Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 42: Too good to meet Luo again?

Chapter 42: Taishang Meets Luo Hui Again

A certain area of ​​Chaos, outside the Great World of Magic Way.

Taishang and Nüwa stood outside the world wall of the Great World of Demon Dao, where the black demon energy was tumbling, and the vitality fluctuated greatly. In the great world, the great world of Demon Dao was regarded as the top world.

"What a great world of magic way!"

Tai Shang said indifferently, the yin and yang flowing in his eyes, evolving endless mystery.

He and Nuwa glanced at each other, and then the two of them flashed into the world of the magic way.


In the big world of magic way.

"What a pure Demon Dao aura, evolved by the Demon Race, the demon ancestor's methods are really extraordinary..."

Nu Wa's expression condensed slightly, and she moved her hand, and the black magic energy fell into her hand. The brilliance in her eyes flashed, she could see the essence of the magic energy, and then her hand moved slightly, everything turned into powder, and she said lightly.

Sweeping his gaze, he gave a panoramic view of the entire Demon Dao world. Everything in it was clearly seen. The monks in this group were all the monks of the demon race of Luohu in the past, with a high level of cultivation.

The lowest, but talented and immortal cultivation base. And the highest, there is actually a very strong existence of Demon Dao in the early days of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"The demons in this world are really not simple, there are actually Hunyuan. The whole world, there is another place I can't see through, I want to come to Luohu and have a lot of connection with this place..."

Taishang retracted his gaze and looked at Nuwa Road.

Hearing this, Nu Wa nodded.

"call out!"

Suddenly, countless black rays of light rose from the magical world, and then came towards Taishang and Nuwa.

When Taishang and Nuwa saw this, their expressions were calm, without the slightest change.

If Luo Hu didn’t know about their arrival, they didn’t believe it. It’s normal to do something at this time, except for the existence of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and the tens of thousands of feet of mountain that is too high to see through. Except for Luohu in Zhong, the other demons couldn't make any waves.


Demon Dao World, Mozun Mountain.

"The ancestors, those two are powerful, it's not easy to beat them..."

The Demon Race of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian turned towards the main hall of the main hall, and said with a demon lingering existence.

If it is too supreme here, you can be sure that this existence is the devil ancestor Luo Hu. But even if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Tai Shang could be sure that Luo Hu was in the Demon Zun Mountain.

"Mo Luo, Taishang and Nuwa have reached this point, because you want to go, and you can't go at this time..."

Luo Hui looked at Mo Luo and spoke lightly, the magic flame in his eyes surging, coldly said, "The methods of the supreme have become more advanced, the methods left by this seat have been intercepted and explored here..."

"Ancestor, what should I do now?" Mo Luo asked.

Those two strengths are too terrifying, if he can, he still doesn't want to face those two, but judging from the look of the ancestor, it seems that it won't work if he doesn't make a move.

"I haven't seen it for tens of millions of years, but I also want to learn some methods of the Supreme..."

Luo Hui said coldly, and he had already lost his presence before he could speak.

Seeing this, Mo Luo sighed in his heart and disappeared into the hall.


Taishang and Nuwa stood in the endless void. The devilish energy in the area of ​​a trillion li was annihilated. The void kept trembling, as if it could not bear the arrival of the two.

Tai Shang faintly glanced at the billions of demons, surrounded them, the expression on his face did not change at all, looked to the southeast, and chuckled, "Luo Hu, not seeing you in tens of millions of years, you won’t Think that these demons can stop me, right?"

Before he finished his words, he saw a yin and yang pattern with a size of one trillion li appeared above the nine heavens in the great world of the magic road, covering all the demons in it.


In the pattern of Tai Chi, one yin and one yang Tai Chi yin and yang fish flow, yin and yang grow together, strangling the world, and all things die.

Under the power of yin and yang, the demon clan shrouded in Tai Chi patterns, before uttering a scream, was torn into powder by the force of yin and yang. In the place covered by yin and yang patterns, the long river of time and space and the long river of destiny were suppressed. There is no way to escape, and after the fall, they can no longer use the long river of time and space and the long river of destiny to resurrect and completely fall into it.

Nuwa glanced at the yin and yang patterns in the sky. This is not the most treasured Tai Chi picture. This is the yin and yang pattern derived from the Great Yin and Yang Dao. It is another supernatural power of the Supreme, and its power is extremely terrifying.

"Brother Dao's methods have become more terrifying..."

Nu Wa closed her gaze back, and said in her heart.

In just a few breaths, all of the billions of demons fell under the Tai Chi pattern, and none of them could escape the obliteration of the power of Yin and Yang.

Tai Shang glanced at it, and with a wave of his hand, the two yin and yang fish turned into two streamers and disappeared.

"Too great, your method is this seat, I have to marvel at..."

Before the words came to an end, the demon energy in the entire Demon Dao Great World immediately evaporated, gathered together, and condensed two figures, it was Luo Huo and Mo Luo.

"Luo Hui, in terms of methods, you are still clever, Dao Dao swears, and self-destruction, but now it has evolved into a world. Compared with you, my methods are no more than a little ear..." Tai Shang chuckled.

Having said that, his gaze fell on Mo Luo, and the avenue appeared in his eyes, seeing through everything about Mo Luo.

Although Mo Luo is also the Golden Immortal of Hun Yuan Daluo and is guarded by the laws of the Great Dao, the cultivation base of Taishang is too much higher than that of Mo Luo, and his laws of the magic way cannot stop Taishang's prying eyes.

"Mo Luo, you are Luo Hu's past and present, the most powerful demons..."

Hearing this, Mo Luo looked solemn and did not speak.

He hadn't faced Taishang before, and the pressure was not that great, but standing in front of Taishang at this time, he felt the extremely terrifying pressure, as if his own magic way was about to be sealed.

"What a terrifying cultivation base!" Mo Luo glanced across Taishang and Nuwa, and said in his heart.

Nuwa did not participate in the battle of Dao Demon ~www.ltnovel.com~, so I have never seen Luo Huo. At this time, I really feel that Luo Huo's cultivation level is not low, compared to her own, only high and not low. But compared with Taishang, I am afraid it is still a bit inferior, a bit weaker.

But for some reason, she always felt that the Luo Hu in front of her was not the Luo Hu in the most peak state, or to say that the demon ancestor Luo Hu was more than this cultivation base.

In fact, this feeling is not only in Nuwa, but also in Taishang. He always felt that Luo Hu should not only be at the peak of the mid-term peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, no matter how bad, he should also be equal to himself, but this time, it was Not so.

What he saw was Luo Hu's cultivation base, and the others couldn't be seen at all.

Seeing this, Luo Hui smiled coldly, with a move in his hand, the endless demon energy condensed and turned into thousands of demon soldiers, killing him towards the Supreme. He straddled the endless time and space, and a magic light penetrated the sky of the universe and attacked towards the Supreme. Come, block him all.


On the other side, Mo Luo flipped his hand, and a magic sword haunting Mo Luo appeared in Mo Luo's hand, slashing towards Nuwa.



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