Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 125: Terran 1

Chapter 125 The Unification of the Human Race

In all places in the wild, trillions of creatures and countless monks were all looking at the Western Continent in horror at this time.

The second sage of the West, was sealed by the Supreme Dao Zunzhen?

Although it was not the kind of town seal they had imagined, it was really sealed on Lingshan, let alone going to other places, even in the West, it was too much to get out, and could only stay on Lingshan.

Although they were a little shocked by this result, they had guessed it in their hearts the moment they shot from the top.

Too Shang Dao Zun exists, once he makes a move, it's not that simple.

In the prehistoric age, no one knows which level he has reached, but what he knows is that the strength of the Taoist priest is above all the saints. Even Yuanshi and Tongtian, the three saints of Nuwa are far inferior. .

Not to mention, the introduction and quasi mention, at this time, not in front of the trillions of trillions of living beings, was beaten to lose face by the Supreme Dao Venerable, and it was already a face.


Above Lingshan.

Jiuyin and Zhunti sat cross-legged in front of Da Leiyin, with sad and solemn expressions, and the power of humanity suppressed the West. As the two protagonists, they could not move at this time and could only sit here for 100,000 years.

Although one hundred thousand years is no more than a flash for them, but in this end, they lost their face and suffered injuries again, and they were seriously damaged.

He took a look at the location of the pharmacist and others, and then withdrew his gaze.

If he doesn't make a move, the pharmacist and others will surely fall, and once he makes a move, the Taishang will definitely attack him.

I am a saint, so I won't fall, but the pharmacist and others are no more than Da Luo Jinxian, how can I resist the saint, Hunyuan's method?

For the future of the West, he still shot.

Even if it is the current fate, he does not regret it. After all, the four people, but the hope that will arise in Japan in the future, still needs shelter.

"Brother, we have lost this plan..."

A bitter color appeared on Zhunti's face, looked at the lead beside him, and said.

The West suffered to this point this time, and their two saints were also banned. Such a result, they did not expect.

Originally there were opportunities in the West, but I didn't expect that except for Cangjie.

Breaking three thousand scriptures with three thousand humanities has attracted Suiren's fire. If it weren't for this, his senior brother would not save the medicine master and others. It would be too popular. Really one step is wrong, every step is wrong.

They hadn't paid much attention to Cangjie before, but now that they knew it, they understood that this one was the former Hongyun. They didn't expect that he would have such a chance to be so good in the human race.

"Hong Yun's reincarnation is so far. If he didn't arrange it, I don't believe it. Good calculation, really good calculation. This time, I am the West who has lost!"

He said softly in his mouth, then slowly closed his eyes and ignored it.

He has some injuries and needs to recover as soon as possible. One hundred thousand years, it is regarded as healing.

Zhunti glanced at him, then withdrew his gaze, sighed softly in his heart, and then slowly closed his eyes, also healing.


Prehistoric, somewhere in the area.

The pharmacist and others knew that their teacher took a look at themselves, but in the current situation in the West, they couldn't do much.

"The West is sealed off. We will cultivate here for the next 100,000 years. After the West is unblocked, we will return to the West..."

The pharmacist groaned for a few breaths before speaking.

Listening to this, Maitreya and the others nodded, and that could only be the case.

Fortunately, one hundred thousand years is not a big deal to them, otherwise, I am afraid that they will stay outside for too long.

"In that case, let's talk about the recovery of the injury now!" said the pharmacist.

"Yes, brother!"

Maitreya and Xinchen nodded and said.

Afterwards, the four great Luo Jinxians fleeed towards a nearby mountain range and began to heal their injuries here.


At the same time, the land of Banquan.

Regarding the situation in the West at this time, Qingchen, Xuanyuan and others were shocked, but since the leader made the shot himself, it is normal to end in this way.

After a long time, Xuanyuan came back to his senses, looking at Cangjie with a somewhat shocked expression, looking at the three-foot red sand cloud floating above the Cangjie Heavenly Spirit, not knowing when or where it came.

"Cangjie, you..."

Xuanyuan looked at the red sand cloud, which filled the sky, and when he turned it over, he was his soul, and he felt a little wandering.

Xuanyuan is also the existence of Da Luo Jinxian, but Xiao Bai, who is not a human race, naturally knows that Cangjie's identity is definitely not simple. Such strength, and the treasure of Red Sand Cloud, are by no means ordinary existence.

Therefore, Xuanyuan didn't know what to call Cangjie at this time, because he didn't know Cangjie in his previous life.

"Common Lord, in this life, I am Cangjie, Terran, Cangjie!"

Cangjie looked at Xuanyuan, smiled, and said.

The voice fell, as if there was nothing left in him, his eyes were crystal clear, reflecting the sky and the earth.

In this life, he is the Cangjie of the human race, not the red cloud of the past.

"Good, Cangjie, good!"

Xuanyuan understood the meaning of Cangjie's words, and immediately smiled.

"Human Cangjie has merit in creating characters, and I give it in the name of the ancestor..."

At this moment, between the heaven and the earth, the voice of Suiren sounded, and a terrifying temperature permeated.

"Respect the ancestors!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan, Qingchen and the others looked solemn and bowed in the direction of the Holy Land.

Since it was given by Renzu, Cangjie will be Wenzu in the future.

Seeing that Cangjie could no longer refuse, he arched his hands in the direction of the Holy Land, "Xie Suisheng!"

After the ceremony, Cangjie looked at Xuanyuan and said with a smile, "The co-master, the humanistic system has been established. Next, it depends on your way of ruling the world..."

"With the help of Wenzu's humanities, Xuanyuan can definitely accomplish what he has in mind and give the Terran a prosperous age..."

When Xuanyuan heard this, he immediately laughed.

After that, Xuanyuan ordered that after letting the wind, the four members of Limu merge the power of the Dongyi Alliance, and then began the way back.

As for Rong Yi, as early as when the fire was together, he had already fallen ~www.ltnovel.com~ Now, there is no Dongyi leader anymore.

The current human race is already unified, and after the integration of the Dongyi Alliance, all Xuanyuan's policies can be implemented.


Xuanyuan, Qingchen and others brought Xiong Dajun and Dongyi Alliance forces towards Chen Du.

In a short period of ten years, the Dongyi Alliance was integrated, completely integrated, and formed a part of it.

And before, the separated Qi Luck was merged together again at this time, and the integration of Qi Luck improved, directly raising Xuanyuan's cultivation base to the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and his strength improved a lot.

However, the latter can't improve so quickly, it still needs to be combined with Xuanyuan's own practice.

However, these are not the most critical. Now the most critical and the most important is the unification of the human race, and Xuanyuan's road to ruling the world can begin.



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