Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 33: Zhou Tian's Star Fighting Array, Wanxian Array

   Chapter 33: Zhou Tian's Star Fighting Array, Wanxian Array

   The prince of East looked at Queen Mother of the West. He had not thought about the current situation. He had also heard Queen Mother of the West talk about such a situation. The situation now is like this, unexpected and unexpected.

   "If something cannot be done, the fellow Taoist will remove the head of the female fairy, maybe, it will be fine..."

   In vain, Dong Wang spoke openly.

   Hearing this, Queen Mother Xi looked at him, frowning her eyebrows, but did not speak.

   She knew that she could remove the head of the female fairy, but the Eastern Prince was very unlikely. He would not do such a thing.

   sighed in his heart, and said, "This matter is unknown, fellow Taoists don't need to be discouraged!"

  Duke Dong smiled, but did not answer.

   "Let’s play yin and yang together!"

   After a few breaths, the Eastern Prince said softly, the benevolent corpse returned, and a yang breath filled his body.

   The Queen Mother of the West nodded slightly, her body exuding Yin Qi.

   Zhiyin and Zhiyang At this time, the two breaths are intertwined, evolving the way of Yin and Yang, and a terrifying breath is condensing in it.

  Dijun and Taiyi watched the two perform yin and yang together, their expressions suddenly condensed, the mysterious pattern that appeared above them was giving them a sense of crisis.

   "Taiyi, don't keep your hands!"

   Dijun's eyes were filled with cold light, and he spoke in a condensed voice.

   Hearing the words, he nodded too much, did not speak, but held the hand of Chaos Clock, which was a bit tight at this time.


The Eastern Prince and the Western Queen jointly performed their supernatural powers against the sky, and the endless and turbulent pure Yang Qi swept out of the Eastern Prince's body, vaguely as if it turned into a group of innate pure Yang Qi, to the point of masculinity. , The aura that strayed completely pierced the nearby heaven and earth void.

   There is endless black light surging out of Queen Mother West beside him, and the whole person seems to be transformed into a pure and incomparable congenital lunar air, to the softness, it also shatters half of the world frozen!

   The void of heaven and earth near the two of them is completely turned into black and white, half of which is black and half is white!

   The vast and endless pure Yang Qi and Tai Yin Qi constantly overflowed from the bodies of the two people, and they actually condensed into two huge black and white dragons with a length of hundreds of thousands of miles!

  The scales are thick, and the dragon's body is winding, traversing between the water and the sky. As the dragon head looked down, his majestic gaze pierced hundreds of millions of miles of void!

   In the next moment, the two black and white dragons hovered together and turned into two circular arcs, forming a huge and incomparable pattern of Yin Yang and Tai Chi standing between the sky and the earth.

  East Prince occupies the center of Yangyu, Western Queen occupies the center of Yinyu, pushing forward with both hands at the same time, the Tai Chi picture shocked, shooting a black and white black light with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of miles!

   Black and White Xuanguang is completely condensed by the pure power of the sun and the power of the Taiyin, continuously hovering forward, where the yin and yang meet, bursts of countless gray chaotic air currents!

   The entire void of heaven and earth on the sea was completely pierced by this huge black and white beam of light, and even the chaotic energy was quickly wiped out, as if a piece of white paper had been cut apart from it.

   Facing such a blow, even Dijun and Taiyi looked extremely solemn at this time, the two looked at each other, and then nodded.


  The flames swept thousands of miles, covering half of the sky with power.

   The temperature keeps rising, the surrounding void is constantly distorted and melted, and two three-legged golden crows that cover the sky and the sun appear between the sky and the earth.

   In the next moment, I saw two golden crows intertwined, turning into a round of brilliant sun, appearing in the sky.

   Both days and the same day!

   At this moment, it attracted the attention of countless powerful people. Two rounds of big sunrise appeared in the sky, and the entire predicament seemed to have raised a lot of temperature.

Looking at all of this with a calm look, such a strength, in the realm of Di Jun, is indeed extremely powerful, if it weren't for the difference between the two realms too much, Di Jun would not be able to fight back. force.

   At the same time watching Tai Tai, above Penglai, there was also a vision at this time.

   The big sun with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles shrank into a million li at this time, and the terrifying temperature transpired across the land of the East China Sea, and the flames swept across the world. Under this temperature, it was constantly twisted.


In a billionth of an instant, Tai Chi patterns and a million-mile-sized big sun collided, and the Sanxian and Yaozu tribes of the Ten Thousand Immortal League retreated hundreds of millions of miles. This made it feel good. some.

   Such an impact, if you get too close, I'm afraid it will all fall into it, even the top ten demon gods feel this way.

   A little cold light appeared, and the divine light immediately flooded the world!

  At this moment, there was not much sound, because everything was annihilated in it, the stars fell, the sky was dark, and the shocks swept through and annihilated everything in the land of hundreds of thousands of miles.

   The river of time and space is collapsing, the river of fate is shattering, and all causes and effects are disturbed.

   Even after retreating hundreds of millions of miles away, some people from the Ten Thousand Immortal League and the Monster Race were still affected, and many of them fell into existence.


   "Hetu Luoshu, kill!"

   At this moment, between the heaven and the earth, the voice of Emperor Jun's soft drink and a clear bell ringing sounded.

  The sound wave swept across, everything was frozen, and then moved towards the Tai Chi pattern that was about to collapse, and the Hetu Luoshu fell down.

In the situation of Prince Edong at this time, performing Yin-Yang Tai Chi with Queen Mother West has already consumed all the attention. At this time, under the burning mana, at most one magic weapon can be manipulated, but it has been blocked by the Rijin wheel. As for the magic weapon of West Queen Mother, It was blocked by too.


   A series of explosions reverberated in the sky, and the entire Tai Chi pattern exploded. The Western Queen and the Eastern Prince retreated hundreds of thousands of miles away, crushing countless voids, and vomiting blood.

   As for Emperor Jun and Taiyi, they were also shaken back, but the situation is much better than that of the Eastern Prince and the Western Queen.

   "East Prince, you are defeated, if you wish to return to the demon clan, this emperor can make a living!"

   The three-legged Golden Crow once again transformed into Emperor Jun and Taiyi. At this time, Emperor Jun looked at the Eastern Prince and spoke lightly.

   "Dijun, I said, I haven't lost yet!" Dong Wang Duke gently wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with his hand, and said coldly.

   "It's ridiculous, how can you resist my monster race in your current situation..."

   "On this basis, listen to my orders and set up the Mishima Ten Thousand Immortals!"

  East Prince's expression became cold, and with a loud shout, all the loose repairs of the Wanxian League started to move.

   A huge formation rises from the three islands of Penglai, covering the world, covering all the Ten Thousand Immortals League in it, and the terrifying attack is condensing.

   "Ten Thousand Immortals Formation?!"

   Dijun whispered, and then chuckled softly, "End the formation, the star battle of Zhou Tian!"

Before   's words fell, all the demonic tribes moved.

Under the leadership of the ten great demon gods and many demon clan masters of the great Luo Jinxian level, they quickly lined up and occupied the position of the remaining 363 Zhoutian stars. The three hundred and sixty-five stars were finally Light up one by one.

   Almost just for an instant, along with the transpiration of boundless demon energy, a huge star field covering tens of millions of miles quickly appeared above the East China Sea, and endless bright stars filled it, evolving into a vast starry sky.

   The demon clan's Zhoutian star fights the big formation, success!



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