Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 17: About moving, Xihe

Chapter Seventeen The Negotiation of Relocation, Xihe

Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

At this time, the sound of the Great Dao echoed in Suiren and Xuantu’s ears, immediately bringing them into a state of enlightenment. At this time, with the assistance of the Great Dao’s voice, the two of them participated in the practice of enlightenment. The speed is increasing rapidly.

But Xuandu's is more obvious. After all, Xuandu is human and immortal Consummation, and it's easier to enter Earth Immortal and Heavenly Immortal.

Like Sui Ren, it is not so easy. Every step up is to comprehend the profound principles of the Dao. The essence of the Dao can only be done. Only when the Dao has accumulated enough can we go up again.

So in comparison, the growth rate of Xuandu is more obvious. Although Sui Ren's improvement at this time is not obvious, Sui Ren is also very happy. After all, every bit of accumulation at this time is extremely important.

At this time, Taishang showed a crimson cloud, the light covering the sun, moon and stars, and the sound of the avenue penetrated the long river of time and space, constantly echoing in the sea of ​​knowledge of Suiren and Xuandu, allowing them to quickly analyze. Ascending.

"A scattered form is qi, or nothingness, naturalness, or namelessness, all with the same ear..."

"Humans follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the heavens follow the Tao, the Tao follows the natural..."


The breath of the vast avenue, the sound of the avenue that penetrates the endless river of time and space, constantly echoed in the sea of ​​knowledge between the two.

And Qing Xuan, at this time, has also gained a lot of benefits, and he is also improving in practice.

At this time, Tai Shang explained the great principles and the essence of the great principles very finely, so that Xuan Du could understand and absorb them more quickly. Unlike Sui Ren, his cultivation base was much lower, and he wanted to understand these great principles. The essence and the great principle need to be refined.

In just over a hundred years, Xuan Du had already crossed over to Earth Immortal, and his cultivation was still improving. And Suiren is also constantly accumulating.


In the precipice, it was still extremely peaceful at this time.

During this period of time, the Lich Clan has only low-key development to enhance its own strength and the power of the big formation. Regarding the others, it does not pay much attention to it. It is the tribe who walks in the precipice, at this time there are fewer. A lot.

It may be that this time the saint was born, opened the door to accept disciples, strengthened his luck, and his power became more and more horrible. At this time, he was under a lot of pressure, so he was trying his best to improve himself and improve his power as much as possible. Up.

As for the human race at this time, it is still advancing steadily. Compared with the previous situation, the development at this time is indeed a lot slower, but the number of human races is still quite large when expanding outward.

The monks walking in the predicament, at this time, there was not much waves aroused, but it was a calm situation.

The Four Saints were all teaching at this time, but they did not pay attention to the things in the prehistoric times. They were sanctified and accepted disciples. This is the most complete. Others, don't care about it for the time being.


As time passed, another five thousand years passed.

Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

Tai Shang stopped preaching at this time, slowly opened his eyes, took a look at the situation of Sui Ren and Xuantu, nodded in satisfaction, Xuantu is already at the level of a golden immortal at this time, although it is not counted. It's too fast, but it's not bad to fight steadily.

After Sui Ren woke up this time, there was no difficulty in being promoted to the quasi-sage. His accumulation was already enough. This time was an opportunity, and promotion was indeed not too difficult.

Qing Xuan was the first to enter the realm of quasi-sage, but even though he was a different beast, the upper limit was estimated to be almost the same.

Of course, if the heart of seeking Tao is strong, and under constant accumulation, it may not have been promoted to the point of quasi-sage consummation, all of this depends on his own situation.

So, another thousand years later.

Sui Ren woke up and had already been promoted to the early stage of the quasi-sage. He nodded slightly, and then waved his hand to send the unconscious Xuan Du to the Taixu Hall to continue his practice.

"Teacher, I have something to ask the disciple..."

Sui Ren said respectfully after making a salute to Tai.

"But it's okay to say it!" Tai Shang said lightly.

"Teacher, the human race is developing rapidly, and the valley where the human race is located is no longer able to accommodate it. The environmental climate is not good for the human race. The disciple intends to take the human race to relocate. I wonder if this is feasible?" Suiren asked.

Hearing that, the great road emerged in Taishang’s eyes, and after seeing the changes in the human race in the long river of time and space, after a few breaths, he nodded and said, "The human race is here, it is really not enough to develop. This place is close to the Wu race, and the human race and the Wu race blend too. Much is not a good thing, the relocation of the family is indeed feasible..."

"After you return this time, stop relocating! You have already considered it as a teacher. After a thousand years, it will be a good time. As for the place to relocate, the coast of the East China Sea has a pleasant climate and a vast location, which is indeed suitable for the human race. Live here, go here!"

Hearing this, Suiren looked happy and hurriedly said, "So, then the disciple will do what the teacher said!"

Too little nodded, and said, "If that's the case, then you go!"

"The disciple retire!" After Sui Ren bowed, he got up and left.

Taishang's gaze slowly swept across the precipice, and finally settled on the shore of the East China Sea, and then slightly nodded.

Regardless of the climate and vastness, this place is extremely suitable for humans to live in. Moving here is also a good choice.

Taishang's gaze turned and fell into the Central Continent, and saw that some human races and witches lived in harmony. These witches were basically from the Houtu tribe, and other tribes were rare at this time.

After watching for a few breaths, he slowly retracted his gaze, and stopped paying attention to things in the predicament for the time being.


Thirty-three days, the Yaozu Heavenly Court, somewhere in the Heavenly Palace.

"The Emperor of Heaven, the preparations for the wedding period are almost complete. If there are no accidents, it can be implemented after five thousand years!"

Bai Ze arched his hand towards Di Jun, his eyes fell on the female fairy beside Di Jun.

He also knew the identity of this fairy, the lord of the lunar star, Xihe.

When his own Heavenly Emperor was in charge of Zhou Tian's stars, he did not go to the Taiyin Star. This is the situation now.

However, Bai Ze knew that if this happened, the power of Zhou Tian's star battle array could indeed be improved a lot.

After all, the Lunar Star Position must be controlled by the Lunar Star Master to be able to increase its power to the maximum.

There should be no change in the current situation. In the heavenly court at this time, who does not know, the lunar star Xihe, is the queen of heaven.

Although there is no name yet, this matter is not under planning.

"Bai Ze, you did a good job in this matter, so follow your plan and get married after five thousand years..." Di Jun nodded.

After that, Di Jun looked at Xihe~www.ltnovel.com~ and smiled, "So, you will return to the Moon Star first..."

Xihe nodded slightly, and then left the temple, heading towards the lunar star, waiting for the time to come.

"Bai Ze, take this opportunity to enhance the strength of the monster race in one fell swoop..."

After a few breaths, Di Jun retracted his gaze and looked at Bai Ze.

"The minister understands!" After Bai Ze arched his hands, he stepped back.

Dijun's gaze swept across the precipice, and the strength of the monster race was still not enough. At this time, he could only continue to improve. Marrying Xihe, perfecting the big formation, and improving luck, this is one part of it.

With the presence of those forces, the demon clan's power has greatly reduced, and now it can only continue to improve its strength.

Di Jun thought in his heart, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a sharp glow flashed past.



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