Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 6 Chapter 1: Peaceful 30,000 years

Chapter One Thirty Thousand Years of Peace


   Shouyang Mountain, Taiqing Palace.


   Say it too, Yuanshi, Tongtian and Houtu frowned slightly, Suiren, Fuxi, and Nuwa were a little more settled. Since the impact is not too big for the human race, then there is no need to worry too much.


   The change of dynasties is something that will inevitably go through among the human races. No dynasty will survive forever. The evolution of humanity will naturally screen out new dynasties to make people better.


   As for this replacement battle, there will be many monks participating in it, and the scale is larger than the previous battle of the emperor, and that is not a big problem.


After all, Brother Dao (teacher, leader) said that this catastrophe is the human race, rather than the practitioners. In this way, the impact on the human race will be relatively small, and they will not be so worried. , After all, Human Race's strength is already enough to deal with many things.


  Nuwa, Suiren and Fuxi are not worried, but it does not mean that Yuanshi, Tongtian and Houtu are not worried.


Taishang only talks about practitioners, but this range is really too big. In the prehistoric times, apart from ordinary human races, basically all practitioners, even new born innate beings, will follow the path of practitioners again. .


   In this way, they may also have this possibility under their sect, so there is a bit of worry in my heart.


   After thinking about it in his heart, Yuan Shi looked at Tai Shang and asked, "Brother, these practitioners are about my waiting. If this is the case, I'll have to plan early, so as not to get a little difficult to respond..."


   My eldest brother is in charge of humanity, and this time I am discussing with his Taoist ancestors. I want to know a lot about it, so it's better to ask more clearly.


   "This disaster is not too big to say, as long as you walk on the right path, everything will not be a big problem..."


   said, his eyes turned to Houtu, and he said, "At this time, the underworld is not very related. Daoists only need to restrain some, and everything will be fine..."


   Taishang didn't make it too clear, but just clicked to the end, but with the cleverness of these people, there are already some ideas in their minds, and there is no need to worry about it. Anyway, this matter is not too important.


   Even if the process is a bit tortuous, the result will not change much, so there is no need to worry too much.


   "Houtu understands..."


   Houtu nodded slightly and nodded.


  Since Brother Dao said that, it’s fine to do that. There are some things that I don’t want to intervene. It’s best to do this.


   Yuanshi and Tongtian looked at each other, and already had an idea in their hearts. Since the eldest brother said that, he would walk in the right direction, and everything would be fine.


  Thinking about it this way, they felt a little settled in their hearts.


Tai Shang looked at them, and after a pause, Su Rina said with a look, "This incident, this calamity is not the most important thing. As far as the current situation is concerned, there are more serious things that need to be dealt with carefully... "


   Hearing the words, everyone's expressions condensed, Dao brother (elder brother, teacher, leader) looks like this, thinking things are not easy.


   "Brother, what's the cause?"


  Tongtian sword raised eyebrows, looked at Taishang and asked.


   "This time, Brother Dao and I went to the Zixiao Palace to discuss, in addition to the catastrophe, the most important thing is because of this..."


   Nuwa's pretty face condensed, and she said in a deep voice, "Luo Hu, about to make a comeback!"


   "Luo Hui?!"


   Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed slightly. Whether it was Yuanshi Tongtian who had experienced Dao Demon, or Suiren who hadn't experienced it, their expressions were quite solemn at this time.


   What kind of existence is Luohu, they are naturally clear in their hearts, this time is about to make a comeback, the situation is afraid it will be very difficult.


"In the future, if Rahu comes alone, Daozu, me and the three fellow Daoists should be able to deal with it. If Rahu comes with the demons, the situation will be very complicated. When necessary, you will have to take the shot. It's..."


   Taishang's gaze swept over everyone, their lowest cultivation base was the existence of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the mid-term, if they shot together, even if the demons came out, they can handle it if they want.


   "Big brother (teacher, leader, brother!) Don't worry!"


   Everyone heard the words, glanced at each other, and nodded.


   This kind of thing is related, but I don't know that it is oneself, but the whole world. At this time, if things change, they naturally need to take action together.


   Compared to Luo Hu's case, the calamity discussed just now is indeed much smaller.


   After all, if the demons were swept by the demons, there would be a lot more people who fell. Therefore, this matter is a big deal, and it needs to be handled carefully.


   "You and others will pay close attention to the next situation. If things change, they will immediately take action and use the thunder strike to obliterate the demons..."


   Too too indifferent, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said coldly.


   Everyone nodded, knowing what to do in their hearts.


   "The timing is unclear. Although the crisis in my heart has suddenly increased, but there is still some time to come. I will use this opportunity to exchange more essence and principles, and improve as much as possible, so that I can cope with this matter."


   After thinking about it, Tai Tai looked at everyone.


   Hearing the words, everyone's eyes lit up, and they nodded immediately.


   Tai went up and nodded slightly, and then began to communicate with them the essence and principles of the Dao. Everyone also took advantage of this opportunity to confirm it a lot.


   What will happen next, they don't know, but more improvement and more accumulation are still helpful for the following things.


   Everyone began to communicate and accumulate, making more preparations for the following things.




   Time is in a hurry, and in a blink of an eye, 30,000 years have passed quietly in the predicament.


   Although the last time when the Conferred God List and the God Whip fell, a lot of existing ideas have been aroused, but at this point, it is obvious that there is not much attention.


   Now the wild land is quite calm.


   The Witch Clan ~www.ltnovel.com~ is indeed a rather low-key development in these years, but it is not like the previous Witch Clan.


   As for the other forces, they are even more low-key, with almost no news or actions. Although they still have that reputation, they are unusually calm.


   is the heavenly court that has been quite active over the years. In the past 30,000 years, it has been a little calmer, let alone other forces.


   The prehistoric calmness, many of the creatures and monks among them, have a rare opportunity to practice.


   However, the great calamity is coming, and there are still many monks who will lead it.


   So Yuanshi and Tongtian, who had just returned to the dojo, also found that there was some catastrophe involved in the sect, but since there was a big brother, they did not worry too much.


   Besides, as long as the core disciples do not fall, all the named disciples or some of them have poor aptitude, there is no big problem.





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