Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 37: Examining humanities, Sui Ren testifies

   Chapter 37 Humanities Examination, Sui Ren Evidence

   Holy Land, in the Ancestral Hall.


  燧ren's expression was solemn, and he whispered in his mouth.

   He only glanced at it and knew that this was a character, a character belonging to the human race. Although the Human race does not have a written word, but now this word, he knows naturally in his heart that it belongs to the human race.

The word    will open a new era of human race.


   Suddenly, only a rumbling sound was heard, even if there was a vast human race force in Xuan, it suddenly condensed, and then rolled back into the text evolved from the Sui people's fire.

  The flames bloomed in all directions, and the human race was overwhelming the world. At this moment, all the human races looked at this place, although they did not know what was happening, in their hearts, it seemed that something had been ignited.

  Fire, fire!

   I don’t know when, in the eyes of all the human races, a ray of fire appeared, and then two words began to appear, Xinhuo!

   This is a text belonging to the human race, and it is a sign that a new era will be opened.

   "Same fire!"

  燧 is a light sentence in the population, and all the human races have a light sentence. Although they have never known it, they all know what these two words represent and what they mean.

   That is the symbol of the beginning of an era. It is the salvation of the human ancestors. It is the opening of the civilization era of the human race. It is the place that leads the human race to a higher civilization. It is the testimony of the human race's progress.




   All the human races chant the name of the ancestors, no matter where they are, no matter where they are in the wild, at this time the human race is chanting the name of the human race.

   The flames flickered, shining on the heavens and the earth, rising from the holy place, and instantly enveloping the land of billions of trillions of miles, the terrifying temperature made all sentient beings look distorted, and they looked shocked at the holy place and the flames that enveloped the sky.

   At the same time, in the Taiqing Palace.

   Too much heart came back, his eyes turned to this place, and a smile appeared on his calm face.

"Suiren really did not disappoint this sect. Not only did he merge the three fires and summon the fire of chaos, but he also comprehended the humanities. He is indeed the ancestor who led an era. In this way, he proves the way and becomes holy. There is no accident..."

   said with a smile too, he had the final say, the opportunity for Suiren to prove the way has come, from this moment on, the human race will take the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth.

  He is paying attention at this time, watching Suiren confirm the humanities next.

   It is not just him. At this time, the Five Sages and the two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian are all paying attention to this matter. After all, the fame that Sui people have made this time is really too big, it is impossible for them even if they don't pay attention.

   Nuwa showed a beautiful smile on her face, and her eyes were quite relieved. In this way, Human Race really didn't need to worry about her.

  There are Suiren, and there will be his own brother returning to his place in the future. Human Race is the true first race, and it is firmly established as the protagonist of heaven and earth.

   "Suiren, really worthy of being an ancestor, a disciple of Brother Dao, a saint, the human race will have a saint..."

   Nuwa smiled in her mouth, her beautiful eyes were full of brilliance, and her eyes were closely watching the Sui people's salaries that were constantly emerging at this time.

   On the West Spirit Mountain.

   "Brother, there is a trace of chaos in the fire?"

   The quasi-sage looked solemn and asked.

   "It is indeed a trace of chaotic fire, but I did not expect that Suiren's fire can reach that point and summon the chaotic fire. This fire is probably extremely difficult..."

  , with a solemn expression in his mouth, the speed at which he flicked the rosary in his hand seemed to be a little faster.

   "The situation of the great famine will change. Even without this general trend, the rise of the human race is already rolling in, and it can't be stopped..."

   Hearing the words, he was silent, his eyes fixed on the Holy Land of Human Race.


   Above the Holy Land.

  The terrifying fire of fire envelops the land of billions of trillions of miles, and many voids are distorted and melted, and the terrifying temperature continues to diffuse out, making the land of tens of trillions of miles afraid of living beings.

   is the disciple in the Holy Land, also under the guardianship of the two human ancestors, several elders, and disciples like Qing Ming, they keep withdrawing and then withdrawing.

   "Sinhuo, act!"

   Between the sky and the earth, Suiren's voice suddenly sounded, and the sound waves rolled over an unknown number of trillions of miles, echoing in the ears of all races.

   "Same fire!"

   "Same fire!"

   "Same fire!"


   All the races chanted the name of the fire, and a wave of human beliefs and the general trend continued to condense, and then continue to merge into the sky of fire.

   In the next moment, I saw that the fire was constantly evolving, and then two texts tens of millions of meters in size were formed, fire!

   "I use humanities to determine my fire!"

  燧ren’s voice came again, and the word "Xinhuo" was given a humanistic name.

   "From the beginning of the humanities, the salary will be achieved!"

  燧ren stood in the air, with a solemn expression, and said softly.


   As soon as the voice fell, thunder was rolling in the nine heavens, and the robbery cloud condensed, as if a sea of ​​ink was pouring, and under the dim sky, the terrifying thunder dragon collided.

  Humanity, although only two characters, also represents a special meaning, which needs to be tested by heaven and earth.

   "Boom boom boom!!!"

   Thunder continued to fall, with a wave of Sui Ren's hand, the word "Fire" rose to the sky and burned everything. The chaotic fire in it was that the Thunder was all burned out, and there was no way to harm this humanity.

  All the human races are watching all this ~www.ltnovel.com~ There is hope and determination in their eyes.

   Humanities will surely be unimpeded, and a new era will surely be opened!

   Renzu, never disappointed!

   The thunder kept falling, and the breath of Suiren's body continued to rise, and the fire-burning imprint on the center of his forehead was blooming with divine light, and the fire-burning avenue flew out, flying above the word ‘burning fire’.

   Thunder eighty nine seventy-two, after the last one fell, the robbery cloud dissipated, the heavens and the earth returned to the clear color, the thunder was burned out by the fire of chaos again, the horror was abnormal, and it really burned everything.

   Looking at the horrific situation of the Chaos Fire, even the Five Saints were shocked at this time, but they also knew the situation of the Chaos Fire. It was so powerful, but it was normal.

  燧ren looked at the reduced word "Xinhuo" with a smile on his face, and said softly, "Humanistic success!"

The voice of    fell, and the cosmopolitan aura in Suiren's sea of ​​consciousness turned into a purple light flashing, and then immediately merged into Suiren's soul.


   Above the nine heavens, the boundless merits were lowered, and it fell directly on Suiren’s spiritual platform.

  Suiren Avenue has been completed, and I have realized the humanities, even if the merits are not many, they can be sanctified by this, but after all, the humanities are the existence of a new era, and the merits at this time are indispensable.

   Coupled with the merits he had accumulated before, he merged into one at this time, thoroughly proving the way and sanctifying.

   The terrifying and vast sacred prestige enveloped the wilderness, attracting countless spiritual monks to bow down.

   At this moment, they all know, Sui Ren, sanctified!




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