Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 38: Notre-Dame Palace, Discussion of the Heavenly Court

Chapter 38 The Notre Dame Palace, the Discussion of the Heavenly Court

Good fortune, in front of Notre Dame Palace.

The Supreme Lord fell from Qingxuan's back and looked at the White Jade Saint Mary Palace in front of him. He nodded slightly. This palace is also a congenital spirit treasure. Although it is inferior, it is quite rare. After all, palace-type congenital spirit treasures are rare. .

Unless you can be like yourself, you can refining the innate spirit treasure by yourself. Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult to get a palace-type congenital spirit treasure, so although the Notre Dame Palace is among the low-grade congenital spirit treasure, it is quite rare.

"Caifeng has seen the Supreme Dao Venerable!"

At this moment, Nüwa's mount, Colorful Phoenix Caifeng, bowed towards Taishang, and then nodded to Qingxuan, who turned into a Taoist form behind Taishang.

Hearing this, Caifeng nodded slightly, he naturally knew about it.

As soon as he was about to speak, he heard Nuwa's voice.

"Unexpectedly, it was Dao brother who came, and Nuwa was negligent..."

Before he finished his words, he saw Nuwa appearing in front of Taishang, arching her hand towards him slightly, and a smile appeared on the holy face.

"It's okay, this time is also a way of good luck, so come here to see fellow Daoists!"

Hearing that, after too much smiled, he spoke.

"Brother Dao please!"

Nuwa nodded slightly and didn't care about this, and immediately made an inviting gesture, inviting Tai Shang to enter the Palace of Notre Dame.

Seeing this, Tai Shang nodded slightly, followed Nu Wa and entered the Notre Dame Palace.

And Qing Xuan, under Caifeng's leadership, went to other partial halls, and could also take a look at other places in Good Fortune Heaven by the way.


Notre Dame Palace.

As soon as Taishang entered the Notre Dame Palace, he only saw the mist in the Notre Dame Palace, the clouds were misty, the clouds were steaming, the haze was shining, and the sun and the moon were shaking.

He looked up and saw that in the center of the Notre Dame Palace, there was a small island. The island occupies an area of ​​about 10,000 miles. Although it is not large, it is also exquisite.

On that small island, there are Ganoderma lucidum grass, Yaocaoqi flowers, and rare fairy beasts. Whether it is a wild alien or an ancient treasure, it really has everything. On this small island of thousands of miles, it almost contains all of the prehistoric. Rare fairy grass.

It can be said that this small island is a microcosm of the famine that is countless times weaker.

"The scenery here is quite rare for Fellow Daoists. It is this island, which is quite extraordinary..."

The admiral moved his gaze away from the island, fell on Nu Wa, smiled and said.

Hearing this, Nuwa Shengyan smiled, and said, "Brother Dao is ridiculously praised, but I just made some decorations at random..."

Listening to this, I laughed too much, and didn't talk too much about it.


After the two of them were seated, Nu Wa looked at Tai Shang and said, "Before I want to come, Brother Dao passed through here, and Nu Wa was still wondering last time, but I didn't want Brother Dao to come to the chaos..."

"This time, I came to the Chaos World to be summoned by Dao Ancestor, so I came to the Chaos World to search for the Purple Heaven Palace, and to go through Heaven and Earth. Because I saw it for the first time, I just took a few more glances, but it attracted the attention of Dao friends. ......" Tai Shang smiled.

"The teacher summoned?!"

A look of doubt appeared on the holy face of Nuwa, the teacher summoned Dao brother, what is the so-called?

These two can be said to be the most top-notch existences, one Hedao, one Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian later, the true strength is unfathomable, these two secretly talk about important matters, I am afraid it is not simple!

Taishang watched the look on Nuwa's face change at this time, and said with a faint smile, "Friends of Daoist have thought a lot. Although this matter of discussing with Dao ancestors is a major matter, it is not what Daoist thoughts. This matter, It's also a matter of the prehistoric sentient beings..."

