Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 6 Chapter 18: Luo? Hit hard and escape

Latest website: Chapter 18: Luo Hui hits hard and escapes

Chaos world, somewhere in time and space.

"Everything is inferior, but I am supreme!"

At this time, Tai Shang was incarnate as a supreme existence, with awe-inspiring expression, the blue light on his body shining through the chaos, refracting the ten thousand realms, and all the nine days were shrouded in blue light.

There is a long river of time and space, a long river of destiny, endless creatures staring, their faces are shocked, and they don't know what happened.

But what I know is that power, that breath, is too terrifying.

In front of such power, there is only surrender, only fall, and no other possibility exists.

The power of the avenue!

Law of the Great Way!

Tai Chi Golden Immortal Tao Yun!

The power of the Promise World!

The power of the Sanqing Taoist!

Superposition, fusion, cohesion...

Too Shang speaks lightly, turning into the voice of the great road, and speaks out the way.

He stretched out his hand and pointed out Luo Huo from the air. It was unremarkable, but it contained the true meaning of the great way to the simple way.

Then I saw everything collapsed, the long river of time and space, the long river of destiny seemed to be broken, the heavens shattered, the avenue collapsed, everything returned to nothingness, as if it had returned to the origin of everything, born from nothing, there is a greatness, chaos, and returned to the most The origin of the beginning.

At this moment, everything seemed to be broken, time, space, heaven and earth, thoughts, etc., are all condensed at this moment.

The collapse swept, everything was swallowed in.

Everything is silent, everything is gone, and the road returns to the ruins!

The power of horror, even if Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is consummated, it can only be fearful, unable to respond, and can only wait for the fall.

In the face of such a power, all the existences showed horror infinitely.


Seeing this, Luo Hui's expression changed. This blow, with the help of the mighty power of Jin ascending and descending, was enough to severely damage him.

Rao is that he is in the middle stage of Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal. At this time, his complexion is extremely solemn, and a terrifying roar erupts from his body. The magic light is shining, and the magic energy smashes the long river of time and space, turning into a boundless existence. One finger.

Locked by this finger, he couldn't avoid it at all. There was no other way but to force it.

At this time, Tongtian, Yuanshi, Nuwa, Houtu and others all felt that the entire chaos was shaking, and an extremely terrifying aura was condensing. Above the chaos, the sound of thunder exploded.

The expressions of everyone changed, this breath was enough to obliterate everyone present.

They don't know what happened, but such a terrifying aura is obviously a terrifying fight.

They can't snoop, and at this time they can only hope that their side can win.



It seems to be the sound of Jin Ge's mingling, or the soft mingling of the avenue, which is crisp and melodious, resounding through the world.

At the place where Taishang's finger touched Luohu and the Supreme Treasure Disc in his hand, a black glow emerged, which immediately turned into a black hole, swallowing everything in it.


In the next moment, Luo Hui was seen flying upside down, **** fog filled the sky, and under one blow, he was already injured.

Luohu's face was shocked. Although Taishang's own strength was terrifying, it was difficult to directly inflict him on him. However, with the help of the vision of all worlds and the power of the great road that came when he was promoted, everything was gathered together, and then Plus his own strength.

This blow, injuring myself hard, was all light.


Luo Hui shattered countless world-wide voids, and looked pale and cold.

The injury on his body is really serious. The two sides have different avenues, coupled with the power of the promoted avenue, at this time the avenue that is constantly destroying his body in his body can only be temporarily suppressed and then resolved later.


Violet light opens up the world, good fortune jade evolves sentient beings!

At this time, he fell directly, and Luo Huo was so fast that it was difficult for Luo Hu to react.

In other words, Luo Hu already knew, but because of his severely injured body, the reaction was no longer the same.


Luo Hui was blasted into the air again, blood spilling into the sky, his face turned paler, his breath dropped a lot, and he seemed to be falling into this situation. The mana around him was in disorder, and the power of the great power rushed into chaos.

His current situation is extremely bad.


Tai Shang walked in the chaotic world under his feet, where he stepped on, chaotic air invaded, evolved earth, water, wind, and fire, and then formed a world, and then one after another was broken, as if the supreme existence, dominates everything.

The world under his feet emerged, the power of the great avenue penetrated the firmament of the universe, the blood-red murderous intent covered the sky, all the spear lights, all the murderous intent, at this moment, seemed like an endless ocean, drowning towards Luo Hao.

This blow was a blow to the peak of the real Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal's initial stage, and it was the real power of Dao Yun and law in this realm.

The power of the great avenue he used was dissipated after a single blow.

But Luo Hui was already hit hard at this time, the situation was serious, he didn't care, and he didn't need it anymore.


At the moment when Taishang shot the gun, a world came and blasted towards Luohu.

In the palm of the hand, the boundless world!

A world came to attack. Luo Hao had never seen him before Tai Shang, but when he saw it now, the situation was not so satisfactory.

The attack of Taishang on the left, the attack of Daozu Hongjun on the right, the Wuji world above.

At this time, all of them are locked on him, but he can't block all of them, and an attack must fall on him.


Luo Hui roared, the Arcane Destruction Disc blasted towards Hongjun Daozu, and he pounced on Tai Shang.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The disc of destruction was blasted off, and a lot of power fell on Luo Hu. Although Luo Hu blocked Tai Shang's attack, the Promise World hit him.

Under such an attack, Luo Yu did not fall down at this time, it was already his horror.

"call out!"

In the next instant, only a black light flashed past, rolled up the destruction disc, and disappeared in this place of time and space.

Such a speed, even Hongjun Daozu, is not as fast as it can be.

Seeing this, Hongjun Daozu shook his head.

"this is?!"

He frowned, and there was still a chance that Luo Hu would be close to fall, so how could he escape? And it's so fast, is this still like Luo Hu who has been hit to the extreme?

"This is a magical power of Luo Hui, it is not cheap, and it is not easy to use..." Taoist Hongjun said.

Hearing that, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com nodded too much. Since it is a magical power that is not cheap, it is reasonable to burn mana.

"It's not without gain this time. Luo Hu was attacked by me and hit by the world. In his current situation, the main road has been damaged, but it is not so easy to recover..."

Daozu Hongjun looked at Taishang and said.

Hearing that, Too nodded, but he knew it.

Luo Hui's injury was indeed serious, and it could have been more serious, but he was still taken away.

But judging from the current situation, Luo Hui did not recover so quickly, and it was not that he did not directly obliterate his strength.

After thinking about it for a while, Tai Shang didn't go deep into it. He looked at the depths of the chaos, and his eyes were faint and unpredictable.



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