Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 121: The Great Battle (2)

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One: The Great Battle (2)

Terran, the land of Banquan.

Xuanyuan watched the sword light and murderous intent forming a giant net that encompassed the world, and his face couldn't help showing a solemn look.

Although the Xuanyuan Sword was terrifying, Rong Yi's cultivation was indeed a little higher than his own at this time, so he still had to be careful.


Rong Yi didn't see Xuanyuan's sword, but the sword light stretched across the world, and the chaotic sword aura penetrated the sky and the sky, wherever he went, he returned to the chaotic land, repeating the earth, water, wind and fire, and the power of terror appeared in Rong Yi's eyes.


A series of roaring sounds pierced all directions, and the avenues and the rules of heaven and earth continued to collapse and annihilate at this time, all within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, all annihilated.


The sound of a sword rang again, and even after seeing the sword light falling from the sky, it was like the light of the early beginning that opened the sky, cutting everything under the sword, with the posture of opening the sky, towards Rong Yi came down.

Seeing this, Rong Yi's expression changed drastically.


If this sword really falls, even if he is the late Da Luo Jinxian, he is not the opponent of this sword.

"Golden body turned into a lotus, broken!"

In the end, Rong Yi is the existence of the late Golden Immortal of Daluo. Although Xuanyuan's sword is fast, it almost penetrates the long river of time and space and crosses the endless area, but in a billionth of an instant, Rong Yi has already made a move. .

The Soul Eater transforms into a size of tens of thousands of meters. It crosses the front of the body and forms a seal in the back of the hand. Behind him, a three-foot gold body emerges, and then the gold body rises, the golden light is shining, covering the world, and the gold body evolves and transforms. Make a lotus platform, standing on the sky, resisting Xuanyuan's sword.


A sound of gold collision sounded, and even after seeing that the Soul Devouring Knife was covered with dense cracks, it immediately turned into countless fragments, like a sea of ​​fragments, dissipated in the void.

Jianmang continued to fall, and came towards Jinlian.


The golden lotus shook, and the glazed radiance was dazzling to its extreme. The sword aura flew across, cutting through all time and space, obliterating the golden light, piercing through the defense, and constantly cutting down, the terrifying sword intent rushed into the sky, and the wind and clouds changed color.

Above the sword light, traces of decay appeared at this time, as if they had experienced eternal wear and tear, and those decayed traces were brought from the eternal killing and cutting.

Rong Yi’s expression showed an abnormal flush, and his golden body’s magical power appeared in a defensive posture. It was originally consumed. At this time, resisting this sword would consume a lot of money. Even if he is a small order higher than Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan After all, the sword was an innate spirit treasure, and coupled with Xuanyuan, it was not so easy to resist.


Suddenly, Rong Yi spit out blood, but the blood melted into the golden lotus.

The golden lotus was bleeding, and at this time, it burst into a more terrifying aura. The defensive power of the Western golden lotus's magical powers was indeed not weak. At this time, it was even more terrifying when the Rong Yi burned its own mana.

Xuanyuan frowned, and Rong Yi desperately died, but he couldn't succeed with this sword.


Amidst the golden glow of the golden lotus, there was a rich blood-colored light. At this time, the light flashed, and a terrifying force burst out, causing the decayed traces of the sword glow to spread rapidly at this time, and the sword light was dim. The light, then steadily broken, disappeared into the void.

"Sword of square inch!"

The sword light flashed in Xuanyuan’s eyes. The sun, moon and stars on the Xuanyuan sword, as well as the elephants of the grass, trees, mountains and rivers all lit up at this time. The terrifying sword intent penetrated the sky and the earth, and the sword light pressed down the sun, moon and stars. Light.

Those chaotic sword qi that flew through time and space, turned into a sharp sword comparable to the innate spirit treasure, and fell towards Rong Yi at this time.

Thousands of swords came out together, the mighty power ruined the sky and the earth, the stars fell, the sun and the moon were dark, only the divine sword kept thorns falling on the golden lotus.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

Above the golden lotus, endless ripples in time and space arose, as if a stone was thrown into a calm lake, and it was constantly agitated.

Those golden awns and blood-red awns that had spread out, under the sword aura, continued to dissipate at this time, and there seemed to be filigree cracks spreading on the petals.

Xuanyuan's expression was as pale as paper at this time, even if Xuanyuanjian's mighty power was terrifying, it would be expensive for him.

Either he won or Rong Yi won this blow.

At this moment, the eyes of Qingchen, Pharmacist and others all turned to this place.

Even though they were like this, they were about to decide the winner, but the most important thing was Rong Yi and Xuanyuan.

Because even if Qingchen and the others win and Xuanyuan loses, Qingchen can't kill Rong Yi's, and vice versa.

Because the decisiveness of this battle is still higher than Rong Yi and Xuanyuan.

And the current blow was a blow to determine the outcome of both sides.

"Xuanyuan, die!"

A touch of hostility flashed in Rong Yi's eyes, and a cold voice in his mouth, a terrifying aura continuously spreading around him.


Qing Chen shouted, one to Xiong Dajun, and the other to Xuanyuan.

The army retreated hundreds of millions of miles, and the Dongyi tribe also retreated violently.

Xuanyuan didn't retreat at this time, the sword was out, and he couldn't retreat.

"Xuanyuan sword, sword opens the world!"

Xuanyuan Sword fell down, like a divine light that opened the sky, separating the sky and the earth, the clear and the muddy, and all things live with one sword, and the world with one sword is shattered.

Everything is under this sword.


Rong Yi's face was murderous, and he uttered a word in his mouth.

Immediately, I saw the golden lotus slowly flying up, the golden light and the blood-red red light set the sky, the sun, the moon and the stars, under the glazed glazed light, the chaotic sword energy knots shattered and dissipated between the world.

A dazzling divine light bloomed in everyone's eyes, spreading quickly at an unspeakable speed.

At this moment, there is not too much sound, because everything is annihilated in it.

A little light appeared, and immediately drowned the world!

Between heaven and earth, the endless region of time and space is shrouded under this golden light at this time.

Even Qingchen, at this time, it is difficult to see the situation under Jin Mang, Xuanyuan and Rongyi at this time, I don't know, who will win with this blow? In other words, who is still alive...

A deep shock appeared in the eyes of the pharmacist, and he blew his own Western supernatural powers. This was considered to have broken his roots. You must know that the most important thing in the Western law is this golden body.

Now he blew himself up, and the road behind Rong Yi was ruined.

He believed that even if his own teacher made the move, he was afraid it would be the same.


I don’t know if the sky and the earth have passed, a breeze suddenly rises between the sky and the earth, blowing everything, and it is the golden light, all being blown away, revealing the situation in it. UU看书www. uukanshu.com showed up, and two heads of human race who had been severely wounded came.

Rong Yi's expression was pale and he no longer had the strength to fight anymore. Under the circumstances of exploding the golden lotus and forcibly taking the sword, he did not fall. It was already his ability.

On the opposite side, Xuanyuan's situation was not much better.

But no matter how bad the situation is, he can still end Rong Yi's sword.

Rong Yi could no longer fight anymore. Even if he moved, he was afraid it would be very difficult. He would use his sword to kill him without spending too much effort.

In the current situation, those few people can't take action against themselves.

Once the action is taken, the rules will be broken, and the situation will be uncontrollable by then, and they will understand.


Xuanyuan was holding the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and slashed towards Rong Yi.



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