Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 19: Dijun’s marriage, the Wu clan

Chapter Nineteen The Marriage of Emperor Jun, Wu Clan Discuss

Di Jun suddenly set the wedding date, which really shocked many monks and powerful people. When did Di Jun, and the lunar star master Xihe, reached this point, and also set the wedding date hastily?

But despite their doubts in their hearts, the wedding of Emperor Jun has already been set, and it is naturally a foregone conclusion.

Regarding the marriage of Emperor Jun and Xihe, some great supernatural powers also guessed that the heavenly court controls the sky, and the Zhoutian stars and the sea are also under the jurisdiction. It is not surprising that they control the stars and the sea and walk with Xihe.

And marrying Xihe has many benefits for filling the lack of heaven, perfecting the big formation, improving luck, controlling the lunar star, and so on.

How could Di Jun miss such a thing?

I am afraid that this marriage will not be established in a short time, as it is some time, but it was announced abruptly at this time.


In the demon heaven.

After Di Jun announced the wedding date, he invited some casual cultivators and great abilities in the predecessor. At this time, the list has been established. Some great supernatural powers and several forces were still made by Bai Ze personally. As for the others, let Some heavenly officials did it.

Although the saints knew that they would not come, Emperor Jun still made a list and asked Bai Ze to send it.

However, his main purpose is not here. In addition to filling the lack of the heavenly court, perfecting the big formation and improving the luck, he also hopes to take this opportunity to absorb a part of the ancient and scattered cultivation into the heavenly court.

In this way, the strength and luck of the monster race will be improved a lot.

At that time, with the help of the demon clan's general power and luck to hit the Hunyuan realm, the chance will be much greater.


Bai Ze went to send the invitation. In addition to the Five Saints, there were also some great supernatural powers, such as Zhen Yuanzi and Styx.

After he returned to the Heavenly Court after sending it out, the other Heavenly Officials were all sent out.

And those who received the invitation and some small forces were quite happy at this time, began to prepare gifts, and then went to the heavenly court.

At that time, you can also witness how Emperor Jun’s marriage will be.


In the blink of an eye, the millennium time passed quietly.

Di Jun's wedding date has arrived as scheduled. At this time, in the heavenly court, the arrangement has already been completed, and the entire heavenly court is based on a bright red color, which is festive.

It is also from this time that future marriages are all suitable for big red, and it has gradually evolved into a custom.

In the heavenly court, there are lights and colorful lights, gongs and drums ringing together, and the scene is very spectacular.

Emperor Jun also put a lot of effort into arranging the heavenly court. If the scene is not spectacular, wouldn't he lose the face of the Emperor of Heaven.

The wedding date has come, and the great supernatural powers and casual cultivators who have been invited in the predicament are also rushing towards the heavenly court.

Either they ride the clouds and drive the fog, or drive spirits and beasts to lead the way, or they are escorted by strange treasure cars, each showing the skills of the immortal family and earning face for themselves.

In the heavenly court, the task of welcoming guests is for Bai Ze to do it himself.

As for Emperor Jun, he had already gone to Taiyin Star to meet Xihe at this time.

The guests kept coming, and it didn't take long before the ones that should have come have arrived. As for the Five Saints, none of them came here.

Before that, the Lich was unsanctified, and the Lich was powerful and constrained, so at that time, Li Tianyuan, the reception and the Zhunti were still present, but the situation is different now.

Receiving and Zhunti are both sanctified. How can they come to such a thing? No disciples came.

However, they dare not disagree with this kind of thing, and they also expected it in their hearts, so they didn't care too much at this time.

When the guests in the heavenly court were almost greeted, Emperor Jun had already welcomed his family back.

The bridal welcoming team that stretches for hundreds of miles, the two treasure cars that Di Jun and Xi He ride in, the Di Nian and Feng Nian, are all made of the sun's fine gold on the sun star. The brilliance and the brilliance are overflowing, and it is incomparable. Eye-catching.

