Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 130: Xuanyuan proves the way, the emperor returns to the throne

Chapter 130 Xuanyuan Prove the Dao, the Emperor returns to the throne

Fifty years passed quickly.

On this day, Xuanyuan and Qingyang stood on the high platform, their expressions serious, their eyes flashing.

Beside the two, Xuanyuan's teacher Qingchen and Qingyang's teacher Guang Chengzi stood aside. And under the high platform, there are the human races who come to watch the ceremony, and the scene is even worse than the glorious scene when the previous two co-lords renounced.

Xuanyuan glanced at Qing Yang, then at Tianshi, and then walked to the highest point of the altar.

Immediately, Xuanyuan took out three long incense sticks and lit them, praying to the heaven and earth, and inviting the leader Taishang, the Virgin and Nuwa, the three ancestors, two emperors, four saints, and the Lord of Reincarnation to come and observe the ceremony.

"Pray incense and watch the grand event together!"

Xuanyuan said softly, and then waited for their arrival.

At this time, a vision suddenly appeared in the eastern sky. Purple air came for 30,000 miles from the east, the sun shone over half of the sky, the mysterious sound bursts, the golden lotus blossomed, the glazed light shrouded half of the sky, and the endless aura gathered. Swept across the mighty and mighty.

Don't think about it, all the monks and great powers present know that these are the ones who are here.

The first to be there is the Taishang Sanqing and the Madonna and Nuwa, and then the Suiren Third Patriarch, Emperor Fuxi, Dihuang Shennong, and then the Lord of Reincarnation. As for the Western Two Saints, it’s impossible. I've come here, and I'm still sealed on the top of Lingshan by Taishang Town!

When Xuanyuan, Qingyang, and Qingchen saw this, the two emperor teachers of Guangcheng Zi immediately saluted.

"Meet the leader, Madonna!"

These two, with the highest status, were the first to salute at this time, and all the human races saluted one after another.

"Don't be polite!" Tai Shang smiled indifferently, waved his hand, and lifted up the crowd.

After everyone got up, the two human emperors led the human race to meet the three ancestors of the Suiren, the Emperor Fuxi, and the earth emperor Shennong. The status of these five people is in the human race, only under the leader and the Virgin. All races are salute.

Qingchen and Guangchengzi are also salutes.

Although these are the top human beings, Suiren are saints after all, and the second ancestor and the two human emperors are also special and powerful. Guang Chengzi still has to do enough etiquette, and it is normal to salute at this time.

Suiren helped them up, and then everyone saw, Yuqing Saint, Shangqing Saint, Lord of Reincarnation.

After all the ceremonies were met, the upper class people fell under the high platform, waiting for the time to come.


On the high platform.

Qingchen had the final say, then looked at Xuanyuan, smiled and said, "Common Master, the time has come!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan nodded, and then walked to the high platform, "I am the Xuanyuan family of Human Race. I reigned for three thousand years. Now I feel that my merits and virtues have been fulfilled. Here I officially pass on the position of co-lord of Human Race to Qingyang family..."

The human race under the high platform, after Xuanyuan finished speaking, immediately began to shout the names of Xuanyuan and Qingyang in unison, which was the same as the situation of the last time the emperor enlightened the Taoist concession.

When the people of the human race shouted the names of Xuanyuan and Qingyang, they saw a hole in the nine heavens, and then a strong golden light of merit came down. This time, the merits of the golden light were so great that it was not even as great as that of the emperor Shennong. How much difference was in the sermon?

After the merits were lowered, it was divided into two parts, one of which accounted for about 80%, which belonged to Human Sovereign Xuanyuan, and the remaining small part, which was about 20%, went to the hands of Human Sovereign Master, Qingchen.

Seeing the merits that fell into Qingchen's hands, Suiren nodded with satisfaction. With these merits in hand, Qingchen will soon be able to enter the realm of quasi-sage. By then, there will be more parties in the holy land. Master now.

