Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 55: Name of Fuxi

Chapter 55 The Name of Fuxi

Terran, Fengyan tribe.

After the fishing net appeared, Bingqi immediately called the young and middle-aged of the tribe to fish in the river.

After having the fishing nets this time, everyone harvested quite a lot. In just one day, they caught a lot of fish.

After Bing Qi tried it personally, he did find that this fish was as amazing as his teacher said, and it also had a lot of benefits for the human race, and it could satisfy the hunger. Such food is indeed a rare food.

After having this fish, the human race's food problem was solved immediately.

With the fish, the young and middle-aged of the tribe no longer have to hunt and kill wild beasts. I believe that life will get better and better.


On the banks of Yushui, there are many rivers, and the Fengyan tribe has caught a lot of fish with this fishing net. Finally, the tribe people no longer have to worry about food all day long.

In the Fengyan tribe, the old patriarch and several elders all nodded in praise, that is, every member of the tribe praised the method of blister habitat.

With this patriarch, this great sage, the tribe is prosperous, and the human race is prosperous.

At this time, the method of fishing has gradually spread from the Fengyan tribe. Other tribes have gradually learned the method of fishing at this time. The food problem of other tribes has also been greatly eased at this time. .

The name of Bingqi also gradually spread among the human race.


Temporarily relieved the food of the tribe and other tribes, but did not relax at this time, and was thinking about other issues.

However, some places have not been figured out yet, so Ning Qi came to the mountain range where Qing Ming was again and discussed with him the next situation.

As the teacher of the human emperor, Qing Ming also expressed his own opinions at this time. After all, he is also a human of the human race, so naturally he wants to contribute more to the development of the human race, for the human emperor's teacher, and for the human race.

"Bingqi, this fish is edible, which solves the food problem of the tribe, but everything changes, and the fish in the river will eventually run out of prey. For this, you need to make arrangements in advance..."

"Please enlighten me from the teacher!"

Hearing this, Bing Qi immediately bowed his hand towards Qing Ming, which is why he is here this time.

"You can let people breed in lakes and ponds, and the fish will multiply and grow extremely fast, so that the fish in the river will not be preyed and extinct, and the humans will eat fish, and the energy will continue..."

Qing Ming looked at him and said that he had already calculated this matter.

Hearing this, Pui Qi was overjoyed, right, is this inconvenience a long-term solution?

At this time, Qing Ming continued, "As for the human race's way of hunting, although you can get a lot of food, there are some wild beasts, and your family members often encounter danger. You can order the human race to catch the gentle beasts and add them. Domestication can be raised in the future, just like the way to raise fish..."

Listening to this, Bing Qi said with a smile of joy, "Thank you for the teacher's enlightenment, the disciple has already understood, so let's make arrangements!"

With that said, he arched his hands towards Qing Ming again.

Soon, he got up and said goodbye to Qing Ming, and returned to Fengyan tribe to arrange these things.

Qing Ming looked at the distant figure of Bing Qi, with a smile on his face, and muttered, "In this way, I don't have much to teach you. The day of your proving the Dao is not far away..."

He calculated it secretly. Although the secret is unknown, he can know how much Bingqi's Dao, after all these things are settled, is not far away. By then, his mission will be completed.

After thinking about it, Qing Ming slowly closed his eyes, and continued to comprehend, but also waiting. The next time Bingqi comes back, his task is almost complete.


Terran, Fengyan tribe.

After Bingqi returned to the tribe, he worked hard to implement this set of domestication methods.

Of course, for those ferocious beasts, he didn't plan to try for the time being, and let the tribesmen catch those more docile beasts for domestication.

It is naturally not so easy to tame beasts, even the more docile beasts, and they have been unsuccessful under repeated tame.

But Bing Qi did not give up. This time, he had a new direction.

Before the creation of the human race, the Virgin and Nuwa also created six animals. After these years of development, the six animals have already had an extremely large ethnic group.

However, the descendants of Liuhu, unlike the Liuhu of the past, are still the elephant of wild beasts, without the image of civilized or spiritual practice.

Compared with other beasts, the offspring of these six animals are relatively docile. This time, Bingqi intends to start from this point.

Finally, after failing more than a dozen times, Bingqi finally domesticated and raised the offspring of the six animals. As a result, the food of the human race was a little bit more, and a lot of relief.

Since then, people have gone to the river to fish in the summer, and the excess fish will be made into dried fish, and the livestock will be slaughtered in the winter. People do not have to risk their lives to hunt in the mountains, and their lives are getting better and better.

As the people in the tribe developed faster and faster, the surrounding tribes slowly came to take refuge, and the popularity of Bingqi became higher and higher, and the Fengyan tribe he took over was already the largest tribe in the Yellow River Basin.

Gradually, the name of Bingqi resounded throughout the Yellow River Basin.

At this time, Bing Qi, although he did not restore the things of his previous life, with the power of belief and the promotion of Qi Luck, Bing Qi suddenly understood the name of his Dao and planned to change his name.

For, the elders in the tribe have no objection.

Because in their hearts, there is nothing wrong with this matter, it seems that only changes are the most suitable for him.

Moreover, the high-level Human Race did not object to this name, it was not wrong, and they would naturally not object to it.

Therefore, Bingqi changed his name to Fuxi!


Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

"In this way, my elder brother will be considered to have changed back to his real name of Dao Dao. Everything about himself, his understanding and control of Dao Dao, etc., will also slowly recover from the accumulation and improve his own cultivation..."

Nuwa saw her brother change back to her real name, Fuxi. She was naturally happy in her heart.

As for the other ~www.ltnovel.com~, she ignored and interfered.

"After changing back to Fuxi's name at this time, he began to accumulate the power of Qi Luck and Faith, the general momentum and Qi Luck of the Human Race, and the prehistoric Qi Luck, will continue to be integrated into Fuxi's body, and he will continue to be promoted. ..."

"By then, as long as he adds his own means to prove the Tao, there will be no problem..."

After hearing the words, Tai Shang said with a smile.

After listening to this, Nuwa nodded. Indeed, as the Taishang said, her brother will be able to prove Dao Hunyuan by then.

Sui Ren, who was far away in the Holy Land, saw Fu Xi changed his real name to Dao Dao at this time, and he was also looking forward to the things behind Fu Xi.

It is also looking forward to the birth of the second top existence of the human race.

By then, the human race will be the real first race.



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