Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 65: Emperor Jiangshui came to the world

Chapter 65 The Emperor Jiang Shui Comes to the World

Thirty-three days, in the Heavenly Sky Palace.

"Emperor Gouchen, Emperor Gouchen has already been promoted to the perfect state of Daluo Jinxian. As long as you accumulate more later, and then use the heavenly luck and general momentum, it will not be too difficult to be promoted to the quasi saint..."

"At that time, the West Ji Gouchen line can rise, and it will be the same line as my central line, and it will fight against the other three lines..."

With a smile on Taibai Jinxing's face, he reported to Haotianshan's corpse.

Hearing this, Haotian Shanzi slightly nodded. For thousands of years, he has been working on cultivating the family of Emperor Gouchen. Now that he has finally achieved some results, he is still quite satisfied.

However, the strength of Gouchen's line is still far from enough, and it still needs to increase the intensity of cultivation.

"Although the strength of the Gouchen line has improved over the years, this level is still far from enough. Not to mention the East Pole line, it is the North Pole line, the South Pole line, and the overall strength is in the Goochen line. ..."

"If Gou Chen wants to fight against the other three meridians, he still has a lot of difference, and he still needs to hurry up to practice cultivation..."

Haotianshan's corpse gently knocked on the armrest in his hand, and said in his mouth.

"Taibai Jinxian, you can arrange to send some 6,000-year-old flat peaches to Gouchen Yimai, so that they can hurry up and upgrade their cultivation..."

After thinking about it, Haotianshan corpse said to Taibai Jinxing.

"The minister understands..."

Taibai Venus heard this and said with his hands.

The six thousand-year-old flat peaches are even in the central vein, and few cultivators can enjoy it. This time they will be given to Gouchen and Gouchen. The emperor's cultivation of Gouchen is already pretty good.

As for the quantity, he knew it well, so naturally he wouldn't give it much.

Haotianshan's corpse slightly nodded, and then waved his hand to signal Taibai Jinxing to retreat.

Seeing this, Taibai Jinxing arched his hand, then turned and walked back.

"call out!"

After Taibai Venus retreated, only the void was shocked, and then a figure walked out of it, it was the Haotian deity.

"It's not bad for you to arrange it like this. I just hope that you will not disappoint my expectations..."

Haotian stared at Emperor Gouchen's Mansion and said slowly.

"The Three Imperial Lines continue to rise. If the Gouchen line does not rise, the guarding of the Quartet will be slowly eroded by the San Imperial Palace. By then, it will be even more difficult. Now you can only support the Gouchen line and stabilize the Quartet. , On the one hand, continue to improve the central vein..."

The Haotian good corpse looked at him and said.

Haotian nodded and said, "Just like this arrangement, the prehistoric situation is becoming more and more complicated, the human race is once again rising, and several other races are preparing to reappear the prehistoric, these forces are not comparable to my heaven..."

"Heavenly Court wants to go to a higher level and control more areas, so it can only continuously improve itself..."

Haotianshan corpse nodded and said, "This matter can't be done too hastily. It needs to be done step by step..."

After all, his figure moved, turned into a golden light, and submerged in Haotian's eyebrows.

As soon as Haotian's breath was released, he surpassed Quasi-Sage's Consummation, and he was a bit diligent in his retreat these years.

Haotian sat on the throne, waved his hand, offering the Haotian mirror, looking at the prehistoric situation, he was silent.


As time passed, another two hundred years passed quietly.

Chendu, the place of the co-lord.

"After waiting for three hundred years, the next emperor will finally come to this world..."

Fu Xi slowly got up and watched the slanting flow of human luck and prehistoric luck at this time, the Sisiren emperor's energy condensed, and his mouth slowly said.

The innate gossip pattern in his hand slowly turned, revealing a lot of secrets.

After a long time, the vision in his hand dissipated, and then he continued to deal with human affairs and practice. There was still a while before the emperor came to the world to find him.

This period of time was the time he made contributions to Human Race, just as he was before.

Only when he has made contributions to the human race, polished him, and improved his experience in ruling the tribe, and when his reputation reaches his ears, that is the real time to come.

When you find him yourself, and teach him for a while, you can take over the human race and you can preach.

As for the current period of time, just wait.


For the human race at this time, the flow of fortune and the fortune of the ancients are inclined, and the emperor of the human is condensed.

The eyes of the people between heaven and earth started to follow the flow of energy, watching the birth of the next co-lord.

At this time, the Master of the Human Sovereign, Xuandu, has already come to the Human Race, and has been walking in the Human Race for more than a hundred years. Now, he finally saw the vision of the Human Sovereign coming to the world.

He didn't stay in the slightest, when even following the direction of the flow of Qi, he started to move forward.


On the edge of the Jiangshui Valley of the Human Race, there is a Lieshan tribe, among which there is a woman named Ren Si.

One day, Ren Si was visiting Huashan, saw a dragon, and became pregnant.

And Ren Si's pregnancy was actually ten years old. If it weren't for the example of a co-owner, I'm afraid Ren Si's situation would not be better than Hua Xu's.

However, it is still unknown whether Ren Si is not Hua Xu. Whether the child in her stomach is a great sage such as the co-owner is still unknown. Therefore, we have to look at everything and wait until the child is born.

In this way, several months passed. On this day, only the golden luck that was visible to the naked eye was condensed in the Lieshan tribe, more auspicious clouds gathered, the dragon appeared, and the vision shocked many monks and great abilities.

Those powers who know the general trend of the human race don't need to think about it at this time to know that another emperor of the human race is about to be born.

Moreover, it is a remarkable existence.

After Ren Si gave birth, these visions gradually dissipated, but the condensed Qi Luck persisted for a long time.

"Being destined to realize the original truth, once in Wuji to understand oneself, visit Taiqing to cultivate morality, the road is clear and consistent!"

At this moment, only a clear sound rang from the heavens and the earth, echoing in the Lieshan tribe, and many monks and great powers looked at the Lieshan tribe with shocked expressions.

This person ~www.ltnovel.com~ is not low in status and cultivation base.

Xuan Du, the second disciple of the Supreme Master of Human Education, his cultivation level is also in the realm of quasi-sages, such an identity and strength, in the prehistoric state, but a master of one party.

In the Lieshan tribe, the elders of the patriarch and others heard this sound, and immediately went out, and then saw a figure slowly falling from the void. Although they looked like young people, they felt this when they saw the Xuandu. One is extraordinary.

"I'll wait and see the immortal long!"

The patriarch and elders waited and bowed to Xuandu.

Xuan Du waved his hand, raised the crowd, smiled and said, "My name is Xuan Du, and I am the second disciple of the leader of the human sect. I have been ordered by my teacher to come here to accept this student as a disciple. I don't know what my wife wants?"

Xuan Du said, looking at Ren Si.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Xuandu with shocked expressions.



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