Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 46: 50,000 years ago, promoted

   Chapter 46

With Taishang’s retreat and practice, the Promise Mountain Range is calm, but above the wild land, there is an undercurrent surging, and below the calm surface, there is a hidden murderous intent, maybe some time it will start to turn up the monstrous giant Waves.

   The dozens of innate spirit treasures that came from the Zixiao Palace to the prehistoric, at this time first caused countless monks and gods and demons to compete in the prehistoric.

Tens of thousands of years ago, Honghuang set off an upsurge in the practice of the "Road of the Three Corpses", but there are too few congenital spirit treasures. Many monks and gods and demons want to take this path, but they have no spirit. Bao is in hand and can't go even if he wants to.

   But now, dozens of innate spirit treasures flew from the Zixiao Palace, looking for people who are predestined among the prehistoric, so that they have hope.

   Although the first ones to look for were the gods and demons in the Purple Cloud Palace, there is also a fate to be considered in the matter of Lingbao. If there is no fate, it is not easy to find it.

   Therefore, although the primordial monks and gods and demons are slower to learn, it is not too slow to find the contention at this time. Maybe the next chance is himself.

   The search for and contention for Lingbao was a storm above the surface of the wild at this time, and it did affect a lot of gods, demons and monks.

   There are only a small number of great Luo Jinxian, quasi-saint existence and some hidden world powers, but at this time they are not participating in the search and competition for spiritual treasures. What they are waiting for is the red cloud's grand and purple energy.

  They were waiting to see who would take the first shot, and then attack Hong Yun first, and wait until both lose and lose a lot of Hong Yun's strength before taking the shot.

  The higher the cultivation base, the more worried about falling. This is the most appropriate for these great abilities and gods and demons.

   Although Hongyun is a casual cultivator, and only has a close friend of Zhen Yuanzi, Hongyun's strength is still not to be underestimated, not comparable to the existence of Sanqing, but in comparison, how many people outperform him?

  If it were the past, they could win by numbers, and one family swarmed. Hongyun had two fists and four hands. I believe it can kill Hongyun and then fight for the grand and purple energy.

   But now, Hong Yun has a balance scale in his hand. Those with a higher cultivation base fall into the way of balance. Hong Yun has an advantage. Unless it is too high, Hongyun has an advantage. Those with a low cultivation base are not his opponents at all, and they don't even need to balance them.

   In this way, many monks and gods and demons will have to watch first, to see who is in this early bird, first go and test the red cloud.

   As for the Hongmeng Ziqi, they don't have to worry about it. If the Ziqi is so comprehensible, those few will be approaching sanctification, which is naturally not that easy. Moreover, Hong Yun is only in the mid-sage stage now, and it will take a long time to comprehend the purple energy to become a holy.

   So, they are not worried about this point, and they wait for who will take the first shot.

  Under the current situation, the Yaozu would definitely make a move. Dijun is in the same row, but without purple energy, it is naturally impossible to let it fall into Hongyun's hands. Furthermore, Emperor Jun wants to dominate the world, if he can be sanctified, then he can do it, so the monster race must fight for this purple energy.

   As for the Witch Clan, whether it is or not, they can't let the Monster Clan win this grand purple qi. If it falls into their hands, they will want it or not. After all, the Witch Clan does not respect the way of heaven. But there is one thing that the Yaozu can't let it win, so the shot is inevitable.

   In addition, the Kunpeng who had some grudges with Hongyun, and these casual cultivators and gods, this is the presence of the Quartet. As for other people who want to fish in troubled waters, they are not on the road, but they are not afraid.

   These four forces are all watching each other at this time, and they haven't taken any action for the time being.

   The key point is that now there is no red cloud disappearing. After returning to the wilderness, he disappeared. Even Emperor Jun doesn't know where he went.

   In the current situation, I can only wait.


   Time passed quietly, and in a flash, it was already fifty thousand years.

   The craze for searching for Lingbao in the wild land continued, but it gradually calmed down.

   As for Hong Yun, some of the cultivators were already unable to restrain themselves, and they were looking for Hong Yun's traces. Although they hadn't gained anything for the time being, it was already clear at this time that many of them existed and were about to be shot.


   Taiqing Palace, Promise Hall.


A soft sound was emitted among the red Qingyun of the Supreme Being, and then there was a breath of vast avenue bursting out, among the qingyun, the rhyme of Taoism flowed among the flowers, the mysterious light bursts, and the road condensed at this time. The law is a bit more intense.

   While above the human flower, the Shangqing Taoist opened his eyes at this time, and the sky and the sky were reflected in the crystal clear eyes.

   "The world is leisurely, Hunyuan Wuji!"

   In vain, there is a light word among the people of Shangqing Taoism, the sound of the Taoism contains supreme power, and there is also a faint sword intent.


   The voice fell, and a roar came from the crimson Qingyun, and then he saw the light of the Shangqing Taoist flowing and the law condensed. At this time, he had already entered the late stage of the Golden Fairy.

To reach this point in 50,000 years, it is still necessary to benefit from Hongjun Daozu’s Hunyuan Dao. The great principles and the essence of Dao Dao that the Supreme General did not understand and enlighten before are completely engraved in the sea of ​​knowledge. Over the past fifty thousand years ~www.ltnovel.com~ has been constantly comprehending and understanding.

The Daoists of Shangqing entered the middle stage with only a slight difference. After thousands of years, they have already been promoted. After more than 40,000 years, they have reached the next level. If you say it quickly, it is not fast. After all, it is too high to confirm and analyze, but Daozu Hongjun's way of mixing the yuan, it will naturally be a bit faster.

   Tai Shang slowly opened his eyes and felt the situation of his own avenues and cultivation bases and the situation of the Shangqing Taoists, then slightly nodded, and he was still satisfied with the 50,000-year rise to this point.

   I said that in the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian, in addition to controlling the long river of fate, it is continuous accumulation. Accumulation is the most important.

   Above this level, Taishang has already accumulated for the fourth time, and coupled with the Taoist Hunyuan Taoism, it is naturally not slow.

   After a long time, the Supreme Admiral turned his gaze to the wilderness, calculated a few points in his hand, and then smiled and said, "Hong Yun has a lot of means. For fifty thousand years, there has been no existence to find him..."

   "As for the other forces, I am afraid that they will be ready to move. The time of prehistoric calmness may not be far away..."

   After all, Tai Shang just withdrew his gaze. After he probably understood a bit of the prehistoric situation, he didn't want to pay any more attention to it.

   "Count the time, I'm afraid it's not far away..."

   Tai Tai looked up somewhere and muttered.

   At the same time, Taoist Taiqing and Taoist Yuqing opened their eyes. Together with the Taoist Shangqing, they looked in the direction of Taishang's eyes.

   Then the Sanqing Daoists closed their eyes together, their body flickered, and the three original auras began to blend together, and the Shangqing Daoists began to attack the Hunyuan Golden Immortal Consummation.

   In this regard, Tai Shang also lightly closed his eyes, and then it was the last step of accumulation.




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