Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 52: Hou Tu meets chance

   Chapter 52

   After leaving the Houtu tribe, Houtu went to the Pangu Temple first. At this time, only Dijiang was in the Pangu Temple. She planned to tell her elder brother.

   Under the mountain, in the Pangu Temple.

   "Are you going to the great wilderness this time to travel or to find opportunities?"

   After hearing what Houtu said, Dijiang frowned and looked at her and said.

   Hearing this, Hou Tu smiled and said, "It's a journey, but also looking for opportunities. It's more of a journey in the predicament, and it's not harmful to your own practice..."

After a few breaths in Houtu, he continued saying, “It’s not feasible to sit and practice blindly. It’s a good time to travel through the prehistoric times, improve your mood, and find opportunities. This is also a good time to understand the heavens and the earth, so that you can better fit your own path. And the understanding of heaven and earth..."

   Emperor Jiang heard the words, looked at Houtu earnestly, and saw that her expression was firm. Knowing that she had already decided on this matter, he stopped talking.

   "Sister, you can decide these things by yourself. You are now carrying the hope of the Witch race, and we all pin our hopes on you. You can definitely find the opportunity to preach the Dao..."

   After a long time, Di Jiang looked at Houtu and said with a serious face.

   Hearing this, Houtu smiled and did not answer.

   These things were originally a matter of chance, and they were not necessarily possible, but now, I don’t speak anymore.

   "Don't worry, brother!" Houtu said with a smile.

   "The little girl is going to the wild this time, but has no purpose?" Di Jiang frowned and looked at Houtu.

   "Traveling through the wild, looking for opportunities, why do you need a direction!" Houtu smiled, but didn't care.

   Hearing the words, Di Jiang nodded. After these Hou Tu decided, he didn't say much.

   After thinking about it in his heart, he asked Hou Tu to travel through the prehistoric times.

   Seeing this, Houtu said goodbye to Dijiang and came towards the wild land.

Although she walked in the wilderness without a purpose, she also saw all the rise and fall of what she did. Whether it was the prehistoric spiritual plant or the creatures in it, from birth to death, the rise and fall of some races, she could not escape. Her eyes.

   Even though she can't see it at this time, her avenue is special, she can see through the long river of time and space through the way of reincarnation, and anyone who doesn't enter Da Luo Jinxian can easily see through.

   is Da Luo Jinxian, in fact, it is fine, but Da Luo Jinxian is very variable and difficult to control.

   Houtu didn't care about this, and while walking forward, watching the changes in the creatures, spiritual plants, etc., the mood has changed differently in these short thousands of years.


   Thirty-three days, in the demon heaven.

  Dijun has been in retreat for thousands of years at this time. At this time, all the monster races are aware that the Emperor is attacking the realm of Hunyuan at this time. As long as the emperor returns, it will be the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   At that time, the monster clan will be able to increase countless powers in the predominance, and it will be able to break the wrist with several others.

   If there is no Hunyuan of the Witch Clan, then the Witch Clan can be easily annihilated. When the world is one, the Monster Clan gathers countless great fortunes, and maybe it can improve the strength of the Eastern Emperor or the Queen.

   In this way, the demon race can once again rise countless, not only makes countless monks and races awe, accept the rule of the demon race, even those few will pay enough attention to the demon race.

   As long as the emperor returns, everything is possible.

   After Emperor Jun retreats, the evil corpse sits in the High Heaven Hall and participates in discussing the affairs of the monster race.

   But most of Bai Ze has been resolved, unless it is a major issue, Bai Ze will not consult with the evil corpse of Emperor Jun. For thousands of years, I haven't discussed with the evil corpse of Dijun.

   The luck and strength of the monster clan over the years are also slowly improving, and they are all moving in a better direction.

   As for the Wu Clan in the prehistoric age, the same is true. Both sides are moving towards higher strength.

   Although the human race did not develop slowly, it started late. Although it developed rapidly at this time, it still couldn't catch up with the Lich II race.

  In the past few years, the development in the prehistoric land, whether it is the disciple of the Holy Land or the ordinary human race, has been tempered a lot, ordinary difficulties, and the disciple of the Holy Land will not take action.

  The general prehistoric demon race is also a kind of evil cultivation, and the high-level or masters in the holy land will not take action.

   These are opportunities to sharpen the holy land disciples of the human race and the ordinary human race. Although the number has increased, it has also decreased. Although it has increased a lot, the increase in air luck is not fast when it decreases.

   But in comparison, the luck of the human race has become more solid and deep.

   The three races are now upgrading themselves, and other monks, creatures, and innate races have naturally not fallen, but compared to before, there are still a lot more creature monks walking in the wilderness at this time.

   As for the disciples under the Four Sacred Sects, in recent years, they have been more than walking in the wilderness, looking for opportunities. Although the speed of improvement is not fast, it has also improved the luck of many disciples.

  Especially Western religions, they are quite satisfied with the introduction and quasi-promotion. The improvement of doorism’s luck has a great effect on the rise of the West, and it is also very helpful for the future self-willing.


Tai Shang did not pay attention to the things in the predicament at this time. He has completed his own way. Now it is the last time. With the steady accumulation of the last multi-member society, the distance from that state is more and more at this time. Close.

   One's own avenue is consummated, and it will be a special state to control the consummation of one's own avenue.

   At that time, Taishang's control of the rules of heaven and earth will also be raised to a level, and it will be smoother to fit this heaven and earth.

   Taishang estimated that he was promoted to the realm of Consummation, but he would be in between this Yuanhui.

In the Tai Chi pattern above the heavenly spirit, the yin and yang Pisces have almost merged into the Dao of Wuwei, and among the red clouds, the look of the Taoist Sanqing is also brighter, and the rhyme of the Taoist flowing is also growing It's clear.

   With the assistance and practice of the Taoist priests over the years, the aura of the Daoist Dao has obviously improved at this time, which is another good news.

For Taishang~www.ltnovel.com~ this is his strongest trump card. The promotion of the Sanqing Daoist will increase his trump card power, even in the face of the existence of the realm of Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian, It can also last a lot of time to find other opportunities.

   So, the improvement of Taishang's cultivation level at this time is a good thing that can kill two birds with one stone. After he is fully promoted, everything will become even more different.


   When time flies, tens of thousands of years have passed.

   After tens of thousands of years, Houtu has traveled through a lot of prehistoric areas, and at this time, he is walking above the clouds.

Suddenly, Hou Tu stopped moving forward, and there was a hint of doubt on her pretty face. There seemed to be a sense of feeling in her heart. Her eyes penetrated countless regions of time and space, and fell to a mountain range that was countless trillions of miles away. in.

   "Could it be, what is the chance?"

   Houtu whispered in his heart, and then he set off towards this place.

   With her current cultivation base, it didn't take much time to come to this mountain range.

   This mountain range, but a land of trillions of miles, is not too big in the midst of the wilderness, but the aura is abundant, and it is considered a blessed place.

   After looking at the mountains, Houtu descended towards the mountains.



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