Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 6 Chapter 14: Xiqi poses for battle

The latest website: Chapter 14 Xiqi puts forward to fight

Zhun mentioned that the evil corpse has achieved this point. It can be described as a big deal. Except for dozens of disciples and Maitreya, the others have been dispatched, including himself, they have all been dispatched directly.

He who had merged with the good corpse, his strength was not ordinary, he was already close to that realm infinitely.

Although there are restrictions and can't reach that realm, but the strength is more than the quasi-sage perfection countless, it is enough.

Zhun mentioned that the evil corpse was quite confident about this opportunity to pacify Xiqi.

He led the pharmacist and other disciples, and came toward the Yin Shang camp of the human race mightily.

And when they were dispatched in the West, Taiyi and Haotian also agreed to the requests of their subordinates, Yujiang and Gouchen, after careful consideration.

They still valued this matter quite seriously. Since they have reached this point, if they give up, they have really lost. In order to continue to strengthen, they have taken Xiqi in one fell swoop.

Therefore, after the West was dispatched, the support of the monsters and the heavens also came towards the Yin Shang camp of the human race.


Xiqi, in the Western Zhou camp.

"Brother Dao, the West, the Heavenly Court and the Monster Race, all masters have gathered. It seems that they are planning to fight this decisively and overwhelm us with great strength, and then use this to defeat Xiqi and unify the human race..."

Duobao frowned as he looked at Xuan Du and said.

"This battle, I am afraid it will not be easy, you immortals, what countermeasures do you have?"

The new master of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Ji Fa looked at the crowd and asked, his expression a bit solemn.

His cultivation level has been improved a lot, and he is no more than the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm. Naturally, he can't participate in the battle at that level. It can only be pinned on the disciples of the Sanjiao.

"Brother Dao, the elder Tandeng, elder I explained, has already arrived..."

At this moment, Guang Chengzi, who was beside him, said to Xuan Du after a thought in his heart.

Hearing this, Xuan Du nodded, and in this way, there would be one more master, and there would not be too much difference.

"You don't have to worry, it's easy to solve this matter..."

At this time, an ethereal voice sounded, but it was Bi Xiao, one of the Eight Great Disciples, one of the Three Heavens, under the seat of Jiejiao Tongtian.

"Junior Sister, these are all masters of the tripartite forces, don't be careless..."

Duobao frowned and said.

"Brother, can you forget, what is my most powerful means of intercepting teaching?" Bi Xiao said.

Hearing that, Duobao's expression was slightly awkward, Yun Xiao and Qiong Xiao already knew what their sister was.

"It's the formation method. The most powerful method I use to intercept teaching is the formation method..." Duobao nodded, his eyes lit up.

"Yes, the big brother is right. It is the formation. I am in charge of the Jiuqu Yellow River formation. This formation is unparalleled. Let him be the Daluo Jinxian and the realm of quasi-sage. As long as you enter this formation, there will be death or no life. ......" There was a hint of pride on Bi Xiao's pretty face.

The power of this formation is indeed terrifying, and even Duobaoxuandu and others know this.

"My sister's remarks are good. If you set up this battle, naturally you can understand the current situation. But what I want to say is, if you set up this battle directly, maybe they won't be fooled, so they need to do something... "

Yun Xiao smiled slightly, and continued, "With the Zhou Tian Shi Jue Array of Shi Tianjun and Junior Brothers and Sisters, wrap the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, and use the array method to ring and buckle the array, to come to a Zhoutian Yellow River Array, so that the power will increase again. It can also confuse them..."

Hearing that, everyone's eyes brightened, even Bi Xiao couldn't help but admire the cleverness of her sister.

"Junior Sister's method is very clever. In this way, they can definitely tell them to come back and forth..." Duobao laughed.

"Junior Sister Sanxiao's method is good, so follow the method of Junior Sister Sanxiao..."

After thinking about it in Xuan Du's heart, he nodded slightly, setting the progress of the matter.


San Xiao and Shi Tianjun looked at each other, and immediately arched their hands.

Afterwards, after discussing it again, everyone left and went down to prepare.


When Xiqi began to set up the formation, the masters of the tripartite forces of Yin and Shang were also coming quickly.

Ten years later.

In the Yin Shang camp.

"Unexpectedly, Zhun mentioned that the saint still kept such a hand..."

When Di Xin saw the evil corpse, he smiled immediately.

"This sage arranges this way for this time, so that you can succeed and quickly return to your position. This sage can only arrange this way. When the masters of the two forces are all together, let's start!"

Zhunti Evil Corpse glanced at Emperor Gou Chen, and Yu Jiang and the others said to Emperor Xin after a glance.

Although Zhun mentioned the evil corpse had some confidence in his own cultivation, but the Heavenly Court and the monster race could come with a few more Da Luo and quasi-sage masters, then Zhun mentioned the evil corpse would naturally not refuse.

In order to ensure that Di Xin went smoothly at this time, the successful proving of the Eighth Emperor, Zhun mentioned the evil corpse also had to end quickly.

The timing is the best now, the masters are all outside the chaos, the timing is just right, he naturally wants to hurry up.

Di Xin nodded and said, "Everyone is ready to prepare during this time..."

Hearing this, everyone arched their hands, then turned and left.


In a blink of an eye, decades have passed.

In the past few decades, the three masters of the Yin and Shang forces have been gathered, while Xiqi has already practiced the operation of the big formation in the past hundred years, everything is ready, and the formation is started. .

So, a few years later.


At this time, a series of roars sounded from above the nine heavens, and then there was a black rain, which lasted for several months before it stopped.

In the precipice, countless creatures looked up and stared, not knowing what happened.

At this time, only Zhun mentioned that the evil corpse knew that Tongtian, Yuanshi and Nuwa, plus the Zhuxian Sword Formation, had already wiped out three Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal Demon Clan in the past two hundred years.

The remaining five are not far away.

After Di Xin learned the whole news, he immediately waved his hand, and the Yin and Shang army began to advance.

On the other side, in Xiqi.

San Xiao and Shi Tianjun~www.ltnovel.com~, the Xiqi people who led the exercise, came to Jiepaiguan, and began to make formations.

The Jiuqu Yellow River Formation was set down first. The Three Heavens Main Formation, together with the six hundred sergeants of Xiqi and some materials for the formation, set up the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, which shocked trillions of miles in aura, shocked countless creatures, and looked shocked. Looking at this place with the color of the eye.

Seeing the Jiuqu Yellow River Array under the Shitianjun, he glanced at each other and began to arrange his own Zhoutian Shijue Array to wrap the Jiuqu Yellow River Array.

The two formations are interlocking, the law of the avenue and the trajectory of the formation are integrated and interwoven, and the power has increased a lot.

Among the two formations, the main attack is the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, with Zhou Tianshijue Formation as a deputy. As long as they enter the formation, all those above Da Luo will go to the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. Those below Da Luo will all be in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. Zhou Tian ten must be in the array.

After several years, Xiqi's formation was finally completed, waiting for the arrival of the Yin and Shang army.



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