Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 40: Taishang Nuwa walks in chaos

Chapter 40 The Supreme Nuwa Goes into Chaos

Chaos world, somewhere in an area.

"Brother Dao, are you sure where you are?" Nuwa frowned, looked at Taishang, and asked.

It’s not easy to cut off the trace of power just now. If Nuwa makes a move, it may miss it. This may be some of the magic ancestor’s methods. This time it has fallen into the hands of Taishang. Based on this calculation, I am afraid it is possible. Know the specific location.

Hearing this, Tai Shang retracted his gaze, looked at the Nuwa in front of him, and said, "I can't know the specific location for the time being, I can only know a general direction. Luo Hu's method is really not simple..."

With the help of that trace of unsearchable power, although he estimated a general direction, it was indeed not easy to find Luohu's location or a special place in the vast chaotic world.

But now, having a general direction is better than having no clues at all.

"The demon ancestor can compete with the teacher. If you want to come, you are also a man of advanced means. I just don't know, what other means does he have?"

Nuwa looked at Taishang, her face condensed, and said.

"If that's the case, then I have to take a look..."

A smile appeared on Taishang's indifferent face, and when Nuwa saw this, she felt that Taishang's smile contained a terrible chill.

She also knew that Taishang and Luohu had a great cause and effect of grievances, which can be said to be mortal enemies. It was normal for Taishang to look for Luohu.

This time, I was not only looking for too much, but my own teacher was also looking for the location of Luo Hu. Although it is only a general direction, it is quite rare, better than nothing.

"Do you want to go together? Look at the methods of the Demon Ancestor..."

Suddenly, Taishang looked at Nu Wa beside him and asked.

Hearing that, after Nuwa pondered for a few breaths, she smiled and said, "The matter of the devil ancestor is related to the ancient times. Since Dao brother is planning to go, Nuwa is naturally willing to go together, let's take a look at the demon ancestor's methods..."

She is a saint of heaven. If the demon ancestor wants to destroy the prehistoric land, it does have something to do with her. It is still feasible to go with Taishang this time.

The strength of the ether, coupled with her strength, Nu Wa believes that even the perfect existence of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will not be able to get any benefits.

Such a combination of strengths is a good way to find out what happened.

"In that case, let's go together!"

Hearing the words, Tai Shang nodded slightly, then waved his hand, a light flashed, and fleeed towards the place of Zixiao Palace.

After doing all this, Tai Shang nodded towards Nuwa, and then fled in a certain direction.


At the same time, in the Zixiao Palace.

Daozu Hongjun looked at the direction Taishang and Nuwa were leaving, his eyes narrowed slightly, he had already received Taishang's message.

From this point of view, his previous guess was correct, the devil ancestor Luo Hu did still exist, fearing that there would be other means to be used.

The two of them went to look for it at this time, but it was also a way.

The strength of the two of them, Hongjun Daozu is still at ease.


Daozu Hongjun looked at a certain direction and uttered two words heavily in his mouth.

He never despised the existence of being able to compete with him, but Luo Hu was surprised by the many methods he used, but this time it is already the case, and that can only find Luo Hu and kill him again.

It is no longer possible for him and Taishang to reconcile with Luohu. They will not obliterate Luohu, and Luohu will not be able to shake hands with them and make peace.

That being the case, only oneself can do it first.

After a long time, Hongjun Daozu slowly withdrew his gaze, and waited for the news from Taishang first.


Somewhere in the chaotic world.

Taishang and Nuwa came slowly together. At this time, as they continued to penetrate into the chaotic world, the chaotic air here became more and more violent, and the power became more and more terrifying.

Taishang and Nuwa are also increasing their physical strength with the help of the chaotic air here. Although the effect will not be too great, these are also the places to improve the overall strength, and they are also good methods.

At this time, searching for Luo Hu and tempering himself did not make a mistake, but it did two birds with one stone.

"The distance, it shouldn't be too far..."

Suddenly, Tai Shang stopped, and said faintly, the yin and yang in his eyes became more intense.

Hearing that, Nuwa nodded, Taishang knew more than she did, so Taishang knew more clearly, and he was right when he said so.

"Fellow Daoist, let's go!"

Tai Shang thought about it secretly, then looked at Nu Wa Dao.

Nuwa nodded slightly, and then together with Tai Shang, continued to move towards the depths of the chaotic world.

In a short span of ten thousand years, the two of them had traveled so many trillions of miles. At this time, they were too far away from the place where they felt in their hearts.


Prehistoric, the land of the sea of ​​blood.

Di Jun slowly walked out of the void, his eyes slowly sweeping across the sea of ​​blood, and a shocked look appeared on his elegant face.

"Netherworld Blood Sea, it really deserves to be a prehistoric Jedi, such a Jedi, apart from Styx, there are indeed no other creatures..."

The big road appeared in Di Jun's eyes, and he could see through the blood sea.

In such a bloody, extremely filthy Jedi, it is true that not all creatures can be born here. Except for Styx, no creature can be born in such a Jedi.

This is also the case that highlights the special and powerfulness of Styx. Di Jun still agrees with this point. Styx's strength is indeed extraordinary.

Even in the midst of the wilderness, Styx's strength is extremely top-notch, except for those few, who can beat him is also very few.

If you want to kill him in the land of the Nether Blood Sea, it will be impossible.

If the saint or Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian tried to obliterate him, it would also have to pay a great price.

Especially the current six sages, if they want to obliterate Styx, they are afraid that they will lose countless qi luck merits, and may fall into the holy position.

After all, the Nether Sea of ​​Blood is an important part of self-purification in the wild land. Although it is a filthy land, it is also a special place of the land and protected by the land. If you want to obliterate the Styx, you must steam the sea of ​​blood.

In this way, the causal karma can be great, so even the saints may fall into the holy position.

This is why there is the saying, "The sea of ​​blood does not wither, and the river of Styx does not die."

In addition to this, he did not kill him, but in this case, the price was too high, even the saint did not want it.

Therefore, Styx is a relatively special and powerful existence in the prehistoric land.


At this moment, the blood in the sea of ​​blood rolled, blood rushed into the sky, and waves of blood swept away.

Even after seeing the two halves separated in the sea of ​​blood, he saw a young man dressed in blood-colored clothes sitting on a lotus platform slowly rising, his pale paper face revealed a touch of surprise.

"Friend Dijun?!"



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