Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 116: 9 Lei's Demise

Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen

Compete in the plains.

Here, corpses are everywhere, and blood is flowing into rivers, heralding the terrible fighting of the two armies.

The five great witches of Chi You were already hit hard, and when they retreated with Jiuli, they were hit again by Qingchen and others, and they didn't have much combat power.

"Xuanyuan, this is the best time to miss it..." Qingchen said to Xuanyuan with a solemn expression.

Although it was difficult for them to quickly kill the five great witches, they had already suffered a heavy blow, and there was no big problem in taking down the Jiuli tribe.

After Xuanyuan nodded, he waved his big hand, "Chasing, take down the Jiuli tribe!"

The army shouted, and then began to chase.


Terran, somewhere in the mountains.

"Leader, Jiuli has already been defeated and is beginning to retreat. He will be here soon..."

Hua Rong looked at Rong Yi with joy, this time, he would definitely take the Jiuli tribe in one fell swoop.

"Okay, gather the army and prepare to attack!" Rong Yi laughed.

"Yes!" After Hua Rong responded, he turned and left.

After that, I waited for the Jiuli tribe to retreat and took it in one fell swoop. By then, my Dongyi Alliance could split the world with the Xiong, and then I won the Xiong, and the world would belong to the Dongyi Alliance.


"Brother Chi You, are you injured?" Feng Bo looked at Chi You and asked.

"It's okay, but that Xuanyuan Sword is indeed terrifying. If Jiufeng didn't save me, I'm afraid it would really fall under Xuanyuan Sword!"

Chi You still had lingering fears, there was no doubt about the fact that when the last sword fell, he had to fall on the spot.

"Jiufeng, you are seriously injured, you need to return to heal your injuries quickly..." the rain master said to Jiufeng.

Jiufeng nodded, and moved forward quickly without opening, tens of thousands of miles in a flash.

The five great witches looked ugly, and the war that I thought had a lot of chance of winning, but I didn't expect it to be the result.

Nine big Luo Jinxian, who can think of this?

Xuanyuan has been promoted, and there is still that kind of big killer, Chi You is already lucky that he has not fallen.

As far as Jiuli is now, he is unable to fight anymore, the army is seriously damaged, and eighty-one leaders have fallen.

The five great witches did not dare to think about the result after Jiuli, so they could only take one step and count one step.


The five great witches of Chi You stopped for hundreds of millions of miles with the army of Jiuli, and the expressions of the five great witches sank.

The opponent who stopped him was his other opponent, the Dongyi Alliance.


Master Feng Boyu condensed slightly, and said in a deep voice.

For Western disciples such as Pharmacists, Maitreya, etc., they are naturally no strangers to the witches of the past.

If it hadn't been in their heyday, they wouldn't be afraid of the five great Luo Jinxians of the Dongyi Alliance, but now, their five great witches have suffered heavy losses, and most of the Jiuli army has been damaged. It is indeed difficult for them to be the opponents of the Dongyi Alliance.

"Do you really want to get involved in this matter from the West?"

Chi You looked gloomy, looked at Pharmacist and Maitreya, and said in a deep voice.

"The Witches have all taken action, why can't I take action in the West? Besides, Rong Yi is my disciple, and assisting the disciple to unify the human race, why can't it? You Chiyou can do it, but Rong Yi can't do it?

The pharmacist didn't feel annoyed when he heard this, and said with a smile.

Listening to this, the expressions of the great witches of Jiuli were slightly condensed, so it sounds like this battle is inevitable.

Even in this battle, Jiuli was afraid that it would be more ill-fated, and even his own great witches would not be healed.

"This time, I'm afraid it will hurt a few brothers..." Chi You looked at Jiufeng and the others, and said.

"Brother Chi You don't have to be like this, you and I are both the great witches of the Wu clan, you and I are one of your own, so how can it be bothersome to say. The Wu clan, only the great witch who died in battle!"

