Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 133: The Age of 5 Emperors (3)

Chapter 133 The Age of Five Emperors (3)

Zhuan Xu defeated the Yellow Water Monster. In order to benefit the world, he used the Heavenly King Sword to turn Dashagang into a mountain, named Fuyu Mountain, and used the sword to draw a river beside the mountain, named Xiaohe.

In this way, after Zhuanxu reigned for 278 years, his merits were fulfilled, and he found the candidate to take over as the co-leader, Emperor Yu.

Emperor's father's name was Xuan Ji, he was the great-grandson of Emperor Xuanyuan, and the grandson of Shaohao.

Emperor Yu was born according to a vision and was accepted as a disciple by the Virgin Mary who was intercepted to teach her practice. After he was 15 years old, he began to assist his uncle in dealing with human affairs, and his ability in government affairs was really good.

After choosing the emperor this time, Zhuan Xu taught him a hundred and twenty-two years later, he announced to the human race and Honghuang that fifty years later, it was in the emperor.

In this way, Zhuan Xu was teaching the emperor to be in charge of the human race while practicing.


Fifty years' time is fleeting in the blink of an eye.

Now it’s time for Zhuanxu to pass on the throne to the emperor. Taishang, Nuwa, came here first, and the three emperors of Fuxi, Shennong, and Xuanyuan, as well as the two ancestors, followed the Sui people and came towards Chendu of the human race. .

On the high platform outside Chendu, Zhuan Xu, the emperor, the teacher of the emperor, the Taoist, the Golden Spirit, the patriarch of various tribes of the human race, and the prehistoric monks who came to observe the ceremony, etc., are all waiting here.

Not long after, the existence of the three ancestors of the Suiren, the three emperors and other human sacred places came, and then Yuanshi and Tongtian, the lord of the two reincarnations, Houtu, were still the last ones to come, and the two sages in the West still did not exist. Not yet here.

After everyone saluted, they waited for the beginning of the ceremony.

Soon, when the time came, Zhuan Xu walked towards the altar, facing the heaven and the earth, and said loudly, "I am the Gaoyang clan Zhuan Xu. I have been the co-lord for a thousand years. I have been conscientious and conscientious. Now my merits have been fulfilled. Huh!"

After Xuanyuan finished speaking, everyone in the audience began to shout in unison the names of Gao Yang and Di Yu.

At the same time, a hole was opened in the Nine Heavens, and a golden light of merit came down. Although it was not as good as the time when Qingyang was proving the Dao, it was a lot.

The merits fell, one was divided into three, seven and a half percent fell on Zhuan Xu's body, two percent fell to the Taoist Taoist, the teacher of the emperor, and the remaining half went to the people who had assisted Zhuan Xu and the worshippers.

Seeing that the emperor’s merits have fallen, the Supreme Lord immediately took a step forward, took out the Kongtong seal, threw it into the void, and shouted, "In the name of the leader of the human religion, Taiqing Taishang, the order of the seal, I bestow the body of the Emperor Zhuanxu, The emperor stands!"

As soon as the voice fell, he saw a person flying away with the emperor's anger and submerged in Zhuan Xu's body.

After absorbing the merits and the emperor's energy, Zhuan Xu's cultivation base began to soar, breaking directly from the late Daluo Jinxian to the realm of quasi-sage perfection, becoming another master in the world.

Zhuan Xu preached the Tao and achieved the fruit of the human emperor's Tao, and in the future will be the holy land of the human race.

While burning the lamp humanity gained the merits of the emperor, he also learned to be a son of Guangcheng. Instead of absorbing it, he put it away. I don’t know how it would be used. After Zhuan Xu proved the way, the position of the co-lord of the human race was passed on to the emperor. .

Then, the ceremony ended, Taishang and Nuwa left, Suiren and others returned to the Holy Land with Zhuanxu. Yuanshi and Houtu also left one after another. Tongtian did not leave until after exhorting the Golden Spirit Mother, and the people and monks who watched the ceremony also left one after another.

As for the human race, it was now in the hands of the emperor.


After Emperor Yu succeeded to the throne, he extended his grace to everyone, but he did not pay attention to himself. He was clever and able to understand the situation in the distance, insight into subtle matters, and knew everything in his heart.

He conforms to the will of God, understands the urgency of the people, benevolent and majestic, gentle and trustworthy, cultivates himself, and submits to the world.

He collects the property from the land and uses it frugally. He caresses and teaches the people and teaches them all kinds of useful things. He calculates the operation of the sun and the moon to set the solar terms at the time of the year, and respectfully welcomes the sun and the moon.

