Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 148: Bone King Fights Gou Chen

Chapter 148 The Bone Emperor Fights Gouchen

As time passed, another three thousand years passed.

Zhunti was walking in the Central Continent. He was really careful this time, and did not attract the attention of other people. The treasures and monks in Duhua didn't dare to be too ostentatious, they all acted in a low-key manner.

However, in the past three thousand years, he has also made many monks and treasures. Even if he keeps a low profile, he is sure to mention the news of the saint’s eastward journey. Go west.

If the West is rich, the problem is that the West is terribly barren. What can you do if you go to the West?

As far as the situation in the West is concerned, the cultivation bases of several continents did not want to go to the Western Continent, or wanted to go to the Western religion. Except for the creatures of the Western Continent, none of the creatures on the other continents thought.

This transition was forced, so the monks from other continents, after hearing the news at this time, would naturally retreat far away, and where would they dare to go along the route of the existence of Zhunti saints?

However, many monks were panicked. After all, he was a saint, and his route changed at any time. Who knows where he was? For thousands of years, they really didn't live much, for fear of being crossed.

Zhunti really has the intention of transcending these monks' creatures, if it weren't for the fear of too much movement and arousing the attention of those few, otherwise, he would have taken action long ago and all of them would be transcended to the West.

Now I picked some good ones, and went to the west.

As for the treasures and so on over the past few years, there are not many. They are all innate materials, or some treasures of heaven and earth. For the West, although they can't improve much, they are better than nothing.

The most important thing this time is these monks and creatures. This is the promotion and restoration of the West’s damaged luck and the future of the West.

Therefore, although there are not many treasures, it is already good for the West to be able to transform these monks, and Zhunti is also quite satisfactory. I sighed that the East is indeed outstanding and talented, and these monks have good spiritual qualifications.

If there are so many monks with good qualifications in the West, and they worshipped the Western religion, it would not be difficult for the Western religion to improve its luck. The aspirations of heaven have not yet been returned, and everything is going so hard.

"As long as those people don't pay attention, I will go ahead for a while..."

Zhunti glanced at East Kunlun and Jin'ao Island, finally set his eyes on Shouyang Mountain, and said in his heart.

This is a serious risk, but in terms of harvest, it is also worth trying once. Even if found, it is nothing more than losing face, being beaten, being sealed off, and not being able to die. What are you afraid of?

At this point, Zhunti's eyes flashed with a ray of light, and then he moved on.

For three thousand years, his gains have been considerable, and he continued to move forward and was found to be aware of the danger, but it was also a time to continue to reap the benefits.

After weighing the two phases, he decided to move on for a while.

Anyway, his body of a saint can't die, and if he loses his face, is he still less frequent? Not more than once.

As long as you can contribute to your own rise in the West, you can honour God's way, and can grow the West, then all this is worth it.

Zhun Ti slowly moved eastward, and as long as he was eye-catching, whether it was a treasure or a monk, the phrase ‘we have a destiny in the West’ would be transformed.

Therefore, the monks in the east at this time all changed their colors after hearing this.

But this matter is still in progress.


After Emperor Gouchen got off the land, he came toward the bone clan in the direction given by Haotian.

He had a hunch that this time the Bone Race was recruited again, but there was still no progress. He believed that based on the previous situation, the Bone Sovereign should still not agree. If necessary, he might have had a fight with the Bone Sovereign.

However, he believed that with his cultivation base of the Quasi-Sage mid-term, he should not be worse than the Bone Emperor, even if he had done one, his cultivation base would not be much worse than the Bone Emperor.

The thoughts flashed in his mind, Emperor Gou Chen turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.


Prehistoric, the northern continent, somewhere in the region.

"call out!"

A divine light flashed, and immediately turned into the figure of Emperor Gou Chen, his gaze slowly swept across the billion trillion li mountain range, his face showing the color of thought.


The void shuddered, and even when he saw the Bone Emperor walking out of the void in a black robe, the Bone Emperor even covered his head and hat, leaving only two clusters of secluded soul fire beating in the darkness. A sense of cold permeated.

The Bone Sovereign held a golden bone stick, and a chill and majestic breath radiated from the bone stick.

"Heavenly Man?!"

The Bone Emperor looked at Emperor Gou Chen carefully, and said lightly.

Hearing this, Emperor Gouchen looked slightly drunk, looked at the Bone Emperor, and said, "This monarch Heavenly Court Gouchen Emperor, silence!"

After a pause, he continued, "This monarch is here at the order of the Emperor of Heaven and invites the Bone Race into the Heavenly Court. In this way, it is also a win-win situation..."

The Bone Sovereign heard this and said indifferently, "This emperor has already refused many times about the heavenly court, and will not join the heavenly court, please go back!"

"Bone Sovereign, you must not know good or bad. The Emperor of Heaven values ​​the Bone Race so much. This is the blessing of the Bone Race. My Lord is here today. Don't be shameless..."

He didn't expect that Emperor Gouchen, one of the four imperial princes of his own dignified heavenly court, personally invited him, but he didn't have a good face and refused on the spot. With such an attitude, he was indeed a little bit resentful.

Anyway, the emperor said that he could use methods when necessary, if so, then he didn't have to worry about so many.

"Heavenly Court, is this going to be strong?"

Bone Sovereign's soul fire looked at Ming Ji, and said indifferently.

He also understood that Haotian was so persevering with the Bone Race because the Bone Race played a big role in the underworld. If you control it well, it would be easier if you want to involve the underworld in the future.

Of course, this plan will take a long time, but after so long in the wilderness, the Bone Sovereign still knows Haotian's ambition ~www.ltnovel.com~ to control the Three Realms, not just to talk about it. It can rely on Dao Ancestor, and now Heaven has developed to this To the point, he couldn't miss any chance.

This is also the reason why Haotian is so persistent, and Bone Sovereign also knows.

There was a sneer on Ming Ji's face, and a stroke of his hand, a divine light bloomed between the heaven and the earth, cutting through the void, separating the heaven and the earth, and slashing down towards the Bone Emperor, with an extremely sharp edge.

The soul fire shrouded in the black robe of the Bone Emperor exuded the meaning of coldness, and the golden bone staff in his hand was suddenly lit.


A sound of golden mingling echoed between the sky and the earth, and countless sparks came out of the collision. When countless laws and rules collided again, countless space cracks appeared, and the void shattered like a mirror and turned into fragments. The ocean swept across all directions.

Under the impact, countless areas of chaos emerged in the surrounding area, and the air of chaos appeared like clouds and mist, reappearing the earth, water, wind and fire, and terrifying.



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