Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 10: Haotian Great Tianzun

   Chapter 10 Vast Sky Great Heavenly Sovereign

   Tian Ting, at the South Gate.

   Yaochi looked a little shocked at the colorful light, she did not expect that the teacher would help them rebuild the heaven.

   Haotian knows that the teacher will help? still is?

   Yaochi thought a thousand times in his heart, and did not speak, since the heavenly court was rebuilt, then everything is ignored.

   A smile appeared on Haotian's face, and then he bowed in the direction of Chaos, "Thank you, teacher!"

   Yao Chi saw this, and also followed suit.

  After a few breaths, the colorful light dissipated, and Haotian and Yaochi got up.


  At the same time, all the saints and the two Hunyuan looked at this colorful light, they all understood what was going on, and everyone looked different.

   Tai Shang Sanqing's expression was calm, but there was no change at all, Nuwa and Houtu didn't pay much attention either.

   "The teacher really wants to support Haotian. Even the reconstruction of the heavenly court is personally helpful..."

   took the rosary in his hand and flicked it lightly, and said lightly.

   Hearing this, Zhunti did not speak, and a dark cloud appeared on his face.

   "The matter of the heavenly court, I am afraid that Haotian has already been scheduled in advance, and the details are as you and I guessed..."

   After a long time, Zhunti said in a deep voice.

   Let Haotian come to the Emperor of the Day, so that it would be much easier to control it. Otherwise, Zhun Ti could not believe that he would really put such an important position in the hands of a boy like Haotian.

   "No matter what, this matter is already a foregone conclusion, and it is useless to say more..." After he said in the mouth, he stopped talking.

   Zhunti looked at it for thirty-three days, with dark clouds in his eyes.


   "In this way, the heaven is rebuilt, and it can be reopened today..."

   Haotian looked at Yaochi beside him and smiled.

   "Haotian, among the four princes of the heavenly court, the three religions occupy the three princes. Will this have some impact on us?"

   Yaochi looked worried, and asked, Sanyu's power status is only a little weaker than that of the heavenly emperor, and it is also a pivotal position in the heavenly court. If the three imperials intervene together, Haotian will also be restrained.

   "It's okay, although the four guards are occupied by the three guards, but with the power of you and me, plus the one guard in your hands, you may not be subject to many constraints..."

After a pause, Haotian continued, "Besides, there are no arrangements for other positions in the heavenly court. They can be arranged by you and me. As long as we train them out of our confidants, In the future, if the strength grows, it will truly control the heaven..."

   Hearing this, Yao Chi nodded. Since Haotian has a plan in her heart, she doesn't worry about it anymore.

   "The heavenly court is vast, and the land to control is even more boundless. If you want to truly operate the heavenly court, the number of monks required is not low. How many monks can there be based on the current situation of you and me?" Yaochi asked.

   "There are countless monks in the predicament, as long as the benefits are enough, that's okay..." Haotian smiled.

"They already knew about the great luck in the heaven, the power of the stars, the abundant aura and so on. Now, the teacher has also handed you the best spiritual root and the peach tree. This is another advantage for us to recruit the great monks... "

   Hearing the words, there was a mysterious brilliance in the beautiful eyes of Yaochi, and after a while, the flat peach tree appeared in her hand.

   With a wave of her bare hand, the peach tree flew out in vain, and fell into the orchard of the heavenly garden and turned into a peach grove, and the whole heavenly spirit was gathered in the orchard.

   And that top-quality congenital spiritual root pan peach tree turned into 3,600 pan peach trees at this time. It is really peculiar. This orchard is also the pan peach garden that will be known to all living beings in the future.

   There are 1,200 plants in front of them. The flowers are small and the fruits are small. They ripen every three thousand years. People will become immortals after eating them, and they will be light-hearted.

   There are 1,200 plants in the middle, with layers of sweet and sweet fruits, which are ripe for 6,000 years. People eat the rosy clouds and soar, and they will live forever.

   There are 1,200 plants in the back, with purple veins and nuclei, which are ripe for 9,000 years. After eating, people live with the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon are the same.

