Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 154: Sui Ren went to the Taiqing Palace, Zilu

Chapter 154: Sui Ren went to Taiqing Palace, Zilu

Shouyang Mountain, in the Taiqing Palace.

Too Shang sits cross-legged on the cloud platform, his eyes fall into the predicament. This time he will advance eastward, and he has gained a lot of benefits in the predicament. Too Shang did not expect that he would seize the opportunity like this.

At this point in time, I grasped it and pulled the West’s luck. Although the following things need to be developed carefully, for now, there is no problem in the West for the time being.

After all, the only loss of luck has been made up, and there is still a little improvement. Under such circumstances, even if low-key development is needed later, it will have no impact on the West for the time being.

Taishang's face showed a little thoughtful color, and after a long time, his calmness was restored.

At the same time, in the Promise Mountain Range, a flash of fire flashed, and in the next instant it had arrived outside the Taiqing Palace.

After taking a look, Sui Ren walked into the Taiqing Palace, before reaching the Yuntai, and saluted, "The disciple sees the teacher!"

Taishang opened his eyes, as deep as Zhou Tian's eyes were as deep as the sea of ​​stars, passing a little bit of stars, looked at Suiren, and said indifferently, "Don't be polite!" After that, he waved his hand and lifted it up. Sui Ren.

"Qinglian Baose Banner can suppress human luck and distance it. For humans, it also has a lot of effects..."

Tai Shang looked at it and slowly said, Sui Ren has already finished the treasure.

"The disciple understands!"

Sui Ren nodded his head and said, because he knew this, he spent so much effort to seize this spiritual treasure. After returning to the human holy land, he could use this treasure to suppress and gather luck.

"Teacher, humanity changes, after the Six Emperors, is there still a human emperor born?"

After thinking about it, Suiren looked at Taishang and asked.

"After the change in humanity, the great emperor will be nine, Xia Yu will be the six emperors, and three human emperors will be born later. These seven emperors, counting the time, are almost the same..."

Tai Shang nodded slightly and glanced at Human Race.

"Then how should these seven emperors, the emperor of humanity, make a choice?" Suiren asked.

"Cangjie is about to break through to the late quasi-sage stage recently, let him go this time!"

After thinking about it too much, he said, Cangjie is the reincarnation of Hongyun, and the opportunity is naturally not small. This time, it can be regarded as a chance.

In this way, the overall strength of the human race can also be further improved.

Sui Ren nodded, and Cangjie went to be the teacher of the Seventh Emperor. Although he was a bit condescending, these were not the key points. In the current predicament, strength is the most important.

In this way, in addition to allowing Cangjie to increase his cultivation base, he can also restore his original cultivation base faster.

After all, Cangjie in his previous life is already in the late Quasi-Sage, and whether he can use this opportunity to reach a higher level in the future depends on Cangjie's own situation.

"Calculating the time, it's almost time, after you return this time, let Cangjie go to Shangqiu land..."

After finishing the calculation, he said to Suiren.

"Disciple understand!" Sui Ren nodded after taking note of it secretly.

After that, Suiren wanted to ask for some advices on the essence and principles of Dao Dao. After he had accumulated and helped the Dao in his current realm, it was more than a thousand years later.

After that, Sui Ren left Taiqing Palace and returned to the Holy Land of Human Race.

After watching Suiren return to the Holy Land, the Supreme Master realized the humanity, the seven emperors were about to be born, and the humanity continued to evolve and improve.

This is of great help to him now.

Faintly in his heart, he felt a bit of a crisis, such a feeling, which has not been for countless years.

The last time I felt this way, I felt a sense of crisis when I faced Luohu's deity.

Therefore, this time it is really possible that Luo Huo will strike again. If that is the case, Taishang will need to work harder to practice.

This step needs to be crossed as soon as possible.

Otherwise, for myself, there will still be some constraints.


After Sui Ren returned to the Holy Land, he let Cangjie leave for Shangqiu Land.

