Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 146: Western decision, the situation of the Bone Emperor

Chapter 146 The Western Decision, The Situation of the Bone Emperor

West, above Lingshan, Da Leiyin Temple.

"Disciple Yakushi (Mille, Xinchen, Xinzhu), see the teacher!"

After the pharmacist and Maitreya arrived at Lingshan, they immediately paid homage to their teacher.

Since the West was sealed by Taishang Dao Zun, they have not been able to return to the West. Now that one hundred thousand years have passed, the humanitarian power and the Taiqing seal to seal the West have dissipated, and they naturally returned to it in the first time. Here it is.

"This time, although my Western calculations failed, you have made a lot of progress over the past 100,000 years, but you have gained a bit. Then, you will continue to practice in retreat, and other things will be ignored... "

The receiver waved his hand, helped them up, and said slowly.

"The disciple respects life..." the four of them responded.

"Brother, if you decide, then do it, sit in the West Spirit Mountain for your brother, stay behind and preach to the disciples, and preach to the disciples in the future, you can preside over everything for your brother..."

After thinking about it in the heart of Sui Yin, he said to Zhi Ti.

In this calculation, the West has suffered too much. Many Western disciples have fallen in that battle. The disciples in Lingshan are the key to Western luck. Now this link is broken. If you want to make up for it, It is necessary to cross the Hua monk to come to the West.

And this disciple after the transition, he preached for him and thoroughly practiced the Western way. In this way, he is the real Western disciple.

Moreover, if you have your own seat in the West Spirit Mountain and stabilize the rear, you can safely go to the East and cross all things that can be crossed and increase the West’s luck. In this way, there is great hope for the recovery of the West’s luck. Up.

As long as you act carefully and don't attract the attention of those people, then this trip can bring some luck to the West.

The current prehistoric situation has been relatively calm. Over the past six to seven thousand years, those in the prehistoric have been practicing in retreat or teaching, and other forces and races have not happened, and they have been peaceful. Situation.

Under such a situation, as long as you behave carefully, you won't have any big problems thinking about it.

"Senior brother, don’t worry, the younger brother will be careful. Now the situation is calm, and those few are in retreat or teaching. This is indeed a good opportunity for me to move east. If this opportunity is missed, I want to move east in the future. It's not that easy..."

Zhunti nodded, looking at the lead, and said, with him sitting in the back to help him solve the monk who had come from Duhua, in this way, he would have no worries.

"If this is the case, then you should proceed carefully!"

The lead nodded, and now that it has been decided, I can start to mention it.

If this time is delayed, the latter will not be so easy. After all, it is Dongjin, not to mention too high, even Yuanshi and Tongtian would not want to see him move east.

Therefore, this time now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and needs to be grasped. Otherwise, the losses in the West over the past few years cannot be recovered in one hundred thousand years.

You must know that what the West has lost over the years is not only the Western disciples, but also a lot of luck. After all, supporting a human race to fight for the position of co-lord, although this does not violate the original regulations of the Emperor.

But when the matter came to the back, it had already developed to a different point. The West had intervened to that point, and even wanted to take action to destroy the Emperor.

It should be understood that this is not only a matter of humanity, even if it is a heavenly way, there is such a moving track, and it is normal to receive a backlash from the humanity and damage the air luck even if it is a heavenly way.

Therefore, what the West has suffered this time is not the simple matter of disciples, but the luck and disciples.

And these, if you want to make up for it in just one hundred thousand years, or tens of thousands of years, it is impossible. If it drags on for too long, the West wants to plan again in the future, or want to do it. Something will be very unfavorable.

Otherwise, quasi mentioning and receiving will not want to do such a desperate thing shortly after unblocking here.

But the better point is that the current prehistoric situation is relatively calm. If the arrangements are well arranged, Zhun Ti will be able to make up for some of the Western luck in this eastward advance, and the Monk Duhua will become a disciple of the Western teachings.

As long as it is cleared, it should not be aroused, and the attention of those few people will not be shot against the West.

In this way, there are multiple benefits in one fell swoop. This is also the result of the support of Zhun Ti Dong Jin, because the West wants to make up for the luck quickly, and this is the way to go.

Others can't reach this speed for the time being.

"That's the case, the Junior Brother left for..."

A smile appeared on Zhun Ti's slightly dry face, then he got up, arched his hands towards the lead, and started to move.

Although the pharmacist and others don’t understand, it’s the teacher’s decision. They should not ask too much or interfere too much. It is important to practice their own way. During this period of time, they have improved not only their realm, but also There is an insight into the avenue.

"In the next time, I will teach a section of the road for the teacher's meeting. You must listen carefully to the practice..."

After thinking about it, he looked at the pharmacist and others and said.

"The disciple understands, thank you teacher..."

When the pharmacist and others heard this, they immediately prayed with joy.

The leader nodded, then lightly closed his eyes, and began to talk about the avenue. The entire western Lingshan Buddha's light enveloped half of the world, and the sound of the avenue was clear and audible.

Zhun Ti, who had just left West Lingshan, glanced back, smiled, and moved on.


Prehistoric, somewhere in the area.


Void shook slightly, and even when I saw Void as a curtain, he watched the two sides dissolve, and then walked out a figure from it, the lotus flower appeared under his feet, supporting him to walk, it was Tai Shang.

"It seems that the situation of the Bone Sovereign in these years is pretty good. Not only has it been promoted to the mid-stage quasi-sage, it has also directly raised a race in the prehistoric state. This is also in line with the operation of humanity, and there is no trajectory of heaven and earth. Repel..."

"In this way, it is considered to be a complete fusion of the predecessors, and it is good that it is a good situation for the two parties to be able to merge to this point."

Taishang glanced at the Bone Race here, thinking a thousand times in his heart.

Immediately, a golden light flashed, and the bone emperor flew from this mountain range, came to the upper body, and said, "Bone emperor worships Dao Zun! I don't know what the Zun has to say?"

"This time, this teacher is here to take a look at your situation~www.ltnovel.com~ It seems that you are thoroughly familiar with the laws and rules of the prehistoric, and you can integrate into the prehistoric. The expectation of the teacher is very good..."

Taishang looked at the kneeling Bone Emperor, waved his hand, helped him up, and said with a smile.

"Bone Emperor is terrified!" Bone Emperor said.

"How is the situation of the bone race in the prehistoric?"

Taishang looked at the bone emperor and asked.

"Venerable Hui Dao, relatively speaking, the cultivation base will be a bit higher, but it is not that easy to expand the Bone Race..." The Bone Emperor replied.

"Don't worry about this, this is just the beginning..."

Tai Shang said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Bone Sovereign nodded and didn't speak any more.



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