Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 62: Reincarnation ends

   Chapter 62 Reincarnation Ends

   The place where sentient beings reincarnate.

   Houtu watched Pingxin enter the underworld, sitting in the main hall of Fengdu, and nodded slightly. In this way, the operation of the underworld would not be a big problem, and the subsequent improvements will be gradually improved.

   The four holy expressions were still a little shocked. After Houtu established such a place of great merit, they were not surprised to prove the realm of mixed origin, but they were able to slay the corpse.

   It seems that after proving Dao Hunyuan, Houttu has also undergone a great change, which can be used to remove the good corpse.

   "Taoists are worthy of being the masters of reincarnation, and their methods are extraordinary!"

   Yuanshi and Tongtian's expressions returned to calm, looked at Houtu and smiled.

   "The two fellow Taoists praised it!" Houtu said with a smile.

   The Second Sage of the West also calmed down the look of shock at this time, and also accepted the huge changes in Hou Tu.


After all the things of reincarnation were over, Styx above the sea of ​​blood came back to his senses, and then got up above the fire red lotus, and after saluting the Five Sages and Tai Tai, did he look at Hou Tu and arch his hands. "Niang Niang, Styx has something to ask for, I wonder if you can?"

   Styx also did not expect that Houtu really set up a place that can carry the reincarnation of sentient beings. This is a matter of great merit, it also solves the karma problem of the sea of ​​blood, and it uses this to prove the Hunyuan Daluojinxian.

   Styx looked at the place of reincarnation of sentient beings, and it was impossible to say that he had no thoughts in his mind. But I still have to ask for the consent of Hou Tu, hoping that I can do what I want, so that I can get a lot of merit.

   "Fellow Daoist, let's talk!" After hearing this, Houtu looked at him, and said lightly.

   "Styhe wants to ask the empress for the position of guarding the **** road. If this place can be guarded by the Asuras, it would be the most suitable..." Styx arched his hands to Houtu.

   This is a good place to obtain merit, and it is long-term, and will not interfere with the luck of sentient beings. Styghe still intends to try to get this opportunity.

   Hearing the words, he muttered silently.

Styx’s words woke her up. If the Asuras guard the **** roads, this will indirectly increase the strength of the reincarnation of sentient beings, and it can also tie the Asuras and the Styxes in the **** roads. It can also enhance the luck of sentient beings in reincarnation.

In addition, there is the most critical point, that is, in this way, you can also settle the cause and effect between your own reincarnation and the sea of ​​blood, and promise to give benefits to the Styx and the Asuras, which is regarded as clearing the relationship between the two parties. Of cause and effect.

   Not only did Samsara improve the strength and luck, but also ended the cause and effect, and the Styx got the long-term merits. This is indeed a thing of two birds with one stone, and there is no reason for Hou Tu to reject him.

   Styx looked at Houtu at this moment in silence, with some worries in his heart. If this does not happen, then it has indeed missed an excellent opportunity.

   The Second Sage of the West looked at Styx, then at Houtu, and wondered if he could also speak like this.


  After a few breaths, Houtu raised his head, looked at Styx, and said faintly, "This is not unreasonable for fellow Taoists, so the guarding of the **** road in the future will be handed over to the Asuras..."

   "Xie Niangniang!"

   Styx heard the words, immediately rejoiced and worshiped.

   The second sage of the West looked at Styx, not knowing what to say, how Styx can always ‘picked up’ a lot of benefits.

   Nuwa created a clan, Styx saw this, and immediately learned to create a clan, the Asura clan, and improved a lot of strength. All the saints established a religion, he also learned to establish an Asura religion, and his strength became more and more terrifying with the virtues and luck of the family and the religion.

   Now, coupled with the opportunity to guard the reincarnation **** road, the strength will be improved a lot, although he has not yet proven, but in the consummation of the quasi-sage, how many people are the opponents of Styx?

   In the sea of ​​blood, he is even more powerful. If the sea of ​​blood is not dried, the saints can't help him.

Therefore, Styx will not prove the Dao at the back, and there will be an extra layer of protection. The guarding of the Hell Dao is a key part of the reincarnation of the post-earth sentient beings. If you want to take action on this part, you have to ask her. Of the opinions.

   This invisible layer of protection, Styx is also very clear.

   He walked toward Houtu, saluted, and then saluted the Supreme and All Saints, he entered the sea of ​​blood and began to prepare to settle in the **** road.

   The two sages of the West looked at each other, and just wanted to speak, but after seeing the gaze from Hou Tu, they stopped speaking.

   She can promise Stygo an opportunity like this. There is cause and effect in it. If they want to intervene in the Western religion, Houtu will naturally not agree to it.

   After thinking about it in his heart, the second sage didn't speak any more, and after giving his hand to Houtu, he immediately left the place.

   Yuanshi and Tongtian saw that the matter was over. They moved towards Taishang and Houtu, and after Nuwa said goodbye, they returned to their respective dojos and continued to practice in retreat.

After Houtu and Taishang, Nuwa greeted a few words, and then left for the Wu Clan, while Nuwa left Samsara and went to Fengqi Mountain again. After she finished preaching to her brother, she could return to good luck. Oh my god.

After    Nuwa and Hou Tu left, Taishang did not leave immediately, and then sat cross-legged among the clouds above the nine heavens, comprehending the mystery of the heavens and the earth here, and understanding the mystery of the more refined operation of the heavens and the earth.

Houtu established the reincarnation of all living beings, perfecting the prehistoric world, and this world is the existence of the reincarnation of sentient beings. It is also the most perfect place in the entire prehistoric world. The Taishang is the most direct and effective in understanding the mystery of the operation of the heaven and the earth in this place. of.

   A crimson cloud appeared above the heavenly spirit, and the Sanqing Taoists sat in it, helping Taishang to realize the heaven and the earth together, letting go of mind, and accommodating the whole heaven and earth.

   He sits upright above the nine heavens, but at this time he feels that he is integrated with the whole world. Facing him is like facing the heaven and the earth. This is the same as before. Now he is the heaven and the earth.

   With its own mind to accommodate the world, the laws of its own avenues blend the rules of the world, incarnate the world, the avenue.

   At this moment, he is heaven and earth!

   After the Supreme Mind contained the heaven and the earth, the divine consciousness penetrated the universe, through the long river of time and fate ~www.ltnovel.com~, continuously extending in, reaching the most essential part of the heaven and earth, as if it had reached the source of the heaven and earth.

The Taishang Lingtai is clear and the avenue is unobstructed, and began to understand the operation of the world, continue to improve and accumulate the avenue of oneself, and also begin to touch the more advanced "Tao", continuously shortening the gap between himself and the Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal .


   Taishang is comprehending and comprehending the mystery of the movement of the heavens and the earth, and in the midst of the wilderness, he is constantly discussing the matter of the reincarnation of the earth.

   Houtu has already proved that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, between heaven and earth, there is another top-notch existence.

   The status of the Witch Clan has been improved a lot next time, compared with that before the saints had not proclaimed the Tao.

   The most important thing is that after reincarnation, they don’t have to worry about their own ghost after the fall, and they can return to reincarnation again.

   Such things, they are naturally happy, but also grateful for the compassion of Hou Tu, and they have done this for all living beings.

   If Fei Tai assisted the reincarnation seal to make the final evolution, Houtu would really have achieved the greater self with the ego. Now that she can enjoy these merits, she deserves it. After all, the merits are so great.

   Only she can enjoy these merits.




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