Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 45: Lich 2 Family Discussion [Happy New Year's Eve! 】

   Chapter 45: Discussion of the Lich Family

   Majestic, thirty-three days, demon heaven.

   Above the Lingxiao Palace.

   At this time, there was only Emperor Jun in the High Heaven Hall, Taiyi and Bai Ze were three, and the other demon gods, demon master Kunpeng and others, did not summon Emperor Jun.

   "Shirasawa, how are things prepared?"

  Dijun glanced at Bai Ze below, and said lightly, his tone was flat, without the slightest wave of waves.

   Hearing the words, Bai Ze arched his hands and said, "Emperor Huitian, roughly the same, but the current general trend and luck of the Yaozu is not enough for the Emperor to hit the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm..."

   "If you look at the current situation, it is the emperor who uses this to attack this realm, and the chance of success will not exceed 30%..."

Bai Ze’s estimate has been improved as much as possible. If Di Jun had not been diligent over the years, Bai Ze felt that if he had begun to use the power of the monster race and fortune to attack the Hunyuan realm, the chances of success would be three consecutive times. Not in Chengdu.

   If there is more than one million years, Bai Ze is still confident that he can increase the chance of success to 40% or even 50%. But today's situation is really not up to that point.

   However, it is up to Di Jun to plan what he wants. If Di Jun plans to start now, then he will execute everything well.

   "Big Brother, what Bai Ze said is not unreasonable. If he does this at this time, the chance of success is too low, I am afraid it will waste a lot of time and opportunities..."

   Taiichi looked solemn, looked at Dijun who was above the left head, and spoke.

It is not so easy to hit the Golden Fairy Realm of Hunyuan Daluo. Although my eldest brother’s cultivation at this time is already at the level of quasi-sage consummation, the distance between these steps is as if the sky is a moat, it’s not. So easy.

   If it were that easy, there would not be many top beings trapped in this realm among the prehistoric, there are only five sages and one Hunyuan Daluojinxian among the prehistoric.

The current strength of the Monster Race, apart from those few, is indeed top-notch. Compared with the Witch Race, it is not much more than that, but such strength, general momentum and degree of luck can only give Dijun 30%. The odds.

   If you want to be safe, you still have to settle for a period of time and accumulate more. Only in this way can the chance of success be increased, and Di Jun will be promoted to the Golden Fairyland of Hunyuan Daluo in one fell swoop, without wasting time and opportunities.

"When the general situation and the luck are added together, the 30% chance is indeed a bit low. In my own situation, I can get another 10% increase, but the 40% chance is still too small. At least 60% is required to be promoted successfully. opportunity……"

   Dijun gently tapped the handrail of the emperor, and said slowly, the expression on his face changed, and he kept thinking.

"Bai Ze, during the next period of time, you will still use this task as the main task, and you will upgrade the monster race as soon as possible. There are also some casual cultivators in the predecessor, which can absorb some. These are all good opportunities to improve the general situation and luck. ..."

   After thinking about it in his heart, Dijun looked at Bai Ze and said, he decided, wait for the time, it is not yet time, the probability is too low, he doesn't want to take a risk, otherwise the loss is not small.

   "Don't worry, the emperor knows what to do..."

   Bai Ze heard the words, nodded and said, then he arched his hand towards Emperor Jun and Tai Yi, then turned and left the High Heaven Palace.

This plan was discussed together by him and Di Jun, and he was naturally clear about the details. For the next thing, he would arrange everything to maximize all the monsters, so that Di Jun’s impact on Hunyuan would be more secure. some.

   "Brother, last time you went to the land of the blood sea, was it because of what Kunpeng said?"

   Taiyi looked at Bai Ze after leaving, looked at Di Jun and said.

The last time Emperor Jun went to the Sea of ​​Blood, Taiyi knew about it, but because Emperor Jun had been in retreat since he returned to the Heavenly Court last time, Taiyi did not have the opportunity to ask. After a while.

   In fact, the proposal of the demon master Kunpeng last time is quite feasible. Such a killer can indeed break the real body of the ancestor witch.

   But the problem is that Kunpeng's proposal is to kill the human race and use the blood of the human race to refine. This is one of the reasons why he and Di Jun did not adopt it.

   There are contradictions between the monster races and the human races in the prehistoric times. These prehistoric races are all known, but those monster races are already distinguished from the monster races in the heavenly court. If the monster race takes action, the situation will be different.

   At that time, the two races of humans and monsters will be fighting. In terms of the strength of the human race at this time, even if the monsters can win, they will pay a lot of price. If the two make another move, where is the possibility of the monsters' existence?

   is also the case, Di Jun would not accept Kun Peng's proposal.

   But his idea is still feasible, so Di Jun went to the land of the blood sea, planning to find another way to solve it.

"It's so, the blood of the human race cannot be moved lightly. But the killing weapon is indeed feasible, so I plan to exchange one-third of the blood in the blood sea with Styx to refine the killing weapon, but he did not agree..." Jun heard this and nodded.

He looked at Taiyi and said, "If this matter fails, just return to me to prove the Dao Hunyuan matter. Without a killer, my monster clan agrees to have a solution to the witch clan, and there is no need to worry too much about this matter... …"

   Hearing this, I nodded too much, and understood what my elder brother meant, so I didn't think too much about it.

   "Taiyi, in the next time, you still have to practice more..." Di Jun looked at Taiyi.

   "I know the big brother!" Tai Yi nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ Di Jun nodded, and then moved away from the Palace of the High Heavens.

When    saw this, Tai also got up and left, and went to practice.


   In an instant, ten thousand years have passed.

   The demon race has been vigorously improving itself during this period of time, and has also absorbed a part of the prehistoric cultivators. After all, the prehistoric situation is changing with each passing day, and they are also seeking shelter. The demon race is naturally a good choice.

   The improvement of his own strength has also absorbed some prehistoric cultivators, and the overall strength and luck of the monster race have been improved.

   And the high level of the monster clan, at this time in the cultivation, their cultivation base will be improved, and their overall strength and luck will also be improved.


   Witch, in the Pangu Palace.

   "Big Brother, Yaozu ignores other things now, and only improves his own strength, it's a bit strange..."

   Xuan Ming frowned, looked at Di Jiang and said.

   "Although the strength of the monster clan is not inferior to that of my witch clan, it is still a bit weaker than my witch clan.

   "However, the Yaozu might have other plans. During this time, you should also pay close attention to prevent other methods of the Yaozu."

   "In addition, our own strength and big formation also need to be continuously improved and improved. As long as our strength is improved, we can respond to all changes with the same, without worrying about all the methods of the monster clan..."

   After thinking about it in his heart, Emperor Jiang said to the ancestors.

   Hearing the words, the ancestors nodded and agreed with Dijiang's words, and they will execute them after this.




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