Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 100: Xuanyuan

Chapter 100 Xuanyuan

Terran, there are bear tribes, and the patriarch's residence.

"There is the Young Master of the Bear Tribe, pay respect to the immortal..."

After Shaodian saw Qingchen, he immediately saluted.

Since it is the attainment of the Dao and the Immortal Long, there is naturally a major event here. There is the Fuxi co-lord before and the Shennong co-lord. Although he has guesses in his heart, it must be true. But since it is the Dao and the immortal long, it should be done. Ceremony, you still have to salute.

"The patriarch does not have to be polite..."

Seeing this, Qingchen immediately lifted up Shaodian and said with a smile.

After all, Qingchen cleaned up his expression and said solemnly, "I am the disciple Qingchen of the holy land of the human race. This time, I have come to accept Linglang as a disciple and teach him how to cultivate. I don't know what the patriarch wants?"

When Shao Dian heard the words, his expression was overjoyed. Qing Chen, the disciple of the Holy Land, also had some reputation among the human race. This time, he came to accept his son as a disciple by the order of the ancestor of the sage Sui, just as he had guessed.

The immortal accepts disciples, how could he refuse? This is a great thing!

There are two examples of co-lords. How could he not know the benefits? In this way, it is impossible to say that his son is also a great sage, or even a co-lord. He has a tribe of bears, so he is about to rise up!

"The immortal long accepts disciples, there is no reason for Shaodian to refuse, please let the immortal long enter with Shaodian, and gradually my son!"

Although Shaodian looked pleased, he restrained a bit and said to Qingchen.

Hearing that, Qingchen nodded him, and he wanted to see the emperor.

Qing Chen followed Shao Dian into the main hall of the residence, and then Shao Dian let Qing Chen sit in the upper seat, while he himself accompanied him, and ordered his clansmen to send Fubao and bring the newborn children to come.

Not long after, I saw Fubao holding a child and came to the tribal account.

Qingchen, who was talking with Shao Dian, couldn't help but cast his gaze on the child in Fubao's arms, and then nodded with satisfaction, and said, "A natural born Taoist is really a piece of jade!"

Fubao didn’t know anything, but the Shaodian knew that this holy land disciple was coming to accept disciples, so he hurried forward and said, "This child is born, and please ask the immortal leader to give this child a name..."

The attached treasure next to him is also a clever person. When I heard Shaodian yell out the word "Xianchang", I didn't know what was going on, so he hurriedly looked at Qingchen and said, "Also, please give my son a name... "

If he can get the name given by the immortal long, this is also a great thing for his son. After all, it is the name given by the immortal long, and the meaning is different.

After listening to Shaodian and Fubao, Qingchen pondered for a few breaths, and then said, "This child has a relationship with me. Since he was born near Xuanyuan Hill, he gave him a name, Xuanyuan. I don't know the patriarch, what does the madam think?"


Shaodian and Fubao chewed the word lightly in their mouths, and they felt that the word was more suitable for their son. Especially Fubao, chanting the word Xuanyuan in his mouth, his eyes became more loving when he watched the child.

"Thanks to Xianchang for his name, this child will be called Xuanyuan from now on!"

Shao Dian saluted Qingchen slightly, then looked at his child.

"I'm here this time to accept disciples. This son should be my personal disciple. I don't know what the patriarch's wife thinks?"

After Shao Dian finished speaking, Qing Chen spoke again. After he finished speaking, he looked at Shao Dian and Fu Bao faintly, waiting for their answers.

Naturally, Shaodian knew about this, but Fubao had just learned about it, so her expression was firstly happy, then changed again, and asked anxiously, "Xianchang is willing to accept Xuanyuan as a disciple. I naturally can't ask for it, but Xianchang Do you want to bring Xuanyuan back to the mountains to practice?"

Qingchen listened and smiled slightly, "Madam, please rest assured, since Xuanyuan is the successor of the bear tribe, I will stay here to teach Xuanyuan instead of bringing him back to the mountain to teach..."

Hearing that, it is not only attached treasure, but Shaodian's expression can not help but relax. After all, his son has just been born, and no parents want to be separated from his son so quickly. It is naturally the best to be able to do so.

"So, I would like to thank the immortal for growing..." Shao Dian arched his hands.

Seeing this, Qing Chen nodded slightly, and disappeared where he was.

Seeing this, Shao Dian and Fu Bao looked at their son again, with joy on their faces.

And after accepting disciples, after he decided to teach Xuanyuan here, Qingchen stayed in a mountain range near the bear tribe and waited for Xuanyuan to grow up.

At that time, he can personally teach Xuanyuan's cultivation method, and then slowly teach him some things about cultivation and governing the tribe.


Since Xuanyuan was taken as a disciple by Qingchen, he has also lived near the bear tribe, and Xuanyuan has also begun his path of growth.

Time flies quickly. Xuanyuan also grows up day by day. In the blink of an eye, fifteen time has passed. During this time, Xuanyuan has been following Qingchen to learn the method of cultivation, and his own cultivation is also in Slowly improving.

After Xuanyuan grew up to fifteen years old, he started to help his father, Shaodian, deal with some things in some tribes as soon as he was free. After Qingchen learned about it, he asked Xuanyuan Tiantian to help his father Shaodian rule. The tribe, come and learn from yourself again at night.

Xuanyuan is the next Emperor of Humanity, so it is natural to put Human Race first. After all, it is Human Emperor. His birth and the things he must do are important things for Human Race.

Qingchen, who was a human disciple, knew about this, so he asked Xuanyuan to deal with the affairs of the tribe during the day, and then follow him to practice in the evening.

Anyway, according to the fate of the other emperor, the practice is relatively fast, so there is no need to worry about this. Besides, the key thing for Xuanyuan now is to manage the human race, and the matter of cultivation is not so anxious.

You don’t see, Emperor Fuxi and Di Emperor Shennong had low cultivation bases at the beginning. They were all slowly administering the human race and cultivating, and then after completing their major missions, they Is promoted to the realm of quasi-sage.

So ~www.ltnovel.com~ In terms of the human emperor's fate, the current low level of cultivation does not mean anything. The subsequent promotion will be faster, and now the matter of governing the tribe and governing the human race should be the first.


Therefore, since then, Xuanyuan handled the affairs of the clan during the day, and then went to study with Qingchen at night. Xuanyuan took care of all affairs in an orderly manner, making the bear tribe flourish.

Later, after seeing that Xuanyuan had such ability, Shaodian ceded the position of patriarch to Xuanyuan on the pretext of his old age and lack of energy and physical strength.

Under the leadership of Xuanyuan, the bear tribe gradually developed and grown. The nearby tribes heard that he was a celestial disciple, and even a great sage, so they all joined Xuanyuan's subordinates.

Since then, the bear tribe began to grow rapidly, and the bear tribe has become a powerful tribe. Among the nearby tribes and tribes, they all have a good reputation, and the name of Xuanyuan has also begun to be in the human race. It spread.



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