Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 25: The end of the meeting, the peaceful period

   The twenty-fifth chapter is over, a peaceful period

  Heavenly Court, in the fairyland of Pan Peach.

   After all the flat peaches were distributed according to the distribution, Zhongxian began to take it.

   As soon as I took a bite, most casual cultivators felt that their mana had increased a lot, which was more effective than their own practice for thousands of years. If you finish eating a whole flat peach, go back and retreat for a while, it won’t be a problem to raise a level.

   All the scattered cultivators looked at the Pantao in their hands, and their eyes suddenly showed fiery expressions.

Heavenly Court has such good things, coupled with sufficient spiritual energy and star power, and now there are spiritual treasures given by various teachings and great powers. This strength has improved a lot. Those who plan to join and wait and see still have no concerns at this time. Up.

   The strength of the Heavenly Court is no longer what it was when it was first built. Over the past millions of years, the Heavenly Court's reputation has become more and more loud, and its popularity and luck have risen again and again, and its strength has been catching up with the first-class forces.

   If you don’t join in such a good opportunity at this time, it will not be so easy to join in the future, and your status will not be so high.

   Sending charcoal in the snow is always better than the icing on the cake.

  Which one does not know the truth of this?

   So if they can join the heaven at this time, they will naturally choose to join at this time and enjoy the cultivation of the heaven.


  The changes in the expressions of the immortals before and after naturally did not hide it from Haotian, who had been paying attention, with a faint smile on his face and a ray of light in his eyes.

   Their thoughts are the same as their own thoughts, and they are also calculated by themselves, without any mistakes.

After the    event, most of these casual cultivators will choose to join the heavenly court, and the casual cultivators who were still waiting in the past will no longer be considered.

   As long as these loose cultivators join the heavenly court, then they will cooperate with the flat peach, aura, the power of the stars and the great luck in the heavenly court. As well as the innate superior environment in the heavenly court, one's own heavenly court's strength will rise another level.

Thinking in his heart, Haotian smiled silently. He and Yaochi looked at each other. From the eyes of each other, they saw what they thought in their hearts. The smile on their faces became even greater. The plan this time, finally finished.


   Haotian showed a faint smile on his face, and nodded with the people in the front row, motioning them to taste.


   The disciples of the various teachings in the front row, except for Qingming and other high cultivation bases, Pantao has no much effect on them, but they can also enjoy themselves.

   They still let the juniors they follow to improve more, their cultivation base is lower, just because they can use the flat peach to improve a lot.

   Of course, in addition to Western teaching, they can all use the power of flat peaches. There are quite a few disciples here, which makes Haotian a little bit ‘distressed’.


The   pan peach event continued to be held. In addition to enjoying the flat peaches, the immortals also enjoyed the flat peaches, jade syrup and fairy fruit, etc., it was extremely enjoyable. While enjoying the flat peaches and other things, while talking and chatting, it was really unpleasant.

   A few days later, I saw Haotian wave his big hand, and saw a group of fairies floated up and danced forward. The dance was wonderful and unspeakable. The dancing fairies were extremely seductive in the fairyland surrounded by fairy air.

   Unknowingly, the March time passed quietly, and at this time, it was the end of the event.

   "I thank you again for coming, please!"

   Haotian laughed loudly, drank the last cup of Qiongye Yuye in his hand, and looked at the immortals.


   The immortals heard the words and laughed.

   After drinking, some guests left after some kind words.

   Some other guests chose to stay in the heaven. Not only did the heaven and the earth in this heaven have more aura than the prehistoric, the power of Zhou Tian and the stars was also stronger than that in the prehistoric.

   The rich and condensed spiritual energy, the power of the vast stars, the ever-growing prehistoric luck, coupled with the fruit of the spiritual root such as the flat peach. So many good things, this kind of attraction, for these casual cultivators, are all opportunities that can't be missed.

   For this, Haotian is naturally unwilling to refuse. Among these casual cultivators, there are many people with high qualifications. Although the cultivation base is not high at this time, they can be slowly cultivated.

   As long as their cultivation base is up, they will be the backbone of the heavenly court, and by then, the strength of the heavenly court will increase a lot.

   Looking at the casual cultivator who kept wanting to join the Heavenly Court, Haotian couldn't help showing a faint smile, he seemed to see the glorious future of Heavenly Court.

After the    Peach Festival is over, the predicament is quiet again.

   Apart from the sects and the forces of the predecessor at this time, the Heavenly Court was the most popular, and this grand event attracted a lot of casual cultivators.

   In the future, the strength of the Heavenly Court will surely be among the first-class forces.


   Time is in a hurry, passing by in a blink of an eye, when quietly, several yuan will pass.

Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, the Primordial Land has been in a relatively peaceful time. Sui Ren is still retreating and fusing the essence of Nanming Lihuo handed to him by the Supreme. This will be an opportunity for him to improve the avenue of fire and fire. Naturally, he must Take a good dive.

  Xuandu left the holy land of the human race and walked in the wilderness, but there was some new insight.

   As for the development of the Human Race at this time, there is no need to worry about the Holy Land too much. Over the past millions of years, the Human Race's luck, quantity and overall strength have improved a lot.

After all, after the last time the Holy Land handed down the method of practice, ordinary human tribes began to practice again, although the number of practices is not as good as the newly born humans, but overall, it is still a lot more. Cultivating human race.

  The growth of human luck, Taishang and Nuwa's control of the fortunes have also grown a lot, Taishang continues to integrate the fortunes into the Kongtong seal, so that the Tao can be more perfected.

   Except for the Human Race, the Lich Race has now initially recovered some vitality. As for the causal karma, the remaining part can be completely restored in just a few million years.

   In this way, the moment when they reappeared in the wild, it would not be far away.

Over the years, the dragons have continued to do more meritorious deeds, and as a result of absorbing the fate from the heavens, the remaining of the dragon’s causal karma is less than 30%, and it is still being resolved, which makes the dragon see a lot of hope. .

   In this way, the time for the dragons to reappear in the wild is not far away.

   Dixian Mansion and Dixian Mansion have made their own progress over the years. Although low-key, the Dixian Mansion has its seat. The Earth Immortal Mansion is also a special line, and its strength is not weak, and it has also improved over the years.

   But the biggest improvement was the Heavenly Court. Taking the opportunity of the flat peach event, the Heavenly Court attracted a lot of cultivators with higher cultivation bases, and the powerful forces greatly improved their strength and luck.

   Haotian and Yaochi, the two heavenly rulers, have gained a lot of benefits from them. Their cultivation base has made progress. Although they have not yet reached Quasi-Sage Consummation, they are not far away.

   Qingming relied on Taishang's golden core and the power of Qi Yun to be enhanced by Heavenly Court, which also supplemented the strength of his team. This time, it has improved a lot.

   The strength of the Qinghua Palace in the future will definitely rise to the next level.




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