This will improve the overall strength and luck of the Holy Land.

Qing Chen looked at the merit in his hand, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, a smile appeared on his face, and a movement of his hand took away the merit.

After returning to the Holy Land, the time is not right for the impact to the realm. There is no need to rush for a while.

After seeing Qingchen's merits, Yuan Shi began to look forward to the merits of Guangchengzi behind him, and the burning of lanterns. These were opportunities to improve and teach. He naturally hoped to gain more merits.


After Qing Chen collected the merits, his gaze turned and fell on Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan's whole body was wrapped in golden light of merit, staining the surroundings into brilliant gold. He is now beginning to absorb the human emperor's merits, and the aura on his body is also rapidly improving.

Above Xuanyuan's heavenly spirit, Xuanyuan Sword emerged, shed bursts of profound light, enveloping Xuanyuan's body, and the energetic aura fell down, combined with merits, absorbed by Xuanyuan, his cultivation base began to rise.

The middle stage of the quasi-sage...the late stage of the quasi-sage...

I don't know how long it has passed. When Xuanyuan's breath steadily stopped at the perfection of the Quasi-Sage Realm, the golden light of merit gradually converged, and all of it retracted into Xuanyuan's body.


Xuanyuan's body shook, and then slowly opened his eyes, a dark avenue evolved in the golden light-filled eyes. After a while, this gradually dissipated and returned to the color of clarity.

Above the heavenly spirit, Xuanyuan Jian withdrew the aura of profound light, restored calmness, exuding a touch of golden light and aura of the king.

After Xuanyuan felt it for a while, a satisfied smile appeared on his face. The improvement of his cultivation level did not disappoint himself, the leader, and the ancestors.

At this moment, the leader of the human religion below took a step forward, holding the seal of the most precious human race, Kongtong, bursting with thousands of divine lights, shining on the world, and suppressing the light of the sun, moon and stars. In the week, only Kongtong is the only one. The colorful light radiated by printing is just where the light lies.

"In the name of Taiqing Taishang, the leader of the human religion, and the order of the seal of Kongtong, I gave the emperor of Xuanyuan~www.ltnovel.com~Renhuang, stand!"

His expression was awe-inspiring, and the voice in his mouth contained Tianxian. An invisible power of the Great Dao was condensing here. The Kongtong seal in his hand was generous with light, shining on Zhou Tian, ​​and the humane force was swept away immediately.


Suddenly, I could only hear a loud dragon chant coming from the Kongtong seal, and even when I saw a person, the Emperor Dragon Qi flew out of the Kongtong seal, and soared in the void. After that, he sank directly into Xuanyuan's body.


Xuanyuan only felt his body tremble, and even after seeing a brilliant light enveloping him, his whole body looked extremely shining.


"The Emperor!"

"Common Lord!"

"The Yellow Emperor!"



At this time, all the races below began to shout the name of Xuanyuan Huangdi, and Qingyang, who was about to succeed to the throne of the co-lord.

Xuanyuan witnessed the Taoist Emperor and Qingyang clan took over as the co-lord. This was a great event and a good thing for the Human Race, and they all shouted with joy.

On the high platform.

After the Emperor Dragon Qi submerged into Xuanyuan's body, Xuanyuan Sword was submerged in Xuanyuan's heavenly spirit. After Dragon Qi entered Xuanyuan Sword, it merged into Xuanyuan's body and became one with the body, completely. Achieve the emperor's body.

And because Xuanyuanjian had been baptized by the human emperor's dragon qi, at this time it exuded a strong human emperor aura, and between Shennong and Shennong, the connection between the two parties has been increased, and it will exert greater power.


After a while, a soft noise rang out from Xuanyuan's body. When he opened his eyes again, the entire human race was reflected in his deep eyes, and a golden sword-shaped mark appeared on the center of his eyebrows, emitting a faint light. .

At this time, he has achieved the fruit of the emperor's way.



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