Taishang looked at her with a solemn expression, "Of course, it is also about fellow daoists!"

Hearing that, Nuwa's holy face showed a solemn color, and if Tai Shang could say this, then this matter is definitely not simple.

"Do you remember fellow Taoist, Luo Huo?" Taishang asked.

"Mozu Luohu!"

Nuwa's expression was weak, and she nodded, "I remember that the existence of fighting with the teacher at the beginning, the three tribe wars in the past, also had the means of the demon ancestors, which made the war and the calamity a lot earlier..."

"In the old days, although Luo Hu was defeated by me, he blew himself down, but before a pluralistic meeting, Dao Zu found that there were magic signs emerging in the chaos, which was quite similar to Luo Hu's method. Dao Zu speculated that it was probably related to Luo Hu, or, Luo Hui hasn't fallen yet..."

Nodding too much, these things are related to the entire prehistoric land, but it is not impossible to say that Nuwa can only be regarded as known earlier.

Nuwa nodded when she heard the words. In the past, Taishang joined hands with Daozu and others to wipe out Luo Hu, but she did not expect that Luo Hu had not fallen. Although the teacher found some signs, it was difficult to find, nor Dare to be very sure.

Suddenly, Nuwa thought of something, and looked at Tai Shang said, "No wonder, before a multi-level meeting, in a zone not far from the sky of good fortune, there were some fluctuations. If you want to come, it was the teacher who made the move. It's..."

"If so, but I haven't found Luo Hu's existence yet, Dao Ancestor asked me to pay more attention..." Tai Shang nodded.

This place of Nuwa is only tens of trillions of miles away from the place where the Zixiao Palace is located. It is not far away. Before the Dao Ancestor's shot, she noticed any fluctuations, but it was normal. After all, she was already a saint in the mid-term existence.

Nuwa nodded slightly. Since the matter was too high to pay attention to, she was relieved. Apart from the teacher, the Taoist brother had the most advanced level of cultivation. With him, even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian had perfect existence. I am afraid it is difficult to beat him.

"Brother Dao is here today, so why don't you let Nu Wa lead Brother Dao away? It's also better to see the world that Nu Wa has set up..."

After thinking about it in her heart, Nuwa said to Taishan.

"That's good too!"

After thinking about it too much, he nodded.

This is only one aspect. On the other hand, he also wants to wait and see whether those magic signs will appear during this period of time, or they can follow these searches, at least there will be more clues.

Otherwise, it's not that easy~www.ltnovel.com~ If it can be calculated, then the Mozu is not the Mozu.

After Nu Wa smiled, she brought her superb view to the good fortune heaven.


Thirty-three days, the demon clan’s heaven, in the palace of the sky.

"Monster, is this the surprise you showed me?"

Di Jun's expression was calm, he couldn't see the depth, and asked indifferently.

"Emperor Huitian, that's the case, this method does have a wonderful thing..." Kunpeng smiled.

Immediately, Kunpeng showed a solemn expression on his face and said loudly, "The Emperor of Heaven, if we are waiting to refine the peerless killing weapon with the flesh and blood of the prehistoric human race, then the power of this killing weapon will be enough to break the real body of the ancestor witch. By then, How could the Wu Clan be my monster clan's opponent..."

As Kunpeng said, a faintly different color flashed under his eyes.

"Husband, the human race has risen too fast, and Suiren dare to attack me directly, maybe they can beat and beat..."

In the right header, Xi He looked at Emperor Jun and also spoke.

She still had a nasty mind about Sui Ren's move. Now that Kun Peng had such a proposal, she felt very good and killed two birds with one stone.

When Di Jun heard the words, he glanced at Xi He indifferently. In his eyes, Xi He was so cold that his body trembled.

Seeing her husband's gaze, Xi He stopped talking. She believed that if she talked about this again, Di Jun might have made a move.

After Di Jun glanced at her, he turned his gaze to Kunpeng.

"Kunpeng, you are looking for death!"

Di Jun suddenly screamed, swept in with boundless power and godless power.




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