked at Emperor Jun who was suppressed by the "Taiqing Seal" in the cave, then looked at Taishang, and after arching his hand towards him, he disappeared.

   "You, you dare to suppress my elder brother..." Taiyi said in shock.

   There are five masters on my side, how come my eldest brother was suppressed in a short while.

   "If it weren't for keeping your hands, how could suppression be so simple..." Tai Shang said lightly.

   When Tai heard the words, a sullen expression flashed across his face. The dignified demon clan Demon Emperor was suppressed by a blow, so where did he put his face.


The chaotic bell rings ~www.ltnovel.com~ A sound wave that can be seen by the naked eye swept over, and everything it passed was condensed. Even the laws of the Great Dao and the rules of heaven and earth stopped circulating. In this world, All fell into the time and space attack of the Chaos Clock.

   "Time and space attacks are good, but they are useless to me..."

   Taishang said lightly, moving his feet, crushing the time and space in front of him, appeared in front of Taiyi, and shot him out with a palm in his horrified eyes.

   Taiyi was shot and flew hundreds of thousands of miles away, blood spilling into the void, and he was already hit hard by one blow.

   With this palm, Taishang didn't keep his hands, Taiyi didn't fall, it was already because of the Chaos Clock's defense against terror.

   He glanced at Fu Zhou Shan bitterly, and after taking a picture of Hetu Luoshu, he fleeed towards the Yaozu.

   in the cave.

   Too stood in the air, looking at the suppressed Emperor Jun, "Today I will suppress you for ten thousand years. After ten thousand years, you can get out of trouble..."

When the voice fell, there was another great power enveloped in the Taiqing Seal, and the mysterious light flowed, and the power became more and more terrifying. If there is no strength to surpass the Taishang, the suppression of the Taiqing Seal cannot be solved. Dissipated on its own after years.

   After doing all this, Taishang came to the front of the gourd fairy vine.

   Although Yuanshi and Tongtian were a little shocked, they also knew the extent of their eldest brother's cultivation level, so after a slight shock, they recovered. They stood beside him at this time and did not speak.

After    watched it for a few breaths, he waved his hand and collected the whole gourd vine with a hundred li of soil.

  So, he looked at Fuxi and Nuwa who had not left at this time.

After    smiled and nodded, Taishang was He Yuanshi, and Tongtian left Buzhoushan directly.




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