Feng Boyu and the others laughed after looking at each other.

Before the voice fell, I saw the sound of Sanskrit singing suddenly sounded between the heaven and the earth, with a power that confuses the mind, so that the existence below the Daluo Jinxian felt the soul drifting and sinking into the endless river of time and space. The thought of refuge rose in the heart.


The pharmacist made a soft voice, and a smile appeared on his calm face. With a move of his hand, the glazed light poured out, enveloped the world, and the Western forces spread out. In the sky, a huge golden bowl appeared, as if to bring this side. Heaven and earth are like income.

Seeing this, the expressions of the five great witches were slightly condensed.


With a move, Jiufeng turned into a great witch, and blasted towards the enveloping medicine bowl with a punch.

A sound of thunder blasted through the world, and the medicine bowl flew upside down. Although Jiufeng was injured, his combat power was still terrifying.

The pharmacist's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't expect Jiufeng to be so powerful after being injured, but the innate Lingbao is the innate Lingbao, and the power is more than that.

"Medicinal bowl, medicine, nectar to cure disease!"

The pharmacist pinched the Fajue in his hand, controlled the medicine bowl, and smashed towards the Jiufeng again. The golden light turned into a boundless murderous intent. At this time, it condensed into substance, running through the sky, the endless space-time area, and slammed towards the Jiufeng.

But the pharmacist himself pounced on Feng Bo, and with the power of Lingbao, one person resisted the two great witches.

This is also the convenience that he took advantage of the injuries suffered by two great witches, otherwise, it would be good to be able to resist one.

Seeing this, Maitreya immediately shot, and the place under the rosary circle in his hand was impossible. He immediately fought with the rain master and occasionally assisted the pharmacist in the shot.

A six-zhang golden body appeared behind Maitreya, a powerful and terrifying glazed glazed light, which suppressed the light of the sun, the moon and the stars, and demonstrated the power of the Western law, and the attack spread to hundreds of thousands of miles.

At the moment when Pharmacist and Maitreya took action, the other two disciples of Buddhism, Xinchen and Xinzhu, also shot at the same time. They fought and assisted the others.

The eight great Luo Jinxians fought against each other, and the power was also a few terrifying ones. Naturally, the army of both sides retreated a hundred million trillion li, and the Jiuli army at this time was obviously not the opponent of the Dongyi tribe.

The Nine Li army lost a lot of strength, and all of Chi You's 81 brothers fell. Naturally, they were not opponents of the Dongyi Alliance.

Although Chi You's great witch body was tough, he had lost his hands at this time. Even if Rong Yi's Soul Eater was blocked by his own body's toughness, the fight was at a disadvantage at this time.

If he was given time to cultivate his hands, then Rong Yi would naturally not be his opponent, but what he lacks at the moment is this time, and the current fight is that Rong Yi was caught off guard.

Rong Yi had been waiting for this opportunity for hundreds of years, how could it be possible for Jiuli to feel relieved now.

I won the Jiuli tribe first, and then I can find a bear tribe.

One day ~www.ltnovel.com~ Terrans will be unified in their own hands, and they will become the co-master of Terrans.

Thinking like this in his mind, the attacks in Rong Yi's hands became more and more drenched and dense, and the Soul Eater burst out with a terrifying murderous intent, which fell on Chi You's Great Witch, leaving deep traces.


Suddenly, a sword light from nowhere flashed between the heavens and the earth, and then a substantial chaotic sword aura suddenly fell, directly separating the fights of everyone, annihilating countless areas, and returning to the land of chaos. , Repeatedly.

All the people from Jiuli, the Dongyi Alliance and others looked, but saw a large army coming thousands of miles away.

Headed by Xuanyuan, Qingchen and others.

Seeing this, both Jiuli and Dongyi Alliance looked ugly.

Chi You's heart sank. Today, I'm afraid that Jiuli's way is dead.



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