He knows ghosts and gods and serves them cautiously. He has good appearance and noble morals. He acts in a timely manner and acts like a scholar.

The emperor ruled the people, as impartial as rain watered the farmland, spread all over the world, wherever the sun and moon shine, wherever the wind and rain reach, no one would disobey him and submit to him.

Among the human races, there are historical records, "The ancestor is from Xuanyuan, the descendant of Xuanxiao, and his name is born. Wood morality governs the world. Fu Ning Tiandi, the guest of the Holy Spirit, teaches the world, tomorrow and tomorrow..."


During the reign of Emperor Yu, he was deeply influenced by the Mother of the Golden Spirit, and the Mother of the Golden Spirit had a gentle temperament. Therefore, the Emperor used a benevolent government when he governed the human race.

The emperor's life lived with the people internally, and stopped fighting externally.

Many barbarians were inspired to accept peace, and the human race entered an era of calm and vigorous development.

During the emperor's reign, there were many preaching about the Jiejiao, and because the emperor's teacher was the Golden Spirit Virgin of Jiejiao, during this time, Jiejiao gained a lot of luck among the human race.

Tongtian is quite satisfied with this. As long as the doctrines of Jiujiao are promoted during the reign of the Emperor, Jiujiao will be highly respected among the human race, and the luck of Jiujiao will be improved.

When the emperor returns to the throne, the merits of the emperor's teacher will push the luck again a bit higher.

Therefore, Tongtian is also waiting for the emperor to return to his throne to see how much merit he has.


In the blink of an eye, five hundred years have passed quietly.

As early as fifty years ago, Emperor Ku announced the resignation period, and now it's time.

Taishang, Nuwa, the three ancestors of Suiren, three emperors, two saints, Houtu and others all arrived here, and there were many monks and great powers who watched the ceremony, etc., have all arrived here.

Outside Chen Du, on the high platform.

"Today, my emperor has realized that he has reached Consummation, and he has surrendered the position of co-lord to my son, Zhi!"

After Di Yu finished speaking, everyone in the audience began to chant the names of Di Yu and Zhi in unison.

Di Yu is a little selfish. He loves Zhi, the son of his Four Concubine Changyi, so he passed on to Zhi after he abdicated.

Although the Taishang did not stop the decision of Emperor Yu, he also knew that this Zhi was not the candidate for the co-lord, and the best candidate was the son of the three concubines, Yao.

But don’t worry about these. Human Race has reached the point where he no longer needs to choose a co-owner for Human Race~www.ltnovel.com~ Besides, Humanity has been selected, it is the process, which is a bit more complicated than before, but this is not Does not affect the progress of the Emperor's affairs.

Therefore, Tai Shang did not pay much attention to it, and everything has its own determinism.


At the same time, a hole was opened in the nine heavens, and a golden light of merit came down, which was not much different than when Zhuan Xu was proving the Dao.

The merits fell, one was divided into three, seven and a half percent fell to the emperor's body, two percent fell to the Virgin Mary, the teacher of the emperor, and the remaining half went to the people who had assisted the emperor's and observed the ceremony.

Seeing that the emperor's merits have fallen, the supreme took a step forward, took out the Kongtong seal, threw it into the void, and shouted, "The emperor, stand!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a person flying away from the emperor's anger and submerged in the emperor's body.

After absorbing the merits and the emperor's energy, the emperor's cultivation base began to skyrocket, breaking directly from the late Daluo Jinxian to the realm of quasi-sage perfection, becoming another master in the world.

The emperor proclaimed the Tao and achieved the fruit of the human emperor, and in the future will sit in the holy land of the human race.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit received a share, and her cultivation level was directly promoted to the Great Luo Jinxian Consummation. Although the Five Emperors had merits, they were far inferior to the Three Emperors. Our Lady of the Golden Spirit only gained a merit, so the cultivation base would naturally not be improved much.

But for this, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit is already very happy. Tongtian is quite satisfied with this result. In the future, the Golden Spirit Mother will only need to retreat for a period of time, and there will be no big problem in entering the quasi-sage.

After the ceremony was completed, Taishang and Nuwa took the lead to leave. Suiren and others took the emperor to return to the holy ground, allowing the emperor to practice among the three emperors and five emperors. Fuxi and several other emperors helped each other. There is no need to worry about the cultivation base.

After the people of the human race left, the other two saints and Houtu also left one after another.



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