Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 11: 1st 5 Holy Frights (3)

Chapter 11 One Day Five Saints Frightening the Wild (3)

The interruption of the Holy Path, but a major event, Zhunzi will never let this happen to him.

He gritted his teeth and asked towards the lead, "Brother, do you have a solution?"

He doesn't want to miss this opportunity. Otherwise, he wants to gather his merits again, unless there is a major event like Lijiao to draw merits, otherwise, the road to sanctification is like entering the sky.

After receiving the quote, he began to ponder, his body was ethereal, and the atmosphere of the avenue was permeated.

After a while, he raised his head, looked at Zhunti, and said in a deep voice, "For the sake of the present, only you and me, together, make a great aspiration to draw merits from the heavens and combine with the merits of teaching, and then there will be the possibility of sanctification... "

Hearing this, Zhunti's face became gloomy again.

To draw merits from the Way of Heaven is another constraint. Originally being sanctified was controlled by the Way of Heaven. Now that we have another layer, then one's own freedom will be completely gone.

In this way, it is indeed impossible for oneself to have a peaceful and stable enlightenment.

After all, if you have issued a ambition, you will have to realize it. Otherwise, the way of heaven will not let you go. After all, it is straightforward, but it is the merit of heaven. If it doesn't come true, the Heavenly Dao will backlash, but it won't be that simple, and it will be light to fall into the Holy Throne.

"After drawing merits from the heavenly path, you and I can only stay in the heavenly path, until the ambition is paid off, otherwise..."

Then he sighed lightly, his tone was rather helpless.

"Although this is the case, I also know in my heart that I want to come. If we don't do this, the merits will dissipate in a short time..."

Knowing what he meant, he looked up at the merits in the void, and said slowly.

There is an invisible force that is oscillating there, and maybe the merit will dissipate at some point.

"If the merits dissipate, if we want to gather again, we are at least not weaker than the establishment of such a major event, but in the West, it is impossible to have such a major event. If we want to gather the merits, it is extremely difficult. This time, it is the only chance..."

"Although it will be more difficult in the future, it is not without hope. Moreover, revitalizing the West is not what you and I have always longed for? If we make this aspiration, it will not violate our long-cherished aspirations, and it will be able to rejuvenate the West. Kill two birds with one stone..."

Zhunti looked at him with a smile on his face, he was already planning to give it a go.

Anyway, the ambition does not violate his long-cherished wish to rejuvenate the West. It is a double-edged thing to rejuvenate the West with this. It is just a loss of some freedom. Compared with the Holy Throne, it is not worth mentioning. As long as the ambition is fulfilled by oneself, it is still the same. With the original freedom.

After receiving the quote, looking at him deeply, it is undeniable that it is quite correct to mention at this time.

After thinking about it, he sighed in his mouth, and then slowly said, "Well, since the younger brother thinks like this, I will try it with my younger brother. No matter what, we must do our best for the West. As for the result, , It depends on God's will..."

A smile appeared on Zhunti's face and replied, "As it should be!"

The linker nodded, and then his gaze fell on the nine heavens again, as did Zhun Ti on the side.


On the West Spirit Mountain, there has been no movement for a long time, and countless spiritual monks speculate about what the West intends to do?

After all, if such merits are dissipated, it will not be so easy to gather again.

I missed this opportunity, the next opportunity, but I don't know when.

At this time, Yuanshi, Tongtian, and the Lich Clan were all paying attention, and wanted to see how Lingshan planned.

After all, being able to be sanctified depends on this short moment.


West, on the top of Lingshan Mountain.

"Junior Brother, come on!"

The lead took a look at Zhunti, and said lightly.

Hearing this, Zhunti nodded, and then the two spoke again loudly, "Heaven's way is above, I am taking the lead, Zhunti, I feel the lack of the holy realm, and the Western way is unstable, so I hereby set up the supreme ambition. Purdue all sentient beings, look to heaven and learn from..."

Having said that, the two of them began to make the supreme aspiration, accompanied by bursts of Sanskrit singing, instantly spreading across the entire prehistoric land.

"If I have attained the Supreme Bodhi, I will be enlightened, and I will live in a Buddhist temple with incomprehensible merits and solemnity.

There are no hells, hungry ghosts, beasts, flying squirming, etc.

All sentient beings, as well as the Flame Mora realm, in the three evil ways, in the next life, I will be transformed by my law, and become the Ahundala Sanya Sanbodhi. No more depraved interest. To get a wish is to be a Buddha..."

"It must not be a wish, do not obtain the supreme enlightenment. Suppose that I attain the Buddha, and the sentient beings in the ten directions will believe in the heart and desire to regenerate our country, and even ten thoughts.

The only exception is the five rebellions and slander of the Dhamma. Suppose I get a Buddha, and all sentient beings in the ten directions will develop bodhicitta and cultivate all merits, until they wish to rebirth our country. At the end of life, pretend not to surround the former with the public, and not to take enlightenment..."


At this time, in the predicament, the sound of ambition of quasi-promotion and enticement continued to sound, accompanied by the bursts of Sanskrit singing, as if there was an intention to confuse all living beings. At this time, there were golden light in the eyes of countless creatures, and their hearts were toward the west.

His own avenue is actually unstable, and there is a faint possibility of changing to the western avenue.

A monk whose cultivation base reached the Taiyi Golden Immortal or above, his expression changed slightly and immediately closed his six senses, putting an end to the sound of Sanskrit singing, so as not to be bewitched by the mind, and then joined the West.

As for those below the Taiyi Golden Immortal, at this time, the introduction and quasi-raising are not to confuse sentient beings, they should not be transformed, but the foundation of the avenue may be unstable, depending on their future good fortune.

No matter how bad, you can only switch to Western teaching. By then, you will be able to achieve supreme Bodhi by practicing Western Dafa.


After a while, the sound of Sanskrit singing disappeared, and there were petals flying in the sky, and golden lotus rushing from the ground.

A golden light filled the world, a relic flew up in the air, bursts of sandalwood refreshed one's heart and soul, and Zhunti and received forty-eight unparalleled ambitions in succession to create Western religion and the Western Paradise, and wanted to overcome all the ridiculously confused sentient beings.


The two men's ambitions resounded through the nine heavens. At this time, the heavens sensed, and there was another explosion from above the nine heavens.

Immediately, I saw that the numerous merits between heaven and earth ~www.ltnovel.com~ once again gathered, condensed in the above merits, and formed a cloud of merits.

Seeing this, there was a smile on Jiuying and Zhunti's faces.

The merits were gathered, and they immediately fell on the two of them.

A breath of astonishment radiated from the two of them, and a terrifying coercion instantly enveloped the wilderness.

At this moment, the two finally stood up and became saints, achieving the supreme Taoist fruit.

One day the Five Sages shocked the countless existences of Honghuang.

In the next moment, there will be a vast sage's coercion covering the vast wilderness, the sky is shining, the purple qi is coming from the east, the aura is vast, and countless creatures either form or receive benefits.

Although kneeling and worshiping the new saint was already numb, the two saints came out at the same time, and the coercion was overwhelmed. At this time, they had to bow down.



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