After Cangjie left the Holy Land, he saw Xia Dynasty. At this time, the monarch was Xia Jie. He was licentious and tyrannical, and cruelly tortured Zhongliang. At this time, Xia Dynasty had already come to an end, and the new emperor, the seventh emperor was about to be born.

He has heard Renzu say that the three human emperors behind need to be the pioneers of one dynasty, and in one dynasty, only one emperor was born.

In other words, the seventh emperor will be the only emperor in the future kingdom.

After thinking about it in Cangjie's heart, he came directly to the land of Shangqiu.


In the land of Shangqiu, the lord of the princes Gui had a son named Zilu, also known as Shangtang. He was born with a vision, and then he was accepted as a disciple by Cangjie. He taught him how to cultivate and govern the human race.

After all, he had spent a lot of time by Xuanyuan's side, so he naturally knew how to govern, and the teaching at this time was indeed just right.

After Shang Tang became an adult, he took over the vassal state. Because of Xia Jie's brutality, he began his road to the emperor, overthrowing the Xia Dynasty, and taking charge of the human world.

Among the princes of the Xia Dynasty, the Shang country gradually developed and strengthened after the extinction of the Yi Yi in the Shang Dynasty. The development of agriculture and animal husbandry, and the increase of social wealth, promoted the transition from clan system to slavery in the Shang clan. In order to develop power outwards and plunder more slaves and property, by the time of Lord Kui, Shang was already a great vassal country with the power of a king.

Shangtang accumulated food and grass, recruited men and horses, and trained the army all the way to create favorable conditions for the battle against Xia. After that, Shang Tang also had the intermarriage of the Xin family, using the wise ministers Yi Yin and Zhong Yu as the right and left sides, taking the capital of the country "Bo" as the forward base, actively governing the country, and preparing to destroy the summer.

Shang Tang first adopted a political policy of winning over the people and the country, and launched a political offensive to expose the crimes of Xia Jie's tyranny, laying the political foundation for the victory of the war. In terms of military strategy, he made clever plans with the powerful assistance of the wise ministers Yi Yin and Zhong Yu.

When the time came to crusade against Xia Jie, Cheng Tang mobilized his army and led all the vassals of the world. With the assistance of Yi Yin, he prepared to attack Xia Jie.

One of the princes of Kunwu was a close friend of Xia Jie. Shang Tang first led his army to destroy Kunwu, and then directed his command to the capital of Xia Jie.

King Xia Jie had a general named Xia Geng who was sent to guard Zhangshan. As soon as Chengtang's army arrived, Xia Geng was killed on Zhangshan.

His head was chopped off, but his body was still running away to avoid punishment. In this way, this headless defeated army ran from Zhangshan all the way to Wushan~www.ltnovel.com~Many years later, he still froze on Wushan with a longge and a shield.

Shang Tang led the army to the capital of Xiajie and began to attack the city. After the city was breached, the soldiers in the city were in turmoil, and Xia Junbing surrendered some of them. Seeing that the general situation was over, King Xia Jie hurriedly led the remnant, with his usual beloved concubine, and Moxi escaped from the capital.

After the Shang Army entered the city, Shang Tang, on the one hand, made people calm the people, and at the same time, he picked out 70 of the best chariots and selected 6,000 warriors to form a death squad. Fei Chang, who had previously escaped from King Xia Jie, rushed to Tang. Drive for Chengtang, chase after victory.

The remnants of Xia Jie were fleeing in embarrassment, but after all, they were not as good as the morale of the merchants, and they were soon overtaken by the merchants in a place called the tweet.

The two armies had not yet confronted, and the defeated generals of Xia Jie's remnants were already defeated, and one after another put down their weapons and surrendered.

Only Moxi and a few former concubines were left beside Xia Jie. They ran to a river and got a small boat. Together they took the boat and floated down the river, drifting down to the south of the south. Chaoshan, Xia Jie died there in the end.



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