Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 31: For 100,000 years, the Lich Discuss

   Chapter 31: One Hundred Thousand Years Period, Lich Discussion

  The holy land of human race, in the hall of human ancestors.

  Xuandu heard the words, smiled, and did not answer. He did have the confidence to enter the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian in 30,000 years.

   This kind of speed is not too slow in the midst of the predicament. He has steadily improved step by step, and it is very stable and good.

  燧 people know that their juniors, from the acquired realm, step by step to the present point, but in less than 100,000 years, as an acquired creature, it is already rare, and the speed of promotion is not slow.

   But think about it, the teacher's disciples are naturally not too ordinary. The situation in the Xuandu confirms this.

"In the past 50,000 years of Human Race, the development has been slowly improving. In the next period of time, it will move forward steadily. Now that you have nothing to do, you can travel in the wilderness. Maybe there is some chance... …"

Suiren could see that if Xuandu had an opportunity to help at this time, maybe the time could be advanced a lot. Is there anything important for the Human Race now? He is in the Human Race, and there is nothing to help him, so it is better to go to the Primordial Wilderness. Looking for opportunities.

   "That's good too!"

   Xuanyi listened to this and nodded slightly, this is also a good choice.

   Then, Xuandu bid farewell to Suiren, and then came towards the wild land.

   As for Suiren, at this time, Ziyi and Youchao were called to discuss the next situation of the human race.


   Time is hurried, passing by in a blink of an eye, quietly, it has been fifty thousand years.



   Suddenly, in the heaven and earth, there were two crisp sounds, which sounded in the Pangu Temple and the Demon Clan Heavenly Court, and then the spatial ripples visible to the naked eye continued to fluctuate and spread out.

   The vast sky's majesty was also spreading, gradually fading, until it disappeared.

   The period of one hundred thousand years has now come!

   The time for the two groups of Liches to be imprisoned by the Dao Ancestors, it was finally time, and the senior leaders of the two groups were also free to leave where they were.

   But now, there are a lot of existences in the prehistoric, but they have not seen the difference between the Lich Clan and before, and they are still extremely calm, as if they are still in the imprisonment period of Dao Ancestor.

   In the current situation, the two races are temporarily planning to develop in a low-key and calm manner. For the next period of time, there will be no disturbances for the time being.

   The second clan of Lich, in the midst of the predecessors, is no longer a top-notch existence, and it still needs to accumulate more of its own strength.


   Witch, in the Pangu Palace.

   "Second brother, how has the Wu Clan recovered in the past 100,000 years?"

  Dijiang looked at Jumang and said lightly.

   He had been a bit diligent before, so he had been practicing in retreat, and he didn't know much about the affairs of the Witch Clan.

   This time of 100,000 years has come, and he has already left customs, so it is time to know this.

   Hearing the words, Jumang said with a solemn expression, "Going back to the big brother, in the past 100,000 years, the damaged vitality of the Wu clan was completely restored 30,000 years ago. In the past 30,000 years, the Wu clan has slightly improved..."

   Listening to this, Dijiang's eyes are in the precipice, sweeping across the twelve ancestral witch tribes, and some of the changes are already clear to his heart.

   "Little girl, Houyi is good, you can train more!" Di Jiang looked at Houtu and said with a smile.

   "Hou Yi is indeed a good witch, don't worry, brother, I know how to do it!"

   After hearing this, he smiled and replied.

  Dijiang nodded. In the past 100,000 years, the Wu Clan has not been a disadvantage. At least, the vitality has been restored, and the twelve tribes have more or less improved. Hou Yi of the Houtu tribe has also improved his cultivation base, which is considered pretty good.

   "How is the situation now on the monster clan side?"

   Suddenly, Di Jiang asked.

After hearing this, Jumang pondered for a few breaths, and then said, "There is no big movement on the side of the Yaozu. Although the time of imprisonment has already come, it is still calm. Like my Wuzu, it is developing in a low-key manner. in……"

   "Although the demon race has recovered its damaged strength with the help of these 100,000 years, its luck and karma have not been restored at this time. In general, it is still a bit behind my witch race..."

   Listening to this, Di Jiang nodded slightly. In such a situation, he still guessed a bit in his heart. After all, the level of karma is not very serious, but it is really difficult to recover it in a hundred thousand years.

   "We still need to pay close attention to the affairs of the monster clan. As for ourselves, we don't have to make waves during this period. Let us develop our own tribes!"

   After thinking about it in his heart, Emperor Jiang said to the Eleventh Ancestor Witch.

   "I know the big brother!"

   The Eleventh Ancestor Witch heard this, and after responding, he got up, said goodbye to Dijiang, and left Pangu Hall. They are now free to leave, and they really won't stay here forever.

After    Dijiang glanced at it, he also set off to leave.


   Thirty-three days, the demon heaven, the palace of the sky.

   "The Emperor of Heaven, judging from the current karma and luck, I am afraid that it will take a few more Yuanhui time..."

   Bai Ze handed his hand towards Emperor Jun. For today's monster race, these two points are indeed difficult to resolve.

   Hearing the words, Emperor Jun groaned and said nothing. For a hundred thousand years, the damaged part of the monster race has recovered, but the damaged luck and karma on his back are indeed difficult to recover in one hundred thousand years.

   "For the direction of Qi Luck, increase the strength of the tribes more, absorb more of the unreliable cultivation, and have a chance to recover between the Yuanhui. As for the karma, it can only be made up slowly..."

   After a long time, Di Jun spoke up, and Jin Wu committed the crime, and he wanted to solve it after all.

After a few breaths, Di Jun looked at Bai Ze and said, "Bai Ze, in the midst of the wilderness, doing things like clouds and rain can accumulate merit and resolve karma. This may be a quicker way to eliminate karma. Do it for you!"

   Hearing the words, a smile appeared on Bai Ze's face, and he said, "The minister understands!"

   Dijun nodded slightly, then waved his hand to signal them to retreat.

   "Holy Royal Haotian, four extremes of grace!" The officials arched their hands, and then slowly withdrew.

   At this time, in the High Heaven Hall, only Dijun and Taiyi were left.

   "The situation of eldest brother and sister-in-law still seems unstable..."

   Taiyi also knows that ~www.ltnovel.com~ nine nephews have fallen, Xihe's situation is indeed not very good, for these 100,000 years, he has been with Xiaoshi in the depths of the palace.

   "The hatred with the Wu Clan really needs to be ended, but it is not this time, and the current situation is not when the war will start again. At least, the Yao Clan must be fully restored and upgraded again..."

   "At that time, it will be the time for the decisive battle between the monster race and the witch race to settle the settlement..."

   Dijun narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the place where he was, a killing intent flashed across his face.

   Hearing the words, he nodded slightly, but he understood what Emperor Jun said.

   "Taiyi, you just cut the good corpse, and your realm is unstable. During this time, you will retreat and stabilize your realm..." Di Jun looked at him and said.

   "I understand!" Tai replied, then arched his hand and left the Lingxiao Palace.

  Dijun looked at where the Witch Clan was. After a long time, he spit out two words, "Witch Clan!"

   Before he finished speaking, he had already lost his presence.

   In the next time, Di Jun personally managed the monster tribes, and improved the strength of the monster tribes a lot, while also perfecting the power of the Zhou Tianxing Dou formation and controlling more moves.

   In just tens of thousands of years, the overall strength of the monster race has improved slightly.




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