Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 81: Integration into 1, the era of the emperor of the earth

Chapter 81: Fusion and Unity, the Era of the Emperor of the Earth

Outside Chendu.

"So, I'm waiting for my brother to prove Dao Hunyuan..."

After Nuwa watched Suiren leave, she then retracted her gaze and looked at Tai Shangdao.

"Fuxi means, there won't be any problems, fellow Taoists don't worry..."

Tai Shang looked at her and said with a smile.

Nu Wa nodded. She still believed that her brother's methods and the methods of Taishen could definitely prove Hunyuan.

"Let's go!"

Taishang looked at the holy land and said to Nuwa.

Nuwa nodded, and then went to Taiqing Palace with Taishang.


Terran, in the Holy Land.

"The next thing will be arranged by the Emperor himself..."

Sui Ren looked at Fuxi and his good corpse, and nodded slightly.

These methods were all left by Fuxi himself, and naturally they wanted them to arrange the integration by themselves, and they just paid more attention to prevent accidents.

"So, there will be Lao Ren Ancestors..."

Fuxi and Shan Zie looked at each other, then nodded.

They knew that for a while, Sui Ren would pay close attention to prevent accidents.

Sui Ren nodded without speaking.

After Fuxi and Shanzie arched their hands towards Suiren, they headed towards the Temple of Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

Seeing this, Suiren returned to the Renzu Temple and paid attention to Fuxi's situation.


Sui Ren still believes in Fuxi. This is the older brother of the Virgin Mary, the top great supernatural power, and now is the Emperor of the Human Race. There are many methods in his body, and the methods of the teacher. There will be nothing to think about. accident.

But pay attention, he is still paying attention. At this time, a vast avenue aura swept away from the Temple of Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and an innate gossip pattern that was tens of thousands of meters in size enveloped the Temple of Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

As the yin and yang Pisces were circulating, a lot of secrets appeared. Obviously, Fuxi and Fuxi's good corpses had already begun.

"Let me witness that the first Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian of the Human Race is born!"

Sui Ren looked at the three emperors and five emperors, two flames ignited in his deep eyes, and he said in a condensed voice.


At the same time, the Temple of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, in a certain hall.

"The deity, merge and unite, attack Hunyuan, you are ready!"

Fuxi's good corpse looked at the deity Fuxi with a solemn expression, and asked.

"I'm ready. You haven't lost your cultivation base in these years, and you have a higher cultivation base than before. In this way, I'm more confident..."

Fuxi smiled lightly, looked at her own corpse and said.

"Since it is to prove the truth, I am proud to do something. This is also your wish and my wish..."

Fuxi's mortal corpse smiled and said after hearing the words.

Fuxi nodded, and then said, "So, then let's start!"

Listening to this, Fuxi's good corpse slightly nodded and waved his hand. Above his heavenly spirit, the path of heaven emerged, and then began to evolve, forming a mysterious and obscure innate gossip pattern.

The bursts of mysterious light and energetic aura fell among the heavenly spirits of Fuxi's benevolent corpse.

At this time, with a wave of Fu Xi's hand, the heavenly secret chessboard was suspended above his heavenly spirit, and the aura of the vast avenue agitated.

Immediately, he formed his handprints, and the handprints rippling with the power of the ancient sky continued to penetrate into the body of Fuxi's corpse, and the aura of the great avenue on his body became more and more refined.

Seeing this, the good corpse of Fuxi also made a handprint in his hand, and countless light marks appeared on his body, as if it would burst open in the next instant.

In the light traces, one can faintly see the great laws of the heavenly secrets circulating in it.


The power of the vast avenue swept out, and then all instilled into Fuxi's body.


The heavenly secret chessboard above the heavenly spirit burst into bright divine light, and a mysterious aura blended with the great aura of the heavenly secret path, and then submerged into Fuxi's body.


Suddenly, thousands of rays of light were refracted from Fuxi's good corpse, penetrating the endless time and space, as if reaching the end of the avenue.


In the next instant, I heard a soft noise, and then I saw Fuxi's good corpse burst into pieces, turned into a huge power, and madly poured into Fuxi's body.

And in the body of Fuxi's good corpse, there is a way of heaven intertwined and emerges, and at this time it gradually merged with the way of heaven and secret of Fuxi's deity, and gradually merged and improved, and the aura of the great way on the body became more and more terrifying. .

Fuxi was already infinitely close to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at this time. Now that the integration has not been completed, he needs to retreat and merge. I believe that when he leaves the customs, he can be promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

In this regard, after integrating the means, Fuxi was quite confident in her heart.

Next, it depends on the impact of this period of time.


Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

"My brother has already begun to merge and unite, and hit the realm of Hunyuan..."

Nu Wa looked at the location of the Holy Land and said softly. Although she couldn't see too clearly, she still knew a little bit.

"Friends of Daoists don't need to worry. With Fuxi's methods, as well as the methods of benevolent corpses, and the improved cultivation base, this matter can definitely prove successfully..."

Tai Shang heard the words, chuckled lightly, looked at her and said.

Fuxi's good corpse has been a bit diligent in his cultivation over the years, adding a bit of certainty, and coupled with the methods previously arranged, there will be no problems. This is too much to believe.

Nuwa nodded slightly, then stood up and said, "If this is the case, then Nuwa will no longer stay here..."

"That's fine, that fellow Daoist walks slowly..." Tai Shang nodded.

After Nuwa arched her hand, she left the Taiqing Palace. Instead of returning directly to the Notre Dame Palace, she went to Fengqi Mountain, thinking that she came to wait for Fuxi's testimony.

Too much doesn't care about this. After taking a look, he withdrew his gaze. After thinking about it in his heart, he closed his eyes and started practicing.


After Emperor Fuxi left Chendu, Shennong formally took over the position of co-lord of the human race and began to take charge of the tribes of the human race.

And the human race has officially entered an era belonging to the emperor of the earth.

Because of Shennong's deeds, since Emperor Fuxi transitioned to Emperor Shennongdi, no major or bad things have happened, and the human race is still peaceful and peaceful.

After Shennong succeeded to the throne, he still did not change the style of diligence, and handled human affairs carefully every day.

Shennong is also personally involved in human affairs, without any indiscriminate behavior. Just as the old saying goes, it is harder to start a business, and it is even harder to keep a business. Shennong, as always, makes the leaders of all races feel relieved.

After Shennong succeeded to the throne ~www.ltnovel.com~, the first major event was to promote the cultivation of grains in an all-round way.

Before this, although the human race had started to plant grains, it was limited to the tribe where Shennong was located and some nearby tribes, and some were relatively large tribes, such as the Fengyan tribe.

In addition, it has not really spread to the human race.

Therefore, except for the Lieshan tribe and the nearby and larger tribes, all other human tribes have a little knowledge of grain planting.

In order to facilitate the spread of the method of planting grains, Shennong specially convened intelligent people from various tribes of the human race to demonstrate how to plant grains and some of the problems encountered in the process of planting outside Chendu.

The practice of Shennong also allowed the planting of grains to spread quickly to the Human Race. It can be said that at this time, it can be regarded as truly popularizing the entire Human Race.

In just over a hundred years, Shennong's prestige in the human race suddenly increased, and he praised his merits.



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