Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 14: Treasures in the world

Latest website: Chapter 14 Treasures Appearing

In a blink of an eye, another thousand years passed quietly.

Since Zhunti went deep into the Central Continent, he moved forward ‘carefully’ all the way, and now the spiritual objects he took and the monks who crossed into the transformation were all one out of ten. He didn't dare to take more, and the monks who crossed into the transformation.

If it had been before, he would have all crossed to the West, but the situation is different now. If he shot too frequently, maybe he would have been known by those few people. This is the situation now.

Even though it is known now, the number of shots is not many, and there are not many cultivators who have gained insights and transitions. If you think about it, you will not stop yourself. If you take shots on yourself, anyway, you are also a saint, a named disciple of the Taoist ancestor, and Some will save some face.

Although his current practice does not have many saints' faces to speak of, for the sake of the West, from his point of view, it is nothing.

Everything is for the West, in order to vouch for God's way, what I did, face or something, is not worth mentioning.

After Zhunti moved forward for hundreds of years, his heart moved slightly, and then he moved towards the east.


Prehistoric, somewhere in the area.

"Zhun mentioned that in order to grow the West, I wish the things of heaven, but I really did it to the extreme..."

The Grand Admiral took his gaze back from Zhun Ti's direction, and shook his head in his mouth.

"Master, what's wrong with the saint?" Qing Xuan was a little curious when he heard this.

"Zhunti traveled east, scraped a lot of things in the Central Continent, and also sent a lot of monks to the west..."

He smiled too sly, and said, if you change to another existence, you really can't do such a thing.

But if he were to change his position, he would have done the right thing. After all, he was to grow the West, to vouch for the way of heaven, and for his way. It was just a way of doing things, which was not very accepted by the primordial beings.

Qing Xuan heard this, an incredible color flashed in his huge eyes.

It didn't expect that Zhunti, one of the dignified saints, would actually do such a thing. Is this not even the face?

But in this case, he didn't dare to say casually, the lord is the lord, even if he said it, the saint would not know it, he knew it, and he didn't dare to do anything, but he was different.

I said it myself, but the saint would know, and whether he blamed it or not, it's better not to say these things.

"Let's go, continue to the southeast!"

He smiled too much, as if he knew what Qing Xuan was thinking in his heart, he patted it and said.

Qing Xuan nodded, and there were clouds under his feet, and walked towards the southeast.


Qing Xuan carried Tai Shang to continue to the southeast, crossing an unknown area of ​​trillions of trillions of miles. It did not know where the destination was, but Tai Shang did not stop it, and it could only keep going. Carrying too forward.

It felt that it should not be too far away from the destination.

Tai Shang watched the great changes and the evolution of sentient beings while comprehending his own way.

In this way, another three thousand years have passed quietly.

Rao Shi Qingxuan's speed is not fast, but the speed of the quasi-sage cultivation is not slow. For tens of thousands of years, he has traveled a lot of areas, and now, he has finally reached the supreme place. Said the destination.

"Stop here!"

Suddenly, Tai Yang said lightly.

"Yes, sir!"

Qing Xuan uttered words, and then slowly descended towards this trillion-mile mountain range, shrinking in body shape.

His upper body moved, three feet off the ground, standing in the void, his eyes were like a clear sky, his mind was pierced, and he slowly swept across the place, stepping out the next step, traversing tens of millions of miles, and came to a place. On the top of the mountain.

After calculating in his hand, he nodded slightly, and the timing was almost time.


Under the upper body, yin and yang emerged, evolving a pattern of Tai Chi, Tai Shang directly sat cross-legged on the Tai Chi chart, then closed his eyes, and continued to comprehend the heaven and earth and the great principles.

After Qing Xuan looked at Taishang on the spot, he closed his eyes and waited for practice.

Its realm limit is only in this great realm. At most, it can reach Quasi-Holy Consummation, but this is also a matter of blocking its continuous cultivation and improvement. Now every step of accumulation is an opportunity to improve itself. Qingxuan is down. I didn't miss it either.


As time flies, hundreds of years have passed.

After Zhunti left this area, he wanted to move on. Suddenly, he stopped and glanced at the south. The road appeared in his eyes, and he calculated a few minutes in his heart.

"The secrets of heaven are disordered, but there is always something unusual..."

Zhunti said inwardly, and immediately, he had a face in front of his eyes and smiled on his face, "Maybe, it is a holy opportunity, which can strengthen the West..."

Before the voice was over, Zhunti had already lost his presence.


Prehistoric, somewhere in the mountains.


Among the mountains, there was a sudden rumbling sound, and the sound waves swept across to the naked eye, clearing a large area.


In the next instant, a vast expanse of weather radiated from one of the peaks.

At the same time, Tai Shang on a certain mountain peak suddenly opened his eyes, two golden lights in his eyes pierced the void in front of him.

"Treasure, this world..."

Too uttered a soft voice. Before the voice fell, he saw a rainbow light piercing through the sky and the sky, and the mountain suddenly turned into dust.

"call out!"

From the Taiqing mark on the upper eyebrows, a cyan beam of light was shot out from Fei. It plunged directly into the mountain peak where the rainbow light penetrated through the sky, and embedded somewhere in it.


In between, a mysterious connection appeared in Taishang's heart, as if it was a defect, and now it has been completed.

"That's it!"

Too catchy chuckled, looking at where the rainbow light was dissipating at this time, the divine light appeared in his eyes, and the evolution was boundless and mysterious.

The rainbow light dissipated, and there were only some extremely calm pre-existing breaths, which heralded the extraordinaryness of this place. Otherwise, you would not necessarily find that there are treasures in this place ~ www.ltnovel.com~ that countless people coveted.

At the same time, at the moment when the treasure appeared and the rainbow light penetrated the heaven and the earth, the five sages between the heaven and the earth, the two Hunyuan, all paid attention to this place.

Treasures are present in the world, and they are still not counted as the existence of heavenly secrets, so they are definitely extraordinary.

The smile on his face grew even closer to the nearest Zhun Ti, and it had already come quickly.

In a short breath, Zhun Ti had already arrived in this mountain range.

"I come from the West, and those who are predestined to cross-transformation, this thing is predestined to the West!"

Between the heavens and the earth, there was a voice that contained enough to change the way of cultivation, which caused the creatures in the area of ​​billions of trillions of miles to feel a little converted to the West.

"Zhunti, do you want to make things of this religion?!"



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