Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 91: Fu Xi Hun Yuan Jie Completed

Chapter 91: Fuxi's Mixed Yuan Tribulation Completed

Above the nine heavens, Jie Yun condensed to the extreme again.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

After a while, only the roar of the roar was heard in the heavenly tribulation, Fuxi and several top existences already knew, the last wave of attacks, the tribulation of the gods and demons had already come, as long as it is over, this Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, There is no big problem.

"call out!"

Hundreds of thunder lights flashed, and then hundreds of gods and demons were seen standing on the nine heavens, and the power of that day's calamity had all been taken away at this time, revealing a clear world.


All the demon gods roared at Fuxi, their voices shook the world, running through the past and the future, and the ears of countless monks and creatures ached.

In the next instant, all the demon gods rushed towards Fuxi, murderously rushing into the sky, and drowned the land of the heavens.

Seeing this, Fuxi waved his hand unhurriedly, and there was an innate gossip pattern covering the place, and then another wave, a divine light flashed, the heavenly machine board flew away, and rushed to the demon gods.

The chessboard of Tianji evolved into the sea of ​​Zhoutian and stars, covering the universe of heaven and earth, and the stars fell, falling towards the gods and demons.



A crisp sound of the piano sounded and turned into a boundless murderous, annihilating the demon **** who came on the impact.

Looking at the many beings, Fuxi could only see Fuxi sitting on one knee in the air, with a guqin in his hand, and the pleasant sound of the piano reverberated continuously between the heaven and the earth.

Those sonic attacks turned into boundless murderous intent, and the demon gods couldn't resist it at all.

In a short span of dozens of breaths, the sea of ​​stars, the innate gossip patterns, and Fuxiqin's attack on the evolution of the Tianji chessboard have already fallen for most of the time. At this time, there are only more than a hundred, and it is still falling.

The single strength of these demon gods couldn't stop Fu Xi's attack at all, and the falling speed was fast, which was normal.


The remaining hundreds of demon gods roared together, and then the light flashed and merged together. Although a lot of them were obliterated, the number of demon gods who were integrated into everything at this time exceeded fifty.

The new Demon God condensed at this time, even if it is more than Qi Fuxi himself, it is not much to give up, and the strength is indeed not weak.

Seeing this, Fuxi's expression was also a bit solemn, and then it was not so easy.

And seeing this scene, Taishang, the Five Sages of Nuwa and the two Hunyuan's expressions were all a little surprised. At this time, it seems that the strength of the people who crossed the Tribulation is also improving, and Fuxi is fully prepared. The strength is extremely strong, the last one is also strong.


The two divine lights immediately impacted together, causing the innate gossip patterns to shake constantly, as if they were about to break in the next moment.

As soon as the two sides handed over, they immediately annihilated a trillion li of land, and the entire mountain range was annihilated. In the fight between the two, countless deep tens of thousands of meters deep cracked on the ground, which was extremely terrifying.

The universe, yin and yang, and the five elements are all in chaos at this time, the void is shattered, returning to the land of chaos, the air of chaos is raging, and the earth, water, wind and fire are evolving in the prehistoric, it seems that the world is born again.

But in the next instant, it was annihilated in the attack of the two, repeating itself again and again.

In a short span of dozens of breaths, the two sides didn't know how many times they fought each other. If it weren't for the innate gossip pattern that blocked a lot of the impact of the power, I am afraid that the prehistoric areas affected at this time would be more than that.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

Suddenly, there were countless deep cracks in the innate gossip pattern, and a series of terrifying sounds came out.

Seeing this, Fuxi's expression condensed slightly.


Before Fu Xi made a move, he heard a crisp sound resounding in the heavens and the earth, and then the innate gossip pattern burst into pieces, and the power of the enveloping avenue was also washed away.

Fuxi couldn't recover at this time, so he could only try his best to drown this force towards the Hunyuan Demon God.


The Hunyuan Demon God's expression changed slightly, and the divine soldiers in his hand continued to shoot out, the divine light penetrated the sky of the universe, and the breath of his body covered the heavens, constantly resisting the impact of this force, and the power of the heavens on his body turned to the extreme.

At this time, the long river of time and space has been blocked by Fuxi, and he can't avoid it at all. Such an impact, even if he has the power of Hunyuan, he dare not underestimate it.


The Hunyuan Demon God was blasted back into the land of trillions of miles, spitting out blood in his mouth, but the actual injury was not serious.


"The secret board!"

"The way of heaven's secret, innate gossip, break!"

The Hunyuan Demon God hadn't stabilized his figure, and Fuxi's attack had already blasted down. The Hunyuan Demon God couldn't react at all, so he could only resist it with all his strength.


The Hunyuan Demon God was blasted off again, this attack came down, and he was severely injured, crushing countless voids, blood spilling into the void, and the aura on his body began to drop.

This form of him could not last forever, and coupled with the heavy damage in Fuxi's hands, the power of the catastrophe that could be supported was not much.

"Yin and Yang flow, annihilate all beings!"

Fuxi's hands were sealed, and one eye was yin and the other was yang in his eyes, showing the way of yin and yang and the way of heaven.

One move, annihilate all beings!

"Boom! Boom!"

Two huge roars suddenly appeared in the void, and then they seemed to come from an ancient place of nothingness, a yin fish and a yang fish. Two yin and yang fish emerged from the void, strangling towards the Hunyuan Demon God.


The Hun Yuan Demon God roared, and before he took action, he was completely fallen under the yin and yang strangulation of the yin and yang Pisces.


Fuxi looked deeply at the place where the Hunyuan Demon God dissipated and the Pisces of Yin and Yang turned into the way of Yin and Yang, returning to the world. After a long time, he slowly retracted his gaze and glanced at the clear nine days of the world, revealing a touch of his face. smile.

His Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation was already over.

After he glanced slowly, his figure flashed and left the place.

But at this time, those who saw this situation ~www.ltnovel.com~ looked different.

Houtu hasn't changed much, and the looks of Emperor Jun and the Western Second Sage are not so good-looking.

The human race has two top presences, so it goes without saying that fortune and strength, the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth will also be firmly placed on it, even if there is no other human emperor, it can be firmly above this position.

Although they don't want to believe it, but now things are a foregone conclusion, even if they don't accept it, they have to accept it.

The current status and strength of the human race can be shaken by no race.

Many monks and great abilities who watched this time, after seeing Fuxi proving the Tao, they were more certain, and they would have to stay farther away from the human race in the future.

This was the case before, and in the future, we must stay away even more, otherwise, it will be light for fear of falling.

Seeing the existence of the two top human races, they naturally knew what they should do in the future.



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