Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 26: About Wanxian League

   Chapter 26 About the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance

In the Pangu Temple, Dijiang and Jumang did not speak, and at this time, there was silence in the huge Pangu Temple.

   "Big Brother intends to take action against Wanxian League?"

   After a long time, Ju Mang turned his head, looked at Dijiang, and asked.

"The strength of the Ten Thousand Immortal League is getting stronger and stronger. If it continues to exist, it will be detrimental to the development of the Witch Clan. Although the strength of the Witch Clan is not afraid of the Ten Thousand Immortal League. Dominating the earth will be an obstacle..."

   "Since the Wanxian League gathered them together, it also saved a lot of trouble and caught them all at once. This is the best way..."

  Dijiang retracted his gaze and slowly said, he is always paying attention to the affairs of the Ten Thousand Immortal League. Although the Wu Clan looks calm on the surface, in fact, he has already planned for the Ten Thousand Immortal League.

   "When is the big brother going to shoot?"

   Sentence Mang nodded slightly, and then asked, he is always paying attention to the Wanxian League.

   "Wait a minute, the monster clan is closer to the Ten Thousand Immortal League. If there is any friction, it will be the first monster clan. Moreover, I also want to see if the monster clan will look for my witch clan to join forces..."

Although a single clan is not afraid of the Ten Thousand Immortal League, if the two clans can join forces, it will naturally be easier and there will not be too many casualties. After all, the strength of the Ten Thousand Immortal League is not weak, and the strength of the high-level is better than that of the Lich. Come only high and not low.

   "The monster clan has been extremely peaceful these years. I want to wait and see. However, the Wanxian League is growing day by day, and sooner or later it will become a big concern. The monster clan can't sit still and watch the Wanxian League continue to grow and then be annexed..."

   "As for uniting my witch clan, it depends on how Dijun plans, but if you want to reduce casualties, this is indeed a way..."

   "If the demon clan unites with my witch clan, will Big Brother agree?"

   In vain, Ju Mang turned his head, looked at Dijiang beside him, and asked.

"If my Wu Clan joins forces with the Demon Clan to take action, not only can we get rid of the Ten Thousand Immortal Alliance and reduce casualties, but we can also see how the Demon Clan’s strength has reached at this time, and see what other methods the Demon Clan has to hide. It can provide us with directions, and then the direction of improvement will be easier..."

   Emperor Jiang smiled upon hearing this and said.

   Hearing this, Ju Mang nodded and didn't speak any more.

   "It depends on how Dijun planned..."

   After a long time, Jumang looked at Wanxianmeng and said lightly.

  Dijiang didn't answer, his gaze just fell to where the Yaozu was, and there seemed to be a thoughtful look on his face.


   Demons, Hall of Demons.

   Emperor Jun spent more than a hundred years and finally returned to the monster clan.

   "Brother, is there any injury on his body?" Taiyi looked at Dijun and asked.

Although he knew that it was the ten thousand years of being suppressed by Taishang and Di Jun returned from the trap, Tai Yi didn't want to mention that point again, only asking him if he was injured, because Di Jun was photographed by'Tai Qing Yin' before being suppressed. in.

   The seal is very terrifying, and it is unlikely that if you want to be free of injuries.

   "Some injuries, but they have recovered in ten thousand years..."

   "In the future, the strength of the monster clan will increase, and I will definitely recover the humiliation of ten thousand years..."

   A cloud of clouds appeared on the elegant face of Emperor Jun, and he said in a deep voice that he was also brooding about being suppressed.

   nodded too much and did not speak.

   "What has happened these years?" Di Jun looked at the only demon **** left here, Bai Ze.

   He didn't figure it out for himself, instead he planned to let Bai Ze directly inform it.

   "Back to the Demon King, in the past ten thousand years, there have been no other major events, but the strength of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance has become more and more powerful. At this time, it has become a threat. If it is not removed as soon as possible, I am afraid it will be a major disaster..."

   "My monster clan is close to the Ten Thousand Immortals League. If there are conflicts between the two sides, the war will be the brunt..."

   Bai Ze said, over the past ten thousand years, the Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals has grown stronger and stronger, and it has also surpassed the second family of Lich. If it is allowed to grow stronger, it may become a major problem, which is not good for its own development.

   "Where is the Witch Clan?" Di Jun asked.

   "The Witch Clan is still very calm for the time being, I still want my Monster Clan to take action first and take advantage of it..." Bai Ze arched his hands.

   "Everyone has a good abacus."

   Dijun let out a cold snort, and said lightly.

   How would he know what the Witch Clan’s plan was, but this matter was not anxious, especially at this time.

   "Bai Ze, Taiyi, for the next period of time from the Monster Race, don't take action for the time being. I have a feeling in my heart that I should be able to cut out a corpse. After I cut out a corpse, I can do it again..."

   "At that time, we can also join forces with the Wu Clan to get rid of the Wanxian League together..."

   After thinking about it in his heart, Emperor Jun decided to wait for a corpse to be cut out before attacking the Ten Thousand Immortal League, and he would be able to protect some by then.

   "We, really want to unite with the Witchs?"

   When Tai heard the words, his brows suddenly frowned.

   "To join forces with the Witch Clan, on the one hand, in addition to reducing the casualties of the subordinates, on the other hand, it is to use the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array to deter the Witch Clan. In this way, the Witch Clan will not dare to act rashly for the time being..."

   Speaking of Zhou Tian's star battle array, if Di Jun didn't feel that it was not perfect at this time, and could not exert the predicted power of resisting the saints, Di Jun estimated that he would use this array to be too good for the opponent.

   But this battle is not perfect enough. At this time, to fight against Tai is simply looking for death, so he has to continue to forbear.

   Taiyi heard this, after thinking about it in his heart, he said, "Since this is the case, then according to the words of Big Brother..."

  Emperor Jun nodded his head~www.ltnovel.com~ The monster clan will leave it to you in the next time..."

   "Big Brother (Demon King), don't worry..." The two arched their hands.

  Dijun nodded, and then disappeared into the hall.

   Taiichi and Bai Ze are going to prepare for the next thing. Now that they have decided to take action against the Wanxian League, what they should do is still to do.


   In the Hall of Ten Thousand Demons, there is a side hall.

  Dijun directly sat down cross-legged and began to practice the ‘Road of the Three Corpses’.

He was about to enter the mid-term existence of the Quasi-Sage. After being suppressed by the Taishang for thousands of years, he has also felt in his heart. For cutting out a corpse, it is not difficult. There is a method of cultivation, and there are also spiritual treasures that he trusts. , I also have enlightenment in my heart.

  Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng!

   Emperor Jun appeared Qingyun, with three flowers on top, and at this time he continued to practice the ‘Tao of the Three Corpses’, his body was radiant and the atmosphere of the avenue filled.

   He hasn't practiced too much time for cutting out the first corpse. He has only seen him for five thousand years, and he is almost ready.

   More than a thousand years later, the time has come.


The voice of    fell, and He Tu Fei escaped and fell towards the back of Emperor Jun's head.


   A black light flashed, and then a figure appeared in front of Emperor Jun. His elegant face and gray Emperor robe were his first corpse and his evil corpse, which had already been cut out at this time.

   "The deity!" The evil corpse said towards Emperor Jun.

  Di Jun nodded, and then saw the evil corpse turned into a stream of light, submerged in the center of Di Jun's eyebrows.

   At this time, Di Jun closed his eyes and began to stabilize his realm at this time.




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