Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 23: Flat Peach Festival (1)

   Chapter 23, Pan Peach Festival (1)

   In the Heavenly Court, in the Lingxiao Palace.

   "Taibai Jinxing, can you write down the affairs of the flat peach event?"

   Haotian looked at the Taibai Venus below, and said lightly.

   "Emperor Huitian, the minister has completely written down, and you can proceed with the arrangement, and it will be completed within a thousand years..."

   Hearing this, Taibai Jinxing said with his hands.

Haotian heard the words, slightly nodded, and said, "As for those forces, you can send it in person. The invitation card should be of the highest standard. Whether they come or not, it depends on themselves. You can deliver it by yourself. ..."

   "The minister understands..."

   Taibai Jinxing heard this, and after a response, he turned and left.

   Haotian looked at Honghuang, the divine light in his eyes surged, the expression on his face couldn't see the depth, and he didn't know what was brewing.


The invitation list of the flat peach event, Taibai Jinxing has discussed with Haotian, and after arranging the invitation, he ordered to go down. The monks with higher cultivation level in the prehistoric and the more powerful forces are all ordinary The red invitation cards are the ordinary heavenly officials in the heavenly court.

   As for forces like dragons, etc., they are golden invitations, which are also delivered by ordinary heavenly officials.

Originally, the Lich was also among the golden invitations, but because Emperor Jun and Hou Tu both existed as Hun Yuan, Haotian was not able to arrange it like this. It was the same as All Saints and Taishang, both of which were of black specifications. Taibai Jinxing himself Go.

   As the emperor with a lower cultivation base, it is natural that Taibai Jinxing was the first to send invitations.

Then, it was slowly delivered to the hands of those few. As for the Supreme, in the current situation, no one in the predicament knew that he was preaching among the human races, and waited until he sent the other ones before leaving for the human race. It's a trip.


   As soon as time flies, hundreds of years of time have passed quietly.

   among the holy land of human race.

   Taishang slowly opened his eyes, consolidated his own way in the sermon, and felt new insights. These Taishang has been completely stabilized, and the Taishang is quite satisfied with the improvement of humanity.


  燧 people respectfully began to speak, these disciples have been sober for more than a hundred years, but they have been enlightened for a hundred years.

   Tai Tai looked at him, and said faintly, "But what about the Heavenly Peach Blossom Festival?"

   There was a glimmer of light in Tai Tai's eyes, and he already knew what Sui Ren wanted to say, which was Haotian's another move, the Pantao Festival.

   Haotian's plan to hold this meeting is too high to know that it is nothing more than to absorb those strong monks and forces and improve himself.

   "This is exactly what happened, the Heavenly Court Taibai Jinxing has delivered the invitation here..."

  燧人 said, flipping his hand, and a black invitation card appeared in his hand.

   Tai took a look, and then said to Sui Ren, "In this matter, you can let Qing Ming lead a few disciples to teach on behalf of others..."

   said, Taishang flipped his hand, a purple gold gourd and a white jade box appeared in his hand, and then he said, "Qing Ming!"

   "The disciple is here!"

   Qingming immediately got up and said respectfully.

"The strength of the Heavenly Court is getting stronger and stronger, and your Qinghua Palace must also be improved. There are some golden pills in this gourd, which can help your Qinghua Palace improve some strength. As for the enlightenment tea in this jade box, you will take it to Haotian Congratulations..."

Tai Tai looked at him, waved his hand, and the purple gold gourd and white jade box flew away slowly, floating in front of Qing Ming.

   "The disciple thanked the leader!" After Qing Ming accepted it, thanked him.

   Tai went up and nodded slightly, then looked at Sui Ren, and said, "Su Ren, during this time, I will practice hard and integrate this thing. Maybe, the chance of sanctification is not far away..."

   Tai said, and with a wave of his hand, a blue-violet light flashed, submerged in Sui Ren's eyebrows.


   In the next moment, the fire-burning mark on Suiren’s eyebrows bloomed with bright light, and in the sea of ​​knowledge, the source of fire-burning had already wrapped the blue-violet flame in it.

   "This is the essence of Nanming Lihuo, the essence of the flames of the ancestors and phoenixes of the past. This can help you improve and transform the way of burning fire..." Tai Shang said.

   "The disciple thanked the teacher!" Suiren bowed.

   Tai went up and nodded slightly, then got up, his body moved and disappeared.

   "Send the teacher respectfully!" Suiren and Xuandu saluted.

   "Gracefully send to the leader!" The other elders and disciples saluted one after another.

After    Taishang left, Suiren will participate in the Tianting Peach Festival. After explaining some details to Qingming, he will go to retreat, integrate the essence of Nanming Lihuo, and improve his own way of salvation.


   Renjiao has arranged things properly, and Yuanshi and Tongtian have also arranged things on the interpretation and interception of education.

   Guangchengzi and Duobao led the disciples to go. Haotian is the emperor appointed by Taoist ancestors. He is still a junior, and they will still give the face that should be given. The gift is not small.

  Dijun and Houtu also have some arrangements, and they are all in preparation.

   As for the second sage of the West, he naturally knows that this flat peach event is still a bit helpful to his followers. After all, it is a fairy fruit of the best innate spiritual roots, and naturally it has a lot of effect.

   Zhunti wanted to let the disciples go, but think about it, this is not appropriate, so that all the disciples will go.

   As for the gift, it was nothing more than a treasure of heaven and earth. Since Honghuang knew that the West was barren, he arranged it in this way. He didn't dare to criticize if he wanted to come to Haotian, he didn't need to care about it anymore.


   After Taibai Jinxing and Tianting Tianguan sent invitations, inviting monks and forces to participate in the flat peach event, in just a hundred years, this news has spread like wildfire.

  Many cultivators secretly sighed that there were so many movements in the Heavenly Court. Over the years, the limelight has always been the most popular.

There is limelight, the heaven is coming out, there is no limelight, the limelight is making the limelight, and the heaven is still coming out. Over the years, the heaven has made the limelight. It has also absorbed a lot of casual repairs and strengthened its strength~www.ltnovel.com~ The limelight does have a lot of benefits for the monks.

   So, those who were not invited are indeed a bit regretful.

   Add or not to join the Heavenly Court. But this flat peach is indeed a good thing. If you taste it yourself, you can get a lot of benefits. Why don't you have one?

   But they just think about it. Most of the invited cultivators and forces have higher cultivation bases and stronger strengths. Some of the lower cultivation bases are naturally not ranked, and they can't say anything.


  Since Heaven has set the time for the flat peach event, it has been constantly making preparations.

   The remaining hundreds of years have finally been successfully completed, and now I am waiting for the invited forces and monks to come.

At this time, some Daluo Jinxian, or monks below Daluo Jinxian, have basically arrived at this time. At the South Heaven Gate, there are thousands of streams of light, and they have all come to the heaven at this time. Their cultivation base is not too high. After leaving, the time is just right.

In the heavenly court, the chief governor, Taibaijinxing, had already coordinated all the affairs of the flat peach event. For the rest, he was handed over to other heavenly officials, including some reception tasks, most of which were still handed over. Some of the celestial officials of the reception.

Of course, if the cultivation base is in the existence of Daluo Jinxian, or the quasi-sage, Taibai Jinxing still needs to come in person, but such existence is rare after all, unless it is the old quasi-sages, or those of those forces. Under the door.

   Otherwise, there are naturally not many cultivation skills such as casual cultivation among the prehistoric ones, so Taibai Jinxing has not received it a few times.




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