Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 48: Kunpeng entered the demon clan, complete

   Chapter 48, Kunpeng enters the demon clan, completes

   Thirty-three days, in the palace of the heavens.

   Although the look on Kunpeng's face could not be changed, there was a cloud of cloud under his eyes.

The Qiankun fan can receive a trace of the demon clan’s primordial spirit and is controlled by Emperor Jun. This is what he knew when he was in the Zixiao Palace. The power of the best innate spirit treasure bestowed by the Taoist ancestor is not to be said for the time being, but This effect is in line with Emperor Jun.

   It’s just that Kun Peng didn’t expect that even himself would need to receive a trace of the soul into the universe fan, just ordinary demon clan, he came to be a demon master at any rate, this approach made him a little angry.

Although he knows that even the top ten monster gods among the monster races are like this, he is not an exception, but if he really wants to receive a trace of the soul, he will be restrained by Emperor Jun. If he wants to be free, he is not. It's possible.

"What are the demon masters thinking? The Qiankun fan is a spiritual treasure bestowed by Taoist ancestors. The emperor will definitely not mess around. The demon clan will also lead to a higher level together, and we will join in the grand event in the future! Demon master, don't worry... "

  Dijun looked at him and spoke lightly, without the slightest ripple in his tone.

   But Kun Peng could hear that Di Jun hadn't had much patience anymore. He also knew that it was the last time that Bai Ze was asked to find himself. If he did not agree, it is estimated that the monster clan army would have suppressed it, annihilated himself, and gathered the Beiming monster clan.

  The power that is close to 20%, how could it be controlled by him, of course it is to be brought back to the monster clan.

   Therefore, Kun Peng has only now entered the heavenly court and faced such a problem.

   Kunpeng squinted his eyes slightly, gritted his teeth, a bit of eyebrows, and a ray of light submerged in the Universe Fan.

Seeing this, Di Jun finally showed a smile on his face and said, "Okay, in the future, the demon master will be the master of my demon clan. Once the affairs of the demon clan are ready, the heaven will be established. Then, he will be able to communicate with the demon master. Let's join in the great event..."

   "Thank you Yaohuang!" Kunpeng said with a pale touch on his face, arching his hands.

  Dijun nodded, looked at Bai Ze, and said, "Bai Ze, you first familiarize yourself with the situation in the heavenly court with the demon master, and then prepare for the next thing..."

   "The minister understands!"

   Bai Ze nodded and said, he knew the meaning of Emperor Jun. Next, he was going to gather the Beiming Demon Clan, and then let him return to his heart. After preparing the affairs of the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Court could be established.

   Bai Ze and Kun Peng handed over, then slowly backed away.

  Dijun watched the two leave, and a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth, "If you are still acquainted, the demon clan wants a demon master, but it is not a disobedient demon master..."

   After that, Di Jun left the hall.


  Kunpeng entered the monster clan, but within a few short years, it spread to the entire monster clan.

  All the demons know that Kunpeng was granted the position of a demon master, and he came to the demons to teach ten thousand demons, and he gained a lot of faith in a short time.

   And Bai Ze is also beginning to gather Bei Ming that nearly 20% of the monster clan at this time, because Kunpeng entered the monster clan, so it didn't take much time to absorb it into the heaven.

   However, it will take a while to fully integrate into the heavenly court, but Bai Ze is not in a hurry. There are other demon gods and Kunpeng, but it will not be long.

   As for himself, he is going to prepare for the heavenly court.

   At the same time, the news that Kun Peng had joined the monster clan had gone like wildfire.

The demon race is already powerful, but now it has joined the top existence like Kunpeng, and has gathered close to 20% of the Beiming demon race. Compared with the previous strength, it is more and more terrifying. Today's demon race, but It's not too weak for the Wu Clan.

   In this regard, the Wu Clan did not show anything, as if it didn't care about Kun Peng's joining, it was still developing itself in a low-key manner, without paying too much attention to the situation of the Yao Clan.

   There are a lot of existences in the prehistoric land. Although they don’t know what the Wu Clan’s idea is, but the Wu Clan is like this. Obviously, they have their own plans. Naturally, they don’t have to worry about this. I still think about where the Red Cloud will matter.

  Kunpeng entering the demon clan is more important than searching for the red cloud, so after a little surprise, many monks and gods and demons returned to search for the red cloud.


   Time is like flowing water, passing by quietly, and in a blink of an eye, it is a time of multiple meetings.

  In the midst of the predicament, this pluralism will come, and it is still calm. Although there are a lot of surgings in the dark, the red cloud does not show up. For the time being, it is still extremely peaceful on the surface, and not much has happened.

   The two families of the Lich were calming down at this time, and each developed separately. The other monks, gods and demons were also calmly upgrading themselves because of the red cloud hiding.

   Hong Yun concealed the time of approaching the two Yuanhuis, and it did make many people sigh at his method. He was able to hide the two Yuanhuis under the search of so many cultivators and gods. Such a method is indeed extraordinary.

   But there is no other way, I can only continue to search.


   Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

Taishang has already awakened from the state of cultivation, and the cultivation of the Taoists of Sanqing has reached the perfect state of Hunyuan Jinxian. The mysterious light of Sanqing blooms in the red Qingyun, and the rhyme of Taoism flows around him in bursts. The vast original breath of Sanqing permeated.

   Because it combines the origins of the Sanqing, the origin in the body of a single Sanqing Taoist is more than just one origin.


   Taishang hand imprinted ~www.ltnovel.com~ and then saw that the good fortune Qinglian was completely integrated into the flower, and a vast expanse of weather swept out.

   The Sanqing Taoists above the Sanhua are also slowly approaching at this time. There seems to be a sign of blending. The three pure auras on their bodies are constantly blending together, as if there is an image of the three pures in one.

   One becomes three, three in one, and one certificate means that all three of them prove Hunyuan Daluojinxian.

   Tai Shang cultivates the three pure Daoists, and the three pure Daoists unite to help Tai go to preach the Dao. By then, there will be one certificate and all four of them will preach the Dao. Although the process has been a little longer, it is not easy to reach that state.

   "One Qi transforms into three clears, and three clears into Tao!"

   Tai took a soft sip in his mouth, like a Tianxian, shaking in the void, a force that seemed to come from the ancient sky, fell on the Sanqing Taoist, and then began to merge.

At this moment, the entire Promise Hall is as if it is in another time and space, Tai Shang is sitting there, but the Qing Xuan under the seat feels too inaccessible at all. It is in the endless time and space, it is on one side. In the avenue area.

   "Could it be that the master is going to preach?"

A thought flashed in Qing Xuan's heart, and his expressions were both surprised and happy. What was shocked was that the master was about to prove the Dao so soon. What was happy was that he would be Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's mount, and he might have a lot of things. benefit.

   Not to mention other things, at this time, the breath that permeates the hall, and the power of the vast avenue that descends in the hall, is the greatest benefit it can get. After thinking about it for a while, it began to close its eyes to comprehend and absorb it.

   Taishang did not pay attention to the situation of the outside world at this time, and was still trying his best to bring the three cleansing together into one, and help him prove the Tao Hunyuan.

   At that time, the four Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will be a proof.



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