Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 48: 5 yuan meeting, Di Jun decides

Chapter 48 The Five Yuan Meeting, Di Jun decides

Taishang and Nüwa returned to the wilderness, and all sentient beings didn't know about it, and they didn't know how to lead and quasi mention. However, Yuanshi and Tongtian belonged to one of the three Qing Dynasties. When Taishang returned to the prehistoric lands this time, Yuanshi and Tongtian were still a little sensitive.

Although they didn't know what their eldest brother was doing this time, they returned to the Taiqing Palace this time and then began to retreat. After thinking about it in their hearts, they ignored it for the time being.

As for the two sages in the West, I don’t know and I don’t care, I’m trying my best to improve my cultivation level and the cultivation level of the sect. Among all the saints, I’m at the end. The introduction is better, but Zhunti is a saint The end.

In such a situation, they naturally have to work harder to practice and develop. In addition, Western religions still owe the merits of the gods and have great aspirations to be paid back. So at this time, they naturally ignore other things and do their best to improve themselves. .

Over the years, there have been some effects. Although it is difficult to improve much, the cultivation level of the disciples has been improved a lot. It has brought a lot of luck to the Western religion, and there are faint signs of re-emergence. Quite rare.

In this regard, the introduction and quasi-promotion are naturally happy, and they have developed more vigorously.

And Yuanshi and Tongtian's interception and interpretation of teachings have also improved a lot of the strength of their disciples, and their luck has been improved.


Time hurried, and quietly, it was the time of the Five Yuanhui.

These hundreds of thousands of years are a very important time for cultivation and development for many beings and forces in the prehistoric times.

Especially Yaozu is the most important thing.

Thirty-three days, the demon clan’s heaven, in the palace of the sky.

"The Emperor of Heaven, after hundreds of thousands of years of development, the Monster Race has basically reached the requirements of the Emperor of Heaven..."

In the High Heaven Hall, there is still only Di Jun, Tai Yi and Bai Ze, and Bai Ze stepped forward and said to Di Jun.

Over the years, he has been trying his best to improve the strength of the monster race, the fortune of the monster race, and absorb some casual cultivation and some small forces in the predecessor, so that the monster race’s general power and overall strength have been improved. It's obvious.

Over the past million years, all aspects of the Yaozu have been greatly improved, and they have basically met the requirements of Emperor Jun.

When Di Jun heard the words, he nodded slightly, and looked at Bai Ze, "I have estimated it. Based on the situation of the demon race at this time, with the help of the general situation and luck to attack the Hunyuan Daluojin fairyland, there should be a half chance..."

After a pause, Di Jun continued, "I have some new insights recently, and I plan to retreat again. I believe that the chance of success can be increased to 60%. In this way, the impact of the Hunyuan realm will be very great. Grasped..."

"Even if you don't enter this realm in the end, your cultivation level will be promoted to the most peak existence under this realm. By then, you will have many advantages against the Wu clan, and it can play a lot of roles in the war... "

Hearing this, Taiyi and Bai Ze nodded.

"Bai Ze, you must have contributed to this..." Di Jun said with a smile on his face, looking at Bai Ze.

"The minister is terrified, these are what the minister should do..." Bai Ze arched his hands.

Di Jun didn't answer, Bai Ze did have a lot of credit for this, he will remember it.

After finishing his mind, Dijun said to Bai Ze, "Bai Ze, you don't have to slow down about the demon race, you can still do it. After a yuan meeting, gather the demon race's power and luck to help me attack the realm of the demon race... …"

Hearing this, Bai Ze immediately bowed his hand, "Tiandi don't worry, the minister knows how to do it!"

Dijun nodded slightly, waved his hand, Bai Ze knew, he turned and left.

"Big brother, the probability of 60% is high or not, and it is not low. After all, this level is not ordinary. Even if there is a 80% chance, I dare not say that I will be promoted..."

Tai's face was condensed, looking at Di Jun above the emperor's throne, and said.

This realm is too difficult, otherwise, there would be no such great supernatural powers trapped in this realm and cannot be promoted.

Although there is a 60% chance of being promoted to this level, this is after all Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, not Daluo Jinxian, not a realm of quasi-sages. It is not that six achievements have a big chance. Even if it is 80%, Taiyi feels unsure. .

There are too many variables in this realm, and even a small amount of variables may miss the opportunity for impact.

Therefore, Taiyi is still a little worried about the 60% success rate. If it can be mentioned again, the situation will be much better. But the current situation, even if we mention it again, is at best 70% certain.

"Taiyi, although 60% is not high, but my brother has some feelings recently. After the retreat is stable, it may increase to 70%. This way, the probability is much greater. You must know that this realm is 70% sure. It's quite rare..."

"Under the current situation, even if there is a chance of one to two percent, I have to do it. Only in this way can the monster race have a way out, and can walk a new path in the prehistoric existence of ten thousand races and all saints. Come……"

Di Jun looked at Tai Yi and slowly said, the stars gleaming in his eyes, evolving into the sea of ​​Zhou Tian and stars.

The Yaozu’s overall strength now seems to be very powerful. In the prehistoric times, in addition to those powers, it is also the Wuzu. The Terran also has Taishang and Nuwa behind. It is only about the strength of the Human. Not as good as Yaozu.

But this kind of power is far from enough. As long as the demon race does not have the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is far from enough in the predicament at this time. Five sages, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, how can the demon race go? ratio?

The Hunyuan Daluo Golden Fairy Realm is extremely difficult, and now it is too high to achieve this realm, although I have a 70% chance of being promoted, and I want to succeed, although I am not completely sure, but it is already very rare.

Now even if it is 10% or 20%, Di Jun will try, this step, he has to go, Yaozu has to go.

"The Yaozu wants to go to that point~www.ltnovel.com~ indeed, as the elder brother said, this situation is difficult, but I believe elder brother..."

Tai Yi's expression returned to calm, looking at Di Jundao.

If he is 70% sure, Taiyi still believes that his eldest brother has the hope of being promoted to the realm of Hunyuan. After all, my eldest brother is not just entering the realm of quasi-sage, or just being promoted to quasi-sage to perfection.

Instead, he spent a lot of time immersed in the realm of quasi-sage perfection, and his true cultivation surpassed the existence of quasi-sage perfection.

This kind of cultivation base, coupled with a 70% certainty, really has a great chance of hitting the realm of Hunyuan. Taiyi believes that his eldest brother can do it.

"Taiyi, you will be in charge of the Yaozu during the next period of time..." Di Jun said while looking at Taiyi.

"Brother don't worry!" Tai Yi nodded.

Di Jun nodded slightly, and then disappeared where he was.

After taking a look, Tai also left the Lingxiao Palace.



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