On the top of the car, there is a canopy covered with colored glaze gems and spirit jade.

The emperor and Feng Nian, who were driving side by side, came to the Nantian Gate, and Di Jun assisted Xi He and walked out of Feng Nian.

Then, when the two of them were at the Nantian Gate, Emperor Jun said, "Today, we are married with Xihe, the lord of the lunar star, and fill the way of yin and yang with the lack of the whole heaven. In the future, Xihe will be my heavenly queen... …"

After all, he brought Xihe into the heavenly palace.

At this time, the banquet officially began, and the heaven was full of joy.

On the wedding table, the guests are full, and the tables are full of delicacies, delicacies, fairy fruit spirit roots, Qiongjiang Yuye and so on.

The tableware used for banquets, either carved from precious and rare jade or made of gold, silver and ivory materials, are all radiant and spiritual, and they are all rare treasures.

At the banquet, the guests pushed their cups and changed their cups, which was so lively.

Di Jun had also expected the situation of the Five Saints, so seeing that he hadn't even come to his door at this time, it was no accident, and he didn't care too much.

The wedding banquet lasted for half a month. After it was over, most of the casual cultivators returned to their respective caves, but a small part of the casual cultivators decided not to leave, staying in the heavenly court and joined the demon clan's heavenly court.

A small part of those who have left for casual repairs are also under consideration.

Therefore, it has to be said that with the help of the Heavenly Emperor’s wedding, the Demon Clan’s Heavenly Court has recruited a lot of casual cultivators from the predecessor. This is a good thing for them, because it can improve the overall strength of the Demon Clan, as well as the monster’s Luck.

This pair of Emperor Jun will attack the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Realm in the future, which has increased the odds a lot.

With the addition of these loose cultivators, coupled with the luck of the Lunar Star, the demon clan’s luck at this time is slowly improving. Although it is slow, it does not stop. When it comes to a complete stop, It is estimated to be a few percent higher than before, which is indeed extremely terrifying.

Seeing this, Emperor Taiyi and the Ten Great Demon Gods were indeed very happy, and the strength and luck of the Demon Race were growing again.


At the foot of the mountain, in the Pangu Temple.

"With the help of this big marriage, the Yaozu has absorbed a lot of unreliable cultivation, and its luck has improved a lot..."

Ju Mang looked at the situation in the heavenly court and spoke lightly.

"Dijun's marriage to Xihe has made the Monster Race a lot of strength and luck, but the most important thing is the Monster Race's big formation, which has made up a lot."

Di Jiang opened the mouth and said, he can naturally see some of the shortcomings of the old great array, the solar star position and the lunar star position are the most obvious.

Let Taiyi, the existence of the sun star, go to the main position of the lunar star, and naturally it will not be able to exert the power of the lunar star. After this time with Xihe, this defect can be filled.

"I'm afraid this is also one of the reasons why Emperor Jun married Xihe. After completing the big formation, his power has indeed increased a lot..." Xuan Ming nodded.

"The monster clan formation is improved, and my witch clan formation naturally needs to be improved..."

As Di Jiang said, his eyes fell on Houtu~www.ltnovel.com~ and said, "Sister, how has Pangu Kaitian moves evolved?"

Hearing this, Hou Tu said, "The second formula is already proficient, as for the third formula, it's just a superficial understanding..."

"That's good, it's okay to do it slowly later..." Di Jiang nodded and said.

Hou Tu nodded and didn't speak any more.

"The monster race has upgraded the big formation, and we have also upgraded the big formation, but I don't want to get up and down. As for the strength of the tribe, we still cannot relax at this time. The monster race has improved a lot..."

Di Jiang's gaze slowly swept across the ancestor witches, and he spoke.

"Big Brother, don't worry!" All Ancestor Wu answered.

Di Jiang nodded, and after confessing some things, the Twelve Ancestor Witches left Pangu Hall and returned to their respective tribes.



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