Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 69: The Supreme Being Comes to Zixiao Palace again

   Chapter 69: Supreme Supreme Comes to Zixiao Palace again

   In the Hall of Promise, it was flooded by the radiant colorful light of the Taoist Talisman, the pure atmosphere of the Great Dao, slowly fluctuating from the Taoist Talisman.

   "The Dao Ancestor summoned again, could it be, what's the important thing?"

   Tai Tai squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the Taoist Talisman with the colorful divine light, and said in his heart.

   Judging from the current situation, there is no major issue in the predicament that he needs to discuss, and the time is not yet available for those needs.

   "It seems that it is very likely to be Luo Hui's matter, it is really a tricky thing..."

   Too made a soft voice, and in the crystal clear eyes, two rays of light lit up, piercing the firmament of the universe, and the long river of time and space shook slightly.

Luo Hu is indeed a troublesome existence. His cultivation is not under the Taoist ancestor. Even if it is too high, he is still a bit worse now. However, his current progress is not slow. The understanding of the'Tao', It is also in constant deepening.

   Therefore, I am too convinced that I will be promoted to the Promise Golden Immortal, and it will not be too long.


   "Regardless of whether it is Luohu or not, since it is the Taoist ancestor who has called to discuss it, we still can't delay..."

   Taishang thought a thousand turns in his heart, and then looked at Taoist Fu Zhao said.

When the voice of    fell, he immediately got up, the Taoist talisman flashed light, and then escaped into the void.

   Seeing this, Tai Tai moved his body, left in the Promise Hall, and came towards the chaotic world.


After a breath, Taishang appeared above Nine Heavens. He glanced at Da Chi Tian, ​​smiled, and stepped out, crossing the endless time and space area, into the chaotic world, and glanced at the Dao Ancestor who had fled away. Fuzhao is just looking for it.

   Zixiao Palace is, after all, Dao Zu Hongjun’s dojo, Dao Zu is the existence of the Dao, so naturally he will not leave the area too far away.

Too much last step across the trillions of miles, but within a few years, I have come to a relatively special chaotic area, where the chaotic energy is relatively thin, and it is dissipated by the pure purple light and the rich heavenly aura. .

   This place is the Zixiao Palace, the farthest distance from the prehistoric, no matter how far away, heaven will not allow it.

Taishang walked out of the void, Daozu Fuzhao had already escaped into the Zixiao Palace. After taking a look, he stepped out and drove to the gate of the Zixiao Palace. After taking a look, he took a step. Entered the Zixiao Palace.

   walked through the starry sky promenade with shining stars, and soon came to the main hall.

Although the Taishang did not see the two boys in Zixiao Palace, Haotian and Yaochi, he was able to perceive their aura somewhere in the Zixiao Palace. It seems that Dao Ancestor also cared about these two boys. Raise them a bit, and the aura that I feel now is much more refined than last time.

   Tai Tai went up to the high platform, saw Dao Zu Hongjun who was already here, and nodded slightly, "Dao Zu!"

   "Little friends please!"

   Hongjun Daozu nodded slightly, his expression on his face did not fluctuate in the slightest.

   "Daozu this time, but do you have something to discuss?" Taishang looked at him and said straight to the point.

   Hearing the words, Dao Zu Hongjun nodded slightly and looked at Tai Shangdao, "It is indeed an important matter, and it is still Luo Hu's matter..."

   Tai Tai closed her eyes slightly, looked at him, did not speak.

"Last time, according to what you said, the reason why Luohu's deity did not take action against you was that there was something special in the chaos, but recently, Shan Dao's heart was throbbing, and he was aware of his breath. Maybe, he would Shot..."

   "However, Pan Dao doesn't know when his actions will be taken for the time being..."

   Hongjun Daozu's expression was slightly condensed, looking at the chaotic world, he said slowly.

   "In this way, Luo Hui has already solved some things in the chaos. Is it possible to take action against Honghuang this time?" Tai Shang asked.

   Daozu nodded slightly, "It's true, Luo Hui has a high chance of attacking Honghuang, and it won't be too far. Pang Dao can already detect his breath, maybe, in this recent period of time..."

   Daozu said, his eyes drenched slightly, his gaze penetrated the long river of time and space, and the long river of destiny fell somewhere.

   "Dao Zu is planning to join me to take the shot?" Too looked indifferent and looked at Dao Zu Dao.

"It's true that as the little friend said, Luohu's deity will be handed over to the poor Dao, but if Luohu has other methods, he will have to take the shots. After all, Luohu's methods are not simple. Those in the predecessor are afraid that they will be worse. ..."

   Daozu retracted his gaze, fell on Taishang, and said.

   Too nodded, and this is also feasible, just like the last time he and Nu Wa shot together, he solved Luo Huo's existence similar to the clone, and Nu Wa was to solve the Demon Mo Luo.

   "In that case, the little friend recently waited in the Zixiao Palace..." Dao Zu looked at Tai Shang and said.

   "According to Daozu's words!"

   nodded too much, he also had a feeling in his heart at this time, fearing that Luo Hui would make a move in a short time.


   At the same time, I don’t know how many trillions of miles away.

   "Magic Ancestor, if as you said, we will not have much chance of winning this time..."

   Mo Luo looked dignified, looked at that one, as if he was above all the existence on the avenue, and said respectfully.

   "If you make a shot, you may not be able to win. Moreover, this time is not for Sheng Hongjun..."

   Luohuo's dark eyes were filled with magic flames, and he spoke faintly, his voice contained great power, and it shook the void~www.ltnovel.com~ Mo Luo didn't understand! "Mo Luo looked at him suspiciously.

   Luo Hui did not answer, after a glance, he said lightly, "Let's go!"

   Mo Luo did not dare to say much, followed Luo Hui, and came towards the prehistoric place.


   When time flies, ten thousand years pass quietly.

  In the predicament, all races, various forces and countless monks and creatures, etc., are all in a steady improvement at this time.

   The great world is peaceful, only the luck of the Lich II family, and the degree of improvement has attracted a lot of attention, and I am also amazed by the development of the Lich II family over the years.

   If the fighting recurs, they can imagine how far the two tribes will fight.

   But the situation is calm now, this matter won't happen for the time being, so I don't need to pay too much attention to it.

Moreover, the prehistoric existence now has the existence of reincarnation, which has complemented the heavens and the earth, and has also given sentient beings one more chance to survive. Therefore, when the calamity comes, he has a lot of vitality, as long as he protects the true spirit and soul Just loose.

   All Saints did not pay too much attention to the promotion of the Lich Race. Between them, they always felt that something was going to happen.

   But now the situation in the precipice is calm, and they haven't found anything for the time being, so they are paying attention while studying the Great Way.


   Zixiao Palace, above the main hall.

   Hongjun Daozu and Taishang opened their eyes at the same time, their expressions were cold and solemn.

   "Luo Hui, here comes..."




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