   3,600 plants of flat peaches bloom and bear fruit quickly, and they are covered with ripe flat peaches in a short while, and the peaches are scented everywhere, and the whole heaven can be smelled.

   "Look, it's so good, why don't you worry that no monks will join the heavenly court?"

   Haotian looked at Pan Taoyuan and said with a smile.

   Listening to this, Yao Chi nodded with a smile, and this is also a very good thing.

   Today's Heavenly Court is not the former Heavenly Court. It is now reopened by the Taoist ancestors, occupying the righteousness. Now the Heavenly Court is rebuilt, luck, spiritual energy, star power, and the current flat peach and so on.

   With so many superimpositions, Haotian doesn't need to worry that there will be no flash repairs in the predicament.

   The path of practice is not easy to move forward. In the prehistoric times, I don't know how many cultivators are looking for other channels that can improve faster in order to improve their cultivation.

   I’m not seeing you, I joined the Ten Thousand Immortals League in the past, and those casual cultivators in the Demon Clan’s Heavenly Court weren’t just for the great luck that could improve their cultivation.

   The Heavenly Court now has many benefits, so there is no need to worry too much.

   After thinking about it in his heart, Haotian turned around and stood at the Southern Heaven Gate, facing the predicament, his tongue springing thunderously.

  "I am the King of the Jade Emperor, the Great Heavenly Venerable Haotian, and he was canonized by the Taoist ancestors, and became the new lord of the heavens, re-establishing the heavens, governing the cosmos and the primordial universe, and enforcing the law on behalf of the heavens.

  Today, the heavenly court is reopened, and a hundred wastes are waiting for prosperity, so I sincerely invite the great and wild to win the position of the Taoist immortal, punish the evil and promote the good, and return the world to peace and harmony..."

   Haotian's voice resounded through the wild, and all the people in the wild were shocked. The battle between the two families of the lich had just ended, but only more than three million years later, the heavenly court had a new master.

   And the background is not small, it was directly appointed by Daozu Hongjun, that is, with Daozu as a backer, even the saints would not attack them at will.

   As for the benefits of the heavenly court, all sentient beings naturally know, otherwise the emperor would not regard the heavenly court as the base camp of the demon race, and all moved to the heavenly court.

   The spiritual aura and the power of the stars in this heavenly court are much stronger than most places in the prehistoric places. This is extremely attractive to some prehistoric monks with low cultivation bases and poor mixing.

   The Haotian Jade Emperor's extensive recruitment of mortal immortals to the heavens ~www.ltnovel.com~ spread all over the prehistoric places in an instant, and this move caused an uproar among the prehistoric.

   The great sentient beings have mixed praises and criticisms for this move. Some people are dismissive of Haotian's actions, while some people are very interested in it. After all, the benefits are not small.

   So, they decided to go there for 33 days, maybe it was their chance.

   For a time, among the primordial sentient beings, there were many monks rushing for thirty-three days, and the light filled the sky.

   Some monks choose to wait and see first, looking for a better time.

   However, these people who choose to go to Heavenly Court are generally not very high in cultivation. Regarding this, Haotian also thought of it, and didn't worry about it either.

   There are so many benefits of Heavenly Court, and under such cultivation, their cultivation level will always improve.

   By then, because they are personally trained, they will be their confidantes, their own power, that is, they will be on the scale.

After    Haotian went through some simple screenings, he accepted a large part of the casual training, began to train it, and operated Heavenly Court by the way.

As the emperor of the sky, Haotian naturally didn’t need to do anything personally. Therefore, among these casual cultivators, there was a Sanxian with a fairly good cultivation base and outstanding ability. He became Haotian’s favor. To him.

   He is one of the stars of the week, Taibai Venus, a piece of spiritual stone falling from the prehistoric, because he has the origin of Taibai Venus, so he was named Taibai Venus, and his cultivation is already in the late Taiyi Jinxian, and he is not weak.

   In this way, the operation of the heavenly court can be considered to be somewhat scaled.




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