Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 88: 3 Qingtongwang

Chapter Eighty-Eight

In the holy land of the human race.


Suddenly, a terrifying atmosphere swept out of the avenue, shaking the holy land of the human race.

In the sky above the holy land of the human race, at this time, the vision suddenly rose, the purple qi came to the east, the spiritual qi gathered, the ray of light was thousands, and the beasts screamed, indicating that Fuxi's sermon at this time officially entered the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. .

At this moment, the eight human elders, two human ancestors, and many human disciples showed joy.

Emperor, preached!

A smile appeared on Suiren's face, Human Race, the first Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was born.

From then on, the human race has two top existences, and they are firmly in the position of the protagonist of the world.

"Fuxi, it really didn't disappoint people..."

Sui Ren secretly said in his heart, looking at the Temple of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the smile on his face increased.


The central continent, in the Fengxi Mountain.

Nuwa looked at the heaven and earth visions emerging above the holy land of the human race, a smile appeared on the holy face, and a hint of joy passed through her beautiful eyes.

"My brother's wish for so many years is finally fulfilled. Human Race has also ushered in the second top existence..."

Nu Wa smiled and said, she slowly got up, came to the front of Fengxi Mountain, looked at the holy land of Human Race, and moved towards the holy land.


Terran, in the ancestral hall of the holy land.

"Taihao's methods are really extraordinary. They have reached this point in just over a thousand years..."

"In this way, my human race has the first mixed element existence, and the two tops exist..."

Suiren said with a smile on his face, and the fire in his eyes became brighter.

"With the Emperor, the Human Race has now become the protagonist of the world, and the strength of the Human Race will become more powerful in the future..."

The smiles on the faces of the Chao family are even worse. The Human Race now has two top-notch existences. Looking at the primordial race, which race has such strength?

Although the two Lich races each have mixed elements, there is only one. Human races now have two, and there will be seven human emperors returning to their thrones in the future. This kind of overall strength, among the prehistoric races, no race can compare. of.

"After the Emperor of Treaty has returned to his throne, my human race will be on the top of the ten thousand races..."

Zi Yi's smile nodded and said, since this matter, she has seen a lot of things.

Sui Ren nodded and did not speak. There is nothing wrong with the Chao family and Zi Yi family. Fuxi proves that after the return of the seven emperors, the strength and status of the human race will indeed be greatly improved, saying that it is a ten thousand clan. It's not an exaggeration at all.

"Let's go, go with me..."

After thinking about it, Sui Ren stood up and said.

Hearing this, the two human races nodded, then got up, followed Sui Ren, and walked out of the Ancestral Hall.

"call out!"

At this time, only a divine light flashed by, and then a beautiful shadow appeared, it was the Virgin and Nuwa.

"I have seen the Virgin!"

Seeing this, the three ancestors of Suiren saluted immediately.

Nuwa nodded slightly, did not speak, looked at the Temple of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

"Taihao has already proved that, the next step is the final finishing stage..."

Seeing this, Sui Ren smiled and said.

Nuwa naturally knew this, and nodded at this time, without speaking, waiting for Fuxi to come out firmly.

Suiren's third ancestor also looked at the Temple of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, waiting for Fuxi's situation.


The Holy Land of Human Race, in the Temple of Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

Exudes the pure yin and yang air, and the innate gossip patterns that evolve infinite heavenly secrets are constantly rotating.

The aura of the Great Dao on Fuxi's body changed from the original vastness and purity to the rotation of the innate gossip pattern, gradually calming down, and continuously converging into Fuxi's body.

The innate gossip pattern at this time is Fuxi’s avenue of heavenly secrets, and it is also the way of heavenly secrets that has been promoted to the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The rotation at this time is to consolidate the promotion at this time, and it is also the degree to allow this time to prove the Dao. Become more proficient in control.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the breath of Fuxi's body has recovered, as if he merged with the heaven and the earth.


At a certain moment, Fuxi slowly opened her eyes, revealing yin and yang in his eyes, as if two yin and yang fish appeared in his eyes. At the center of his eyebrows, a faint gossip pattern emerged, evolving endless secrets. .

"After so many years of conspiracy, it was finally not in vain. The realm of Hunyuan is really extraordinary..."

After a long time, after feeling her own changes, Fuxi chuckled slightly.

He used to cultivate for countless years, but he failed to get promoted and reached the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. He has always been stuck on the quasi-sage perfection. Later, Taishang’s proposal made him see hope and did it with him and his sister. A lot of means and preparations.

This time, I finally didn't let my calculations go in vain, and finally fulfilled my wish and proved Dao Hunyuan.

"Calculating the timing, it is also possible to overcome the calamity. At this time, the way of heaven is the most suitable for the robbery..."

The innate gossip pattern appeared in Fuxi's hand, in which heavenly secrets became apparent. After watching for a long time, he whispered in his mouth.

He has just been promoted now, and he is naturally the most proficient in mastering the Dao, and his realm is not unstable. At this time, it is the best time to cross the catastrophe, and he will naturally not miss this opportunity.

After thinking for a while, he moved and left the hall.


In the wild, somewhere in the mountains, above a mountain peak.

"Big Brother's method is really extraordinary, Fuxi proves Dao Hunyuan, in this way, with the strength and luck of the human race, the prehistoric race will no longer be able to shake it, even if it is a lich, it can't do it..."

Yuan Shi retracted his gaze, looked at Taishang beside him, and said.

"Fuxi is also a veteran great supernatural power. Now that he can prove Dao Hunyuan, he has fulfilled his wish for many years..." Tongtian also nodded.

"Brother's move, in addition to fulfilling Fuxi's wish and consolidating the luck and strength of the human race, it is also because of the emperor's position. Among the prehistoric, no one is more suitable than Fuxi. This is also the existence chosen by humanity..."

Taishang’s eyes are in a clear sky ~www.ltnovel.com~ with a clear mind, looking at the direction of the holy land of the human race, he said indifferently.

Hearing this, Yuan Shi and Tong Tian nodded, and their elder brother is in charge of humanity. This humanity can be said to be the way of all living beings. Since it is chosen by humanity, then Fuxi is the best candidate to become the emperor.

"Second brother, third brother, Fuxi is about to prove Dao Hunyuan, so let's go and take a look as your brother!"

A smile appeared on Tai Shang's indifferent face, looking at Yuan Shi and Tong Tian Dao.

"Then let the elder brother take a trip, so as to witness the birth of the first Hunyuan of the human race..."

Yuanshi Tongtian glanced at each other and said with a smile.

He smiled too much, then got up and set off towards the human race.

Seeing this, Yuanshi and Tongtian also got up and followed Taishang towards the human race.



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