Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 37: Too high to go out, 3 lectures are coming

   Chapter 37, the Supreme Being, the Three Lectures Coming

   The two clans of the Lich are formed, but they have shocked countless primordial monks and great magicians.

  The matter of establishing a clan is indeed no trivial matter. After all, it is about the luck of a clan, and luck is also about the existence of a race for a long time. Therefore, the matter of establishing a clan is not simple.

   After the formation of the clan like the Lich clan, the luck lasted even more than the last tribe of the prehistoric tribe, but it was also blessed, and it was really extraordinary.

   In addition, the choice of the Lich clan to form the same clan is also a surprise to many of them.

   It seems that the second family of the Lich had agreed upon it. If they hadn't known that the conflict between the two families was not small, they would really have done so.

   But now the matter of the formation of the Lich Clan has been decided, and both sides have their own luck and merits. This situation has temporarily settled down.


   As soon as the time flickered, another thousand years of time passed quietly, and now it is less than two thousand years before the third sermon.

   At this time, many great supernatural powers and some cultivators have awakened from the retreat one after another, and after calculating some prehistoric things, although they were a bit shocked, there were some things that had already been guessed before.

   was unexpected and unexpected.

   After these existences pass through the barriers, they are consolidating their own gains while waiting for the opportunity to preach.


   Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

   Among the red clouds of Qingyun, the rhyme of the three red lotus terraces flowed, and the mysterious light flickered, evolving endlessly mysterious.

   The Taoism of the Taiqing Taoists at this time has become more and more profound. With the continuous comprehension and practice, the understanding and control of the Tao are also constantly deepening.

   As for the Taoist Yuqing, he is already infinitely close to the perfect state of Hunyuan Jinxian at this time, but the distance is fast passing, and there is still a period of time. Although it is not too long, it is not now.

   As for the Shangqing Taoists, under the Taishang's practice, they have successfully crossed the watershed of the Great Luojin Fairyland and began to control the laws of the Great Dao.

Da Luo Jinxian, adding Taishang himself, has cultivated to this point for the fourth time. The understanding of this realm can be said to be extremely profound. In the predicament, it is absolutely necessary to control this realm. At the forefront.

After the Shangqing Daoist reached this realm, he needed to accumulate step by step if he wanted to go up. Fortunately, Taishang had a profound understanding above the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, and it was perfect for him to cultivate the Shang Qing Daoist to this realm. , It is really not difficult.

   As for the realm of Hunyuan Golden Fairy, it is not as fast as Da Luo Jinxian, but at least there will be a lot of experience and great insights, and Taishang will still speed up a bit faster than before.

   So, another 1,500 years later, at this time, there are only two hundred years left before the third sermon.

  At a certain moment, Tai Shang slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were like a clear sky, his mind was pierced, and in the eyes that emerged from the avenue, it seemed that all the changes between heaven and earth had evolved, and all the mysteries were in it.

   "The cultivation of Shangqing Taoist people did not disappoint me..."

   After a long time, Taishang chuckled. Today's Shangqing Taoist is already the cultivation base of the Daluo Jinxian in the middle stage, and it is only one step away from the later stage.

   As for the Taoist Yuqing, the distance to the Hunyuan Jinxian is complete, and only the last trace of the limit. The distance breakthrough is already not far.

   Taishang's gaze swept across the precipice, and all the changes appeared in his eyes. He already knew everything in these years.

   The development of the two groups of Lich is not too unexpected. This situation is also what the two groups can do at present. The best situation is that one is in the sky and the other is on the ground, and they have begun to let go of their hands and feet.

   As for the other monks and gods and demons in the prehistoric lands, there has been some progress over the years.

   After a long time, Tai Shang slowly retracted his gaze, flipped his hand, and Taiyi Whisk appeared in his hand. After he looked at it, the brilliance of his hand was flowing, the law of the great road, and then Taiyi was swiped.


   A soft noise came from the Taiyi whisk, and then a green light flashed by, and a Nine-Rank lotus platform appeared in his hand.

   "Nine-grade good fortune green lotus!"

A wave of fluctuations appeared on Taishang’s calm face. This good fortune Qinglian is a bit different. Although it is a 9th-rank, as far as his previously merged Pure World White Lotus and World-Exiting Black Lotus are the same, it can’t be done. To this power and breath.

This nine-grade good fortune green lotus is originally related to the preaching of the Supreme. Whether Taiyi whisk or the nine-grade good fortune green lotus stand, it is all a change in form. In the final analysis, it still has to do with his proof. Tao things are good.

   Taishang stared at the Nine-Rank Good Fortune Qinglian in his hand for a long time, and with a move in his hand, he extracted a trace of the origin from the smallpox and the ground flower, and then entered the Nine-Rank Good Fortune Qinglian.


   A vast pre-existing breath swept away from the green lotus fortune, the origin of which was gradually evolving, although the speed of improvement was not fast, but it was not far from the tenth rank.

   This good fortune green lotus was originally at the peak of the ninth rank and was promoted to the tenth rank. However, it was not too difficult for the good fortune green lotus after absorbing a trace of the origin of the other two innate lotus stands.

After doing all of this ~www.ltnovel.com~ Qinglian was taken away by him, so that the good fortune Qinglian began to slowly restore its own grade. It does not need to reach the original level, but only needs to be promoted to the rank of twelve. .

   Then, Taishang continued to close his eyes, waiting for the arrival of the third sermon.


   Two hundred years, in the blink of an eye.

   On this day, the world is clear and the road is clear.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

   In vain, nine dull bells of the avenue came up from Jiu Tianzhi, slowly spreading out, conveying the prehistoric places.

   "Thirty thousand years has come, you are waiting to come to Zixiao Palace to listen to it!"

   Above the nine heavens, the voice of Hongjun Daozu resounded.

   At this moment, countless monks, gods and demons looked up for nine days, and then they started to move.

   Taiqing Palace.

Tai Shang opened his eyes, his figure moved, and when he reappeared, he was already in the middle of the wilderness, and the light flashed by. It didn't take long before he came to the 33 heavens. He glanced at the demon clan's heaven, and it was a step. Crossed to the outer sky.

   He didn't wait too long either, Yuanshi and Tongtian had already arrived.

   "This time the three talks of the Purple Cloud Palace, I am afraid that there will be many gods and monks looking for opportunities..."

   Tai Tai took a look at the **** and demon monk who was leaving in the wild, and then slowly spoke.

   "This is also natural. After the Ten Thousand Immortal League was removed, many of the guests in the Purple Heaven Palace had fallen. Naturally, other monks and gods must make up for it. As for the chance to seize the opportunity, it depends on them..."

   Yuanshi heard this and nodded.

   "Let's go!"

   Taishang said lightly, and then together with Yuanshi and Tongtian, passed through the outer sky and headed directly towards the chaotic world.



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