Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 9: 1st 5 Holy Tribulation (1)

   Chapter Nine One Day Five Saints Frightening the Wild (1)

  Sui people are more shocked than happy at this time. The leader's move really made him unexpected!

  Should I say that the leader is generous, or should I say that I have a good chance?

  You know, this is a cosmopolitan spirit! He didn't know in the past, but how could he not know what Hongmeng Ziqi is now?

  The existence that can be sanctified, placed in the predicament, has attracted countless existences to fight for treasures, and now it is in the hands of Sui Ren. It is not shocked, it is fake, and shocks are more than surprises at this time, and it is also normal.

  But at the same time, he was also very surprised. After all, with such a treasure, his chances are much greater.

  "Disciple, thank you teacher..."

  After a long time, Sui talent recovered from the shock and surprise, and worshipped Taishang.

  Not only him, but the Chao family and Zi Yi family are also paying respects to Tai.

  Other human races may not know, but their two human ancestors do understand what this means. At this time, this ceremony is naturally going to be too upward.

   Taishang heard the words, nodded slightly, and was quite satisfied. Sui Ren's future achievements can be raised again.

He slowly said, "In the future, you will be able to lead the human race and practice among the human race. If you don’t understand anything, come to the Taiqing Palace to help you solve your doubts. If the human race is over, you can also come to the Taiqing Palace. ..."

  "Disciples, remember!" Suiren bowed his hands.

  Nuwa looked at all this, although she didn’t understand why Tai Shang’s move meant? Although Sui Ren is his disciple, he is indeed a bit generous in giving Hongmeng Purple Qi.

  But this kind of thing is a great gift to the entire human race. To this point, he, the leader of the people, is indeed worthy of the name.

   Too looked up and saw Nu Wa's look at this time. Naturally, he knew what she was thinking in her heart, but he didn't care about it. He had his own plan.

However, he just glanced at Nuwa at this time, and then looked in the direction of the land, with a solemn expression on his face, in the crystal clear eyes, a principle of the great road emerged, and he chuckled softly, "I don’t understand at this time. , When will you wait more!"

  Sound waves rolled, sweeping through endless time and space, and suddenly came across the long river of time and space, reverberating in the ears of Yuanshi and Tongtian.


  The avenue is roaring, and the world is shaking. At this moment, the spiritual platform is clear and the avenue is clear.

  Ming Wu Dadao, knowing the opportunity of sanctification, at this time, it is the time for them to become sanctified.

   "Thank you, brother for calling!"

   Yuanshi and Tongtian were in two positions, and then he bowed to Taishang's place.

  Next, it's their time of sanctification.


  East Kunlun Mountain Peak.

   Yuan began to stand on the top of the mountain, his eyes like stars, looking at the wild world. At this time, the wind is surging and the momentum is condensed.

  "I am the big disciple of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, the Yuqing of the Three Qing Dynasties, the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, I now set up a teaching, the name is: Explaining the teaching.

  The interpreter, Ming Ye, Ying Tian Shunren, interprets the avenue, uses the innate treasure Pangu banners to suppress the educating and enlightening, the heaven and earth, the spiritual things, the different and transcendent, can enter our door, get the halal biography of my jade, explain the teaching...

  The clear voice of Yuanshi rang out in the prehistoric world, engulfing a supreme power. At this time, the aura condensed on the East Kunlun, a word of Tao that was sufficient for the predominant sentient beings to see. At this time, it was discovered in the void, blooming with thousands of divine lights.

  The Taoism in the interpretation of the characters is the doctrine of the Yuanshi interpretation.


  At this time, several thunderous sounds sounded from above the nine heavens, corresponding to Yuan Shi’s oath to establish a religion. The thunderous sound penetrated the prehistoric places, attracting countless monks and powerful gazes, all showing shock.

  The second family of Lich, Fuxi, Styx, Zhenyuanzi..., countless great abilities, the innate race stared for nine days.

   Yuanshi, are you going to prove the way and sanctify?

A thought emerged in their hearts, so vigorously condensed, the way of heaven was corresponding, and a great teaching was established. In such a situation, the teachings over there are somewhat similar, but there are some differences. The great is already a mixed element. Although the situation of Nuwa is unknown. , But it did become stronger after joining the People's Education.

  At this time, Yuanshi, no matter what, there is no difference from the appearance of sanctification.

  East Kunlun Mountains, the Harmony and Purple Qi in the Yuanshi Yuanshen merged, and he had realized it at this time, and his sanctification had been completed.


   At this moment, a hole was opened in Nine Heavens, and then the boundless merits were lowered, which fell on Yuan Shi's body.

   Yuanshi closed his eyes to absorb the merits, and the aura on his body continued to rise, spreading to the endless time and space, covering the entire wild land, and the shocked expressions of countless monks once again became a lot richer.

   Yuanshi, it's going to be holy!


As soon as this thought in the minds of all beings emerged, they heard the whole world tremble, and then a terrifying sage's coercion shrouded, causing some creatures of lower cultivation level to kneel on the ground at this time, congratulating the new sage Birth.

  At this time, there was a vision in the predicament, the sound of the sky fluttered, thousands of flowers bloomed, sweet fragrance overflowed, all beasts rang, and the sky rose with colorful rays of light, and the sky suddenly appeared purple 300 thousand li from the east,

  The golden flowers condensed from the spiritual energy in the sky fell like rain to all the places in the wilderness, and countless golden lotuses poured out from the earth, nourishing the entire wilderness.

  For a time, the entire prehistoric city was aura, rising up to 30,000 feet, and for a while, I don’t know how many creatures have benefited, or opened up their wisdom, or transformed their form, or greatly increased their magic power, and the great power came in mighty power.

  The entire predecessor creatures all knelt to the ground, a huge pressure pressed against the predecessor, all creatures and all creatures gush out a sense of surrender, and bow down to the ground religiously.

   Yuanshi became holy, although it was expected, but now this time ~www.ltnovel.com~ really surprised them.

  Tai Shangli was taught by others, Nuwa became holy, and Yuanshi established religion and became holy.

  This series of chain reactions really made some monks in the prehistoric life unable to react.

   Yuanshi is all sanctified, so next, will Tongtian be sanctified?

As soon as the thoughts in their hearts came up, between the heavens and the earth, the hearty voice rang out from the sky, which contained a strong sword intent, as if piercing the sky of the universe, endless time and space, and the cold breath covered the signs. In the land of trillions of miles, countless monks trembled.

   "I am the second disciple of Hongjun Taoist ancestor. The three Qings are above the clear sky. Today, I also established a teaching, whose name is "Jiejiao".

The interceptor, by intercepting a thread of heaven, teaches sentient beings, and uses the four swords of Zhuxian as the treasure of the town and education. In the midst of the predicament, all living beings and those who are destined can enter our door, protect themselves, and each practice, can obtain the road, and intercept the education. ..."


  At this time, several thunderous sounds sounded from above the nine heavens, corresponding to the heaven-reaching oath of education, and the thunderous sounds penetrated the prehistoric places.

  Countless monks and great powers, the second family of Lich, many great supernatural powers, and innate races, they looked shocked.

  Tongtian, really want to be sanctified?



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