Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 67: Too high to go out, the demon clan discusses

   Chapter 67: Too Shang to leave the customs, the monster clan

   Regarding the promotion of Hou Yi to the ancestral witch, Hou Tu and the ancestral witches naturally have to discuss something again.

However, Hou Tu didn't pay much attention to these things, and they were handed over to Dijiang and they arranged. Hou Yi was promoted to the ancestral witch and made up for the lack of Hou Tu's central position. This is already the biggest point. .

   As for the others, they are nothing. I believe Dijiang and the others will arrange it.

   The Houtu listener Zu Wu discussed and arranged things, and she also nodded slightly. She quite agreed with these things.

   Houyi is still consolidating his ancestral witch realm, and when he can fully control the ancestral witch realm, Dijiang will start to make Houyi proficient in the Wu clan formation and the open moves of the big formation.

   Even if the power of the big formation can no longer be increased, it is enough to keep it at the level before the reincarnation of the earth and the reincarnation. This is enough.

   Therefore, in the next period of time, they will teach Hou Yi to control the big formation. There is no need for Hou Tu to worry about this.

   Therefore, after Houtu stayed in the Pangu Temple for a while, he left the Pangu Temple and returned to the reincarnation of sentient beings.

   After all, she is now the Lord of Samsara. If there is nothing to do, she still has to sit in Samsara, and she can also be stable and improve her own cultivation.

   After Emperor Jiang and other ancestor Wu saw Hou Tu and left, he also began to arrange matters for the Wu clan.


Houtu returned to the land of reincarnation of sentient beings. Although she could not find the place of Taishang, she also existed in the realm of Hunyuan. Naturally, she could see the abnormality of the nine heavens in this place. Combined with the previous situation, she naturally guessed It may be Taishang who is here to comprehend and practice.

   She didn't pay too much attention to it either, she went back to the samsara of sentient beings, took part in samsara, and continued to consolidate her practice.

   And above the nine heavens, somewhere in the area.

There is a bright divine light blooming in the red cloud of the Taishang, covering the sky, the red color seems to be deeply etched in the world here, even under the rapid scouring of the long river of time and space, it is impossible Change one point.

   Among the red clouds, the three clear rays of light reflected each other, the rhyme of the lotus platform flowed, and the vast aura of the avenue was stronger for a while. The Taoists of the Sanqing have improved a little this time, although not much, but it is also extremely rare.

   Although Tai Tai has not made much progress on his own avenue, his control of the rules of heaven and earth has been improved, and his control of the power of heaven and earth has also improved a lot.

   The speed of time and space in Taishang's body passed by quickly, and the laws of time and space that were visible to the naked eye flew past Taishang's body at an extreme speed, and the long river of time and space descended and hovered here.

   In the long river of time and space, under the continuous scouring of the Ganges river sand, but the too high is still unmoving, the aura of the great power on the body gradually rises, becoming more refined and vast.


Suddenly, Tai Shang suddenly opened his eyes, two golden lights penetrated the firmament of the universe, piercing two black holes in the space-time velocity area and the long river of time and space in front of him, and then the force slowly spread until the space-time in front of him The river broke up.

   "The operation of heaven and earth is perfected day by day, and Honghuang is becoming more and more stable..."

   Tai Shang first observed his own situation, nodded in satisfaction, and improved the operation and control of heaven and earth a lot.

   Soon, he glanced at the wild land slowly, and said slowly.

  The Honghuang is gradually perfected and consolidated. This is a good thing for Honghuang, and it is also a good thing for the spiritual beings in it.

   Taishang, as one of the Pangu Sanqing and the top existence in the prehistoric, is naturally willing to see such things. After all, the prehistoric is more perfect and more stable. It is also good for them to perceive the existence of the world to operate.

   In addition, there is also Luo Huan in the chaos that has a keen eye on the prehistoric, the perfection and consolidation of the prehistoric, there can be a little more guarantee.

   It was Luo Hui's attack, and Hong Huang would not be damaged so quickly in Luo Hui's hands.

   After thinking about it, Tai Tai slowly got up and glanced at the heavy sky, with a smile on his face, "The avenue is branded, and the crimson does not retreat, and that is the case, this heavy sky is the Great Chi Heaven!"

   In this heavy sky, there is the imprint of Taishang Avenue, and the long river of time and space cannot be washed away. The red color is the color of this place, and the other colors in this place are all dull and dull.

   In this case, Taishang simply named the place after "Da Chi Tian".

After    smiled, his upper body moved and disappeared into the red sky.

   At this time, countless monks and creatures in the prehistoric land looked up at the nine heavens, where a heavy sky appeared, with a crimson color.

   At the same time, in their hearts, the three words'Da Chi Tian' emerged.

   Although he was curious about why he knew the name of this heavy sky, but thinking about it, there was no big problem with him, so he ignored it.


   Thirty-three days, in the Demon Race's High Heaven Palace.

   "Bai Ze, can you find out the horrible aura of the Wu Clan recently?"

   Taiichi looked calm, looked at Bai Ze below, and asked.

   "Returning to the East Emperor, it has not been determined for the time being, but the aura is no longer under the ancestral witch, and the aura is very similar to Hou Tu..."

   Hearing this, Bai Ze immediately bowed his hand and said, using the means of him and the Yaozu for a long time, there is no definite news for the time being.

"That breath is indeed the breath of the ancestral witch, Houtu is already in the realm of the mixed origin, naturally it will not be her, but it is similar to her, that means that among the witches, a new ancestral witch has been born, and, It's from the Houtu tribe..."

   Taiyi heard the words, his eyes drenched slightly, and his mouth condensed.

   "Could it be Houyi?!"

   Bai Ze heard this, his expression changed, and he immediately spoke.

   In this way, Hou Yi is indeed in line with this promotion opportunity. After all, he is also a quasi-sage, and his strong body has reached a terrifying point, and there is indeed hope for promotion to the ancestral witch.

   "The emperor is not sure for the time being, but I think it won't be too different..." Tai Yi said lightly.

   After a pause, he continued, "The key now is not this, but the birth of a new ancestral witch from the Wu clan. This is not good news for us..."

   The strength of a Hun Yuan and a new ancestor witch ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ can be imagined.

"Emperor, although this matter is not good news for my monster race, it can prove one thing. After the earth promotes the tribe's great witch as the ancestral witch, to make up for the number of the twelve ancestral witches, it shows that she cannot easily Shot, in this way, my monster race still has a big chance..."

   The brilliance flowed in Bai Ze's eyes, he kept calculating in his heart, and then looked at Tai.

   Hearing this, Tai nodded slightly, and said, "This is possible, but we can't take it lightly. In any case, adding another ancestral witch to the Witch Clan is not a small thing for my Monster Clan..."

   "The minister understands that the minister will arrange the matter..." Bai Ze said.

   nodded too much, and then waved his hand, Bai Ze knew it, and stepped back.

   Taiyi's gaze stayed above the Wu Clan for a long time, then he withdrew his gaze and left the High Heaven Palace.

   After Bai Ze left, he continued to improve the strength of the monster tribe. The formation was still the most critical point. He did not lose the strength of the monster tribe.

  Heaven has plenty of aura, as well as great luck, and assistance from countless rare treasures, which can be slowly improved.

   Bai Ze will also arrange these, because he has a hunch that the calm time will not be too far away.



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