Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 33: Sui Ren shot to block Xihe

   Chapter Thirty-Three

Among the human races, in the land of the Central Continent, these human races and the Wu races are indeed very close, especially after these human races and the Wu race intermarried, after the establishment of the ground marriage, the relationship between this part of the human races and the Wu race is even greater. The blending.

   Chang'e and Hou Yi are the representatives and the protagonists of the land marriage. These years, they have been living together.

   Houyi is now in the realm of quasi-sages, but Chang'e is still a human race of celestial beings.

   In the human race with a huge base, Chang'e's Tianxian cultivation base is really good, after all, most of the human races are ordinary people, and there is no cultivation base.

   But placed in the holy land, placed in the Witch Clan, placed in the vast expanse of the wilderness, but it is as weak as dust, after all, it is still a non-flowing existence in the wilderness.

   Especially, Chang'e's cultivation base of the immortal is only the promotion of merit, there is no method of cultivation, and even the real strength of the immortal.

With this kind of existence, Chang'e would indeed worry that he would go away one after another. After all, Houyi is also a quasi-sage and the great witch himself. Naturally, it is different. Unless he falls under the hands of an opponent, otherwise, such an existence will live countless lives. year.

  Yes, Chang'e will naturally look for ways to improve her cultivation level, but the Wu Clan's exercises and so on are not suitable for Human Cultivation, so Chang'e is still in the realm of heavenly immortals.

   But Chang'e's aptitude is not low, it just doesn't have the cultivation method of Human Race, and has not received the guidance of Human Race experts, so he lags a lot behind.

This time Xihe Xiahonghuang, the refined elixir in his hand, was fancy of Chang'e, so he personally took action to deceive Chang'e's trust, served the elixir he refined, and soared into the Palace of Taiyin Star Guanghan. , Separated her from Hou Yi, in order to torture Hou Yi.


   Xihe is in the late Quasi-Sage after all. At this time, he did not go to the core of the Houtu tribe and obliterated Houyi, but came to the land of the human race, but did not alarm the central ancestral witch Houtu.

   With her cultivation base, she wanted to deceive Chang'e, the human race who has been struggling to pursue the method of improving her cultivation, and wanted to stay together with Houyi.

   It didn't take long for Xihe to succeed.

   Looking at the moment Chang'e took the elixir, there was a smile on Xihe's beautiful face.

   "Hou Yi, you can also taste this kind of pain..."

   Xihe secretly said in his heart, and then watched Chang'e glow with a blue-purple light, it was the power of the lunar star that worked.


At this moment, a kind of gravitation developed on Chang'e, and the connection with the lunar star became stronger and stronger. A strong gravitational force acted on Chang'e's body, causing her body to slowly fly towards the lunar star. Fly away, fly farther and farther.

   Seeing Chang'e's body flying, the smile on Xihe's face increased.

   Chang'e, who hasn't been happy because her strength has improved to the golden fairy, now appears a look of horror on her pretty face, her body is completely out of control, and she keeps flying towards the lunar star.

   Thinking that she would be separated from Houyi, Chang'e couldn't help but feel a panic in her heart.


   Suddenly, a roar awakened the frightened Chang'e. She saw Hou Yi coming, but this couldn't stop herself at all.

   "Hou Yi, the separation of husband and wife feels uncomfortable! It doesn't matter, you will get used to it gradually, haha..."

   Xihe smiled coldly, with a biting icy cold in his eyes, resentful eyes like an ancient beast, about to swallow Hou Yi.

   She turned her head and no longer looked at Hou Yi, for fear that she couldn't help but shoot him, she saw her figure move and started to go to heaven.


   Hou Yi's eyes were slightly stunned, and his face was awe-inspiring to kill, but at this time it was too late to make a move.


   At this moment, Chang'e in the trillions of miles above the sky moved, and then a layer of orange flame enveloped her body.

   Not only did she not feel the slightest sensation of heat, but instead felt that the terrifying gravity in her body was gradually fading, and she was able to control her body autonomously again.

   Chang'e looked overjoyed when he saw this, and he didn't have to part with Houyi anymore.

   Xi He saw this, his expression suddenly sank, looking at the direction where the fire came from, that was the shore of the East China Sea.

   "Demon Race, you have stretched out your hand..."

Between the heavens and the earth, the voice of Suiren rang, and then saw an orange rainbow light rising from the shore of the East China Sea, and then across countless billions of trillions of miles, fell on Chang'e, and directly disconnected her and her. The lunar star's connection then led her to the Holy Land.

   "Human race, do you dare to stop the good deeds in this palace?" Xihe said with a cold expression between his eyebrows.

   "The person who counts my human race, and in turn, said that I stop you? What about stopping you? Chang'e, you can't take it away today!"

   Before he finished speaking, he saw Suiren appearing not far from Xihe, looking at her with a cold expression.

   Xihe expression is slightly sinking. Although Su Ren's cultivation level is not as good as hers, the problem is Su Ren's identity, the ancestor of the human race, and the great disciple of the leader of the Taiqing Palace, she really can't afford to offend such an identity.

   But she has been calculating for so long, and she has also caught a precious elixir. If she wants to forget it, she is not reconciled.

   "Chang'e, my palace must take it away!"

   Xihe said, slapped Suiren with one palm, then grabbed it with the other hand and led it to the holy land and went to Chang'e.

   "In matters of the human race, when will it be the turn of the demons to intervene..."

  燧ren snorted coldly, patted out a palm, and greeted Xihe's palm.


   A sound of thunder sounded all over the world, Xihe and Suiren each retreated tens of thousands of miles, crushing countless voids.

And the other palm formed by Xi and mana still grabbed Chang'e, and Sui Ren didn't make any more shots~www.ltnovel.com~ Xihe was a little confused, did Sui Ren give up and let her take Chang'e away ?


Suddenly, the orange flame from nowhere burned the palms of Xi and the mana condensed, and even the void showed signs of melting at this time, and the outrageous temperature radiated in this void. Come.

Xihe's expression is slightly drunk, and the temperature of the flame is actually not under the golden fire of his husband’s sun. Such a terrifying flame is the Suiren’s salary, and it is also the salary for the human race towards civilization. , The human luck and humanitarian power are among them.

   "Xihe, if you make another move, the two races of humans and monsters will not be good..."

Sui Ren's expression was slightly drunk, and he spoke coldly. The aura on his body fluctuated slightly. Although Xi He's cultivation base was a bit higher than his, Sui Ren was not afraid of her. At this moment, Xi He wanted to beat himself , It is not easy.

   "Xihe, want to move Chang'e, pass me first..."

   At this time, Hou Yi came forward and shouted loudly.

   The two clans of humans and witches stood together, and the demons had to retreat at this time, and they were not the opponents of the two clans at all.


  A ray of cloud flashed above Xi and Pretty, they looked at Suiren and Hou Yi coldly, and after a cold snort, they drifted away.



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