Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 39: Lich reaction

Latest URL: Chapter 39 Lich Reaction

Terran, in the Holy Land.

There are Chao and Zi Yi looking at the situation in the prehistoric, watching the growth of human luck, countless great powers condense again, the cohesion and faith of the human race have once again improved a lot, and there is a gratified smile on their faces. .

His thousands of years of hard work were finally not in vain, and the human race finally took the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth.

"Human race, finally took the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, the road of human race has finally come out..."

"The Human Race is constantly striving for self-improvement. Now, the Human Race is finally shouting out these words, telling the great and wild ten thousand tribes, the great creatures of billions of trillions, and the Human race, are constantly striving to improve!"

You Chao and Zi Yi said with joy, tears appearing in their eyes.

The human race, created by the Virgin and Nuwa, the next race was born in the wilderness, the newborn human race is at a loss, everything is blank.

In the era of Ru Mao drinking blood, one person held high the fire, ending the era of Ru Mao drinking blood, and leading the human race to the era of fire fire.

There is a man who builds a house to protect the human race from wind and rain, from beasts.

There was a man who created clothes to resist poisonous insects for the human race and protect them from the wild.

Taishang Li Renjiao, created cultivation methods for the human race, opened the way of cultivation for the human race, and made countless human races follow the path of pursuing the avenue, and let the human race into the prosperous world.

The Human Race has steadily walked over these hundreds of millions of years, and has gone through many things. Now, it has finally reached a point that they did not expect.

If it were in the past, who would have dared to imagine that the Human Race would one day be the protagonist of heaven and earth? Terran is constantly striving for self-improvement, but at first it just wanted to gain a foothold in the predicament.

But now, he has taken the position of the protagonist of Heaven and Earth, and in the future, the human race will remain firmly in this position.

"Everything Human Race has experienced is worthwhile..."

You Chao and Zi Yi looked at each other, with a smile on their faces. From the eyes of each other, they could see each other's thoughts.

In the ancestral hall.

Sui Ren looked at the situation in Honghuang and the situation in Human Race, with a smile on his face.

"Human race has finally come to this point, and in the future, it will be able to hold on to this position..."

Sui said softly in the crowd, and then continued to close his eyes to stabilize his realm.

By the way, Suiren is also slowly controlling the trace of chaos fire, and will be one of his own cards by then. After all, the power of chaos fire, even if it is a saint or a Hunyuan existence, one of the existences that must be treated with care. .

After discarding the distracting thoughts in his heart, Sui Ren continued to stabilize his cultivation base and control the fire of chaos.

As for the human race, after sitting on the protagonist of heaven and earth, countless human races have improved a lot due to the infusion of the great luck and the general situation. The overall strength is improving, and the luck has become more profound and long.


The Supreme and the Five Saints did not have much surprise for the Human Race to take the position of the protagonist of the heavens and the earth, because the matter of the Human Race has already been talked about in the Zixiao Palace, and everything has been discussed.

This time, the Sui people were sanctified and the humanities were founded. With this kind of luck, can he not become the protagonist of heaven and earth?

Therefore, regarding the matter of the human race becoming the protagonist of heaven and earth, Tai Shang and the Five Sages are not too surprised, but after a little attention, they temporarily ignore it too much.

What they care more about is the next general trend of the Human Race, which is what they are concerned about. As for the others, they will ignore it for the time being, and the Human Race will develop on its own. Anyway, it is already the protagonist of the world.

Taishang and Nuwa ignored them, and the others were even more unlikely to pay too much attention to them. At this time, after a few glances, they looked back.

Houtu hasn’t paid too much attention now. She has improved a bit. Now she is working hard in retreat and practicing. As long as things in the prehistoric are not endangering the reincarnation of sentient beings or the witch race, she doesn’t want to care too much too much.

All things have their own definite numbers. There are countless things she has to worry about. After all, those things have nothing to do with her.


Millions of mountains, in the ancestral hall of witches.

"Human race took the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth this time, although it was unexpected, but it was also expected..."

Jumang's eyes flickered, and he said slowly.

The situation of the human race had been guessed a long time ago by several ancestor witches. Even if there was no Flintlock testimony to be sanctified, they all knew it, and the human race would take some more time to reach this point.

The current situation is due to the fact that Suiren’s sermons were sanctified, and the establishment of the humanities accelerated a lot of time, and the human race took this position a little earlier.

Judging from the current overall strength and luck of the human race, it is indeed qualified to sit in this position.

As far as the current prehistoric is concerned, which kind of race is more qualified to sit in this position than the human race?

No! There is no suitable race!

Except for the human race, the second family of the Lich, in the current situation, they are not qualified to sit in this position.

"Suiren witnesses the way to be holy, this kind of strength, even my Wu Clan, is a lot weaker, the position of the protagonist of this world is indeed the non-human race. But there is no need to worry too much, between us and the human race, There is no contradiction, on the contrary, there are some good feelings."

"Even if my Wu Clan reappears on the wild land, based on the relationship between the Wu Clan and the Human Race, as long as we easily conflict with the Human Race, then there is no problem..."

When Di Jiang heard the words, he slightly nodded and said something.

Listening to this, a group of ancestors and witches nodded. It is true. There is no big contradiction between the Witch and the Human. In the last calamity, there is still a part of the fusion of the two peoples and intermarriage. Kind of harmony.

Under such circumstances, the Wu Clan reappears in the future, as long as it does not have too much contradiction with the Human Clan, there is no problem.

"Second brother, the remaining karmic cause and effect of my Wu Clan is not too much. I will try to solve it in tens of millions of years, and then I can fully develop myself. By then, it will be time for my Wu Clan to reappear the prehistoric..."

After thinking for a while, Di Jiang looked at Ju Mang and said.

"I understand Big Brother!" Jumang nodded when he heard the words.

Later, after Dijiang exhorted a few words, they all dispersed.


Prehistoric, the base camp of the monster race, in the hall of all monsters.

"Big Brother, Human Race has become the protagonist of Heaven and Earth. Even if my Monster Race reappears in the wild, I am afraid that it will not be able to compete with Human Race..."

Tai Yi frowned, looked at Di Jun above the main position, and said condensedly.

The current strength of the Human Race, the Demon Race is not its opponent at all. Aside from their top existence, the current strength of the Human Race has already surpassed the previous Demon Race. With such strength, how could the Demon Race be the opponent of the Human Race.

Coupled with the sage of Suiren, there are Taishang and Nuwa behind the human race, and the strength of the human race is terribly strong. Among the great races, no race can compete with the human race.

"The situation of the human race is indeed a bit unexpected, but the human race is extraordinary. Being able to reach this point is enough to explain the speciality of this race. An acquired race has reached the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, and it does make a lot of people exist. Shock……"

"But how long the protagonist of heaven and earth can sit, these are not yet known. My monster clan has not yet reappeared, so I don't have to worry about it at the moment. I will wait until the situation in the future to see the protagonist of heaven and earth.

"My monster race, I will surely regain its glory in the future. By then, it will be more than the original place..."

Di Jun said, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light passed through it.

Hearing this, Tai nodded slightly, did not speak any more, and looked at